
I'd like to improve my English through exhcanges with Chinese friends in home and abroad.


(2009-10-06 01:42:08) 下一個

Recently, I read an article in The Economist in which the viewpoints of an American economist immediately drew my attention.

This American economist, sorry I forgot his name, spent a lot of time and energy in researching an interesting and eye-catching topic: why some people are very rich while others are so poor? What are the decisive factors which make a man or woman become riche or remain poor?


His motivations consist of finding the recipe of becoming riche and help the poor to lift themselves out of poverty and become also relatively riche. He is a kind-hearted, conscious economist.


His findings are both unexpected and enlightening. According to his researches, there are basically six decisive factors which determine the destiny of most of us.

1. parentage, or family background,

2. education

3. opportunities,

4. fortune,

5. endeavor,

6. options


Among these six factors, two and half of them are given by accident by the God. We can’t choose our parents, we can’t control our fortune, and for the opportunities, the optimists often say: “ opportunities often smile on those who are well prepared.”  So, I consider that we can partly guide opportunities toward our favor.  The three other factors, education, endeavor and options, are almost under our control. Or to be more precise, partly within our grip.


So, if a Chinese child originated in an ordinary family, like mine, wants to become riche and successful, what does he or she need to do, basically three things:


First, receive a good education. This is the most fundamental factor which will decide your destiny in the long term.


Second, endeavor, make tireless efforts in your career.


Third, make the right decisions at the key crossroads of your life. We are not immortal saints. We are just mortal human being. So of course, we often make mistakes. We often make bad, unwise, even stupid options. That doesn’t matter. Everyone does the same, even a great man like Chairman MAO, the Red Sun, the Great Helmsman, had made many grave mistakes. Let along us, small potatoes.


But, in the life of one person, several key crossroads options are so important what no mistake is tolerated. You can’t afford to make any mistakes in these crucial key options like the university to attend, the specialty choice, the job and career, the marriage and family, start up your own business, live and work at home or abroad, child education, etc.  if you make any big mistake in this regards, the price to pay is too high for you. And it is not exaggerating to say that a bad option can ruin half of you life and waste 20 valuable years of your life. A old Chinese saying tells us: “A deadly error of choice for a woman is a bad husband, a deadly error of a man is a bad profession.” 女怕嫁錯郎,男怕選錯行。(this is my personal translated version, not an official translation.)


In conclusion, we need to receive a good education, make right key important decisions, work hard, and wait and hope and pray for good luck and exceptional opportunities to smile on us one day. 


What does it mean a good education? That is another important and very controversial topic. I will try to touch this theme in the future.

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