前一段換02烤肉的intake gasket,hood下邊大拆一通,然後安裝回去,結果車發動不起來了。
於是乎,檢查電,打火,油路,都沒有問題。考慮自己的業餘級別,於是研究檢查低級錯誤。最終發現是intake那根最粗的皮管道沒有完全安裝好,造成罕見的巨大vacuum leak。
紅線標注的是intake hose。綠色箭頭指示的,是我沒有安裝到位的,連接throttle的一頭。因為那裏位置比較低,周圍小管道多,比較擠,所以起先把橡皮管道插到throttle上隨便了些。從上邊看是插到底了,但是下邊沒有完全插到頭,大黑橡皮管子,實際是以一個斜麵連接在throttle上,造成下邊一個大裂縫開口。
這次因為把電池和intake box都拆了,所以空間非常大,檢查和再安裝就很明朗簡單了。
現在車又活了,等待check engine light,繼續測試中。
感謝 bushihandyman 對vacuum leak 的提醒。也感謝 motorcycle 讓俺又學習了一招診斷方法,不過這次沒用上,先還給你哈
”Even if there's fuel and it is being delivered to the engine, a massive vacuum leak could be preventing the engine from starting. A large enough vacuum leak will lean out the air/fuel ratio to such an extent that the mixture won't ignite.
An EGR valve that's stuck wide open, a disconnected PCV hose, loose vacuum hose for the power brake booster, or similar leak could be the culprit. Check all vacuum connections and listen for unusual sucking noises while cranking. “