
星言 (2003)

(2005-05-23 07:46:02) 下一個

02/24/2003 Sunday


Today I read a book called “Matilda”. It’s written by Roald Dahl, and illustrated by Quentin Blake. The book is about a girl called Matilda. Matilda’s family hates her. One day Matilda’s father sends her to Crunchem Hall Primary School. At school Matilda finds a friend named Lavender. Matilda is very smart. On Thursday, Miss Trunchbull the principal takes over Miss Honey’s class. Miss Honey is Matilda’s teacher. She is very nice. Miss Trunchbull pours herself some water. In the water is a slimy newt. Miss Trunchbull screams and tells Miss Honey that Matilda put the newt in the water. After school Miss Honey invites Matilda to her house. Miss Honey tells Matlida a story about her childhood. Miss Honey’s aunt is Miss Trunchbull a hammer throwing olimpic player. The next day is Thursday and Miss Trunchbull takes over the class. Matilda uses her magic eyes to write a note to Miss Trunchbull.


Agatha, this is Magnus. This is Magnus. It is Magnus and you’d better believe it Agatha. Give my Jenny back her house. Give my Jenny back her wages. Give my Jenny the house. Then get out of here. If you don’t, I will come and get you. I will come and get you like you got me. I am watching you Agatha.


Magnus is Miss Honey’s father and Agatha is Miss Trunchbull’s name. Miss Trunchbull runs away and Miss Honey inherits her father’s wealth.





Today I read a book called “Afternoon on the Amazon”. It’s written by Mary Pope Osborne and illustrated by Sal Murdocca. This book is about a boy named Jack and a girl named Annie. Jack and Annie wish to go to the Amazon. So they get on a magic tree house, and arrive at the Amazon. After getting out of the tree house, Jack and Annie start looking for something they are supposed to find. Then Jack and Annie see animals fleeing. Jack reads that there are flesh-eating ants. Jack and Annie find a river to hide. Then Annie finds a canoe. Jack and Annie get on the canoe and start drifting down the river. Jack grabs onto a vine to slow down the canoe. But the vine is really a snake. Then Annie tries to grab a log to use a paddle to steer the canoe. The log turns out to be a crocodile. Jack and Annie see a monkey. The monkey helps to pull the canoe to the bank of the river. Jack and Annie tell peanut who is a mouse to find the tree house. Peanut finds the tree house, but Jack and Annie can’t find the book that shows the place where they live to take them home. The monkey gives a mango and Jack finds the book to take them home.  



03/23/2003, Sunday


Today I read a book called “the adventures of Captain Underpants” by Dav Pilkey. The book is about two boys called George and Harold. George and Harold were very naughty. They were the principal’s most disliked students. George and Harold made comics to sell at the school playground fro 50 cents. One day George and Harold did something really bad. The principal taped it on the video camera and threatened to show their parents. George and Harold did not want their parents to see the video, so they had to wash the principal’s car everyday. Then George bought a 3-D hypno-ring to make the principal give the tape to them. George and Harold hypnotized the principal into being Captain Underpants when Harold clicked his fingers with the ring on. George and Harold followed Captain Underpants into an abandoned warehouse and saw the evil Dr. Diaper. Dr. Diaper had to change and his robots tied Captain Underpants up. George and Harold switched on the self-destruct button on Dr. Diaper’s machine, untied Captain Underpants, and ran away. Harold and George took Captain Underpants to the principal’s office. George got a bucket of water and Harold clicked his fingers. Captain Underpants turned into the principal again. The principal couldn’t remember all this and told them to wash his car. The trick only worked when they clicked their fingers.



04/06/2003, Saturday


Today I read a book called “Aliens for Breakfast”. It’s by Jonathan Etra, and illustrated by Steve Bjorkman. It’s about a boy called Richard. When Richard eats his cereal he finds an alien in his bowl. The alien’s name is Aric. Aric tells Richard about Dranes. Dranes invade planets and divide every four days. There is a new boy named Dorf in Richard’s class and Aric tells Richard that Dorf is a Drane. So they try to think of ways to destroy the Drane. The alien tries to find things to destroy Dranes, but cannot find them. So Richard takes the alien to the mall. They find the Drane and see him eat pepper flakes. Then the alien remembers the things that destroy Dranes are pepper flakes. The next day Richard brings five pounds of pepper flakes to school. He gives it to the Drane and it explodes, killing him. Richard is very happy at the end.



