
Oral Hygiene Instructions

(2006-02-22 09:46:08) 下一個
Oral Hygiene Instructions

We are only talking about home care here. It's recommended to visit dentists twice a year and keep brushing and flossing twice a day. Prevention is always better than treatment.

Salt-water rinse:
1. Good to remove plaque.
2. Good to reduce inflammation.
3. Add one teaspoon of table salt to one glass of water.
4. Rinse for one minute and then spit out.
5. Finish with fresh water rinse to reduce the risk of sodium intake.

Fluoride rinse:
1. Over the counter (OTC) as ACT, etc.
2. Good to make teeth "stronger" to reduce cavity risks.
3. Good to control some bacteria by toxication.
4. Good for early heat/cold tooth sensitivity along gum line due to gum recession.
5. Rinse for one minute before bed.
6. No more eating, drinking, rinsing with water afterwards till morning.
7. Continue every night.

1. OTC for dry mouth as artificial lubricant.
2. Come as gum, rinse, toothpaste, and gel.
3. Follow the instruction on label.

1. A natural sugar.
2. Good to prevent bacteria to attach to tooth surface and thus decreases the risk of decay.
3. Won't be metabolized by bacteria to generate acids to dissolve teeth.
4. Can chew on the gum 2 sticks a time, 3 times a day.
5. Can suck on the candy 3-4 times a day.

Chlorhexidine rinse 0.12%:
1. Good to control gingivitis (gum disease without bone loss) and periodontitis (gum disease with bone loss).
1. Preion only as PERIDEX, PERIOGARD, and some newer generic ones.
2. Will stain teeth yellow to brown if prolonged usage.
3. Will temporarily alter taste, good if on diet ;-)
4. Will increase the deposition of calculus.
5. Rinse for one minute before bed.
6. No more eating, drinking, rinsing with water afterwards till morning.
7. Rinse every night for 7 nights, then stop for 3 weeks.
8. Continue to rinse for 1 week per month
9. This way, we maximize the benefits and minimize the side effects.

1. OTC oral rinse.
2. Good for acute gingivitis.
3. Very bad for long-term usage.
4. Rinse one teaspoon for 30 seconds, twice a day.
5. 21.6% of alcohol will make your mouth burning and dry
6. Prolonged usage, especially with smoking, increases risks for oral cancers significantly

1. OTC oral rinse.
2. 15% of alcohol.
3. Comparable to Listerine.
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