4/27/03 Saturday


Today I went to the Hollywood Premier Cinemas with Brenda to watch the movie “Holes”. It is about a boy called Stanley Yelnats. One day Stanley is walking, and then suddenly a pair of shoes comes and hits Stanley on the head. Police find Stanley and take him to court for stealing famous shoes from a children’s orphanage. The judge sends Stanley to Camp Greenlake. At Camp Greenlake the people there tell everybody to dig holes 5ft wide and 5ft deep. It takes a long time for Stanley to dig a hole. One day Stanley receives a letter from his mother. There is something funny on it. A boy named Zero aske Stanley what was funny. Stanley lets Zero read what is funny but Zero says he can not read. Zero wants some lessons from Stanley but he is too tired from digging holes.


Someone finds out that Zero digs Stanley’s holes so he tells the Warden. The Warden tells Stanley that her secret ingredient in making nail polish is snake venom. The Warden touches Mr. Sir with snake venom that makes him scream. The next day the councilor tells Zero he is stupid so he hits him on the head with a shovel and runs away. Then Stanley runs after him. Stanley finds him under a boat. Zero tells Stanley about something he is eating called “sploosh”. Then they run for many days till they find water. Stanley finds onions and eats them with Zero. Then they take some back to the camp. At Camp they find a hole and dig deeper. Stanley and Zero find a chest and dig it out. Then poisonous lizards come. They crawl around Stanley and Zero. The next day Stanley’s mother comes to pick him up. They take Zero with them. In the chest there are very valuable things. Half of it is given to Zero. Stanley takes Zero to the bus stop and Zero’s mother comes out of the bus. Zero is very happy at the end. 



5/11/03 Sunday


Today I read a book called “The Ersatz Elevator”. It is written by Lemony Snicket. It’s about Violet, Sunny, and Klaus Baudilaire who have to live with Jerome and Esme Squalor. Their apartment has seventy rooms. One day Klaus sees something and starts thinking about it. He figures something about the elevator. When they get to their apartment, they find an up button the highest floor. Violet pushes the button and they climb down with rope. They see their kidnapped friends and want to help them. When they return with something to help their friends, hey are gone. Later Esme pushes Violet, Klaus, and Sunny down the elevator shaft. They fall into a net that breaks their fall. Sunny wants to use her teeth to climb up. Sunny screams “top” when she is at the top of the elevator shaft.



May 25, 2003 Sunday


Today I read a book called “Katie and the Mona Lisa” written and illustrated by James Mayhew. This book is about a girl called Katie whose grandmother takes her to an art museum. In the museum Katie sees a painting of the Mona Lisa. Katie asks the Mona Lisa why she smiles Mona Lisa says she smiles because she is supposed to. Katie wants Mona Lisa to be happy so she takes Mona Lisa to other paintings. They go to other paintings called: St. George and the dragon by Rapheal, Primavera by Sandro Bottecelli, The Lion of St. Mark by Vittore Carpaccio, and An Angel with a Lute by a student of Leonardo de Vinci. In the first painting, Mona Lisa sees St. George trying to kill a dragon, in the second painting, she sees people dancing. In the third a lion lets them ride on his back. In the last painting an angel plays a lute. At the end Mona Lisa is happy because when she thinks of Katie it makes her laugh.



June 5, 2003 Saturday


Today I read a book called “Harriet’s Hare”. It’s by Dick King Smith and illustrated by Roger Roth. It’s about a girl called Harriet whose mother died when she was little. One day Harriet sees a big circle in the wheat field. She goes to the circle in the wheat, and sees a hare standing still. The hare says “Good Morning”. Harriet names the hare “Wiz” because he is a creature from Pars who can turn into anything. Harriet tells Wiz that her dad is going to combine the Wheat today. Wiz turns himself into a gold finch and flies away. After Hariet’s dad combines the wheat, he tells Harriet he shot two rabbits and a hare. At breakfast the next morning, Harriet tells her dad to give the two rabbits and the hare away because she does not want to eat them. A few days later Harriet finds Wiz eating the tops of the carrots. One day a lady called Jessica Lambert comes to buy some eggs. On the way home, she sees a hare, and her car goes down the ditch. Then Harriet’s dad uses his tractor to pull the car up. After a few days Harriet’s dad invites Jessica Lambert to a dinner party. Then her dad asks Jessica to marry him. At the end Harriet gets a new mother and Wiz has three children who can sit still someone approaches them. And that reminds Harriet of Wiz.



June 7, 2003


Today I read a book called “The Word Eater”. It’s written by Mary Amato and illustrated by Christopher Ryniak. It’s about a magic worm called Fip that eats words. Whatever word Fip eats disappears from the word forever. A girl called Lerner finds Fip and puts it on an article from a magazine. Fip eats Jay’s Star and Jay’s Star disappears. The next day an article says that Jay’s Star disappeared. Lerner finds out that whatever Fip eats disappears from the world forever. Lerner deletes everybody’s exam so they have detention. Lerner deletes Bobby Nitze’s dog. Bobby gets angry at Mr. Droan their teacher and steals Fip to delete Mr. Droan. Then Lerner tells Fip to eat more. Mr. Droan’s suit disappears. Then the SLUGS want to delete the MPOOE club. It works. The MPOOE CLUB breaks up and joins the club. Lerner tells them about Fip. Someone wants to delete the school. Someone steals Fip to delete the school. Lerner tries to stop them. They stop. Fip only eats Clevel. On TV Clevel hair color disappeared forever. Then Fip eats the words “Fip’s Magic”. Fip doesn’t have any magic so Lerner sets him free.



June 8, 2003-June 23, 2003


On June 8, 2003 we left Starkville MS for Washington DC, New York, and Niagara Falls. It took three days to get to Washington DC. At Washington DC we stayed at a hotel called Best Western Key Bridge in Arlington VA. We stayed at Best Western for five days.


On the first day we went to the Smithsonian. At the Smithsonian we visited several boring art museums. Afterwards we went to the Capitol and the Library of Congress. On the second day, we visited the White House, Washington Memorial, and the Lincoln Memorial. We then went to the national museum of American history. While we were there we saw September 11 exhibition. Afterwards we got to national museum of natural history. We watched an IMAX movie called “t-rex back to the Cretaceous in 3-D. in the movie a rock fell on our heads and a dinosaur egg was stolen by another dinosaur who wanted to eat it. In the end the egg was returned. All the other eggs were hatched and became baby dinosaurs. On the third day we went to the national zoological park. We saw pandas, armadillos, and naked mole rats. On the fourth day we went to the holocaust museum. We looked at Anne Frank’s diary and other exhibitions. About six million Jews perished during the I914’s.


After five days we left Washington DC for New York City. We lived in a hotel called West End Studios near Broadway. On the first day, we rode a ferry to the Statue of Liberty. We walked around the Statue of Liberty and went to the gift store to buy stuff. Then we rode the ferry to Ellis Island and came back for lunch. Then we went to Chinatown and bought some stuff. Then we rode the subway home. On the second day we went to a lot of 99 cents stores along Broadway, and walked to Central Park. We walked to UN headquarters and then Times Square. We shopped at the 99 cents store there. On the third day we went to Wall Street to look at the Bull dad thought about for 20 years. We went to Chinatown after seeing the Bull. We bought a lot of stuff.


We drove from Manhattan to Niagara Falls, and booked a tour about Niagara Falls. Next morning we walked over the Rainbow Bridge to Canada and stayed there for one and half hours. Then we got out of Canada to Days Inn Hotel. The tour bus picked us up and took us to the Cave of Winds. Everyone put on yellow raincoats and looked like yellow ducks. We walked under the American Falls. Everyone got wet. Then we rode the Maid of the Mist ferry and got wet again. Afterwards, we saw other things like the Spanish Aero Car and the whirlpool. We stayed at the Days Inn for another night and then we drove home, via Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee.

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