Car Wax Reviews
What is the Best Car Wax?
Best Car Wax Reviews
The Best Car Wax isn't always the most expensive. Are there a lot of good car waxes on the market? There certainly are, but what's best for some may not be best for all. On the other hand, there may be one really great car wax out there that we could all agree to know and love, if we only knew about it. So, what is the best car wax? As someone who likes keeping my 1997 Silver, 540i BMW looking its best, I decided it would be interesting to find out what other people are saying about car waxes. Is there a best car wax? Is there truly a favorite out there that does the best job whether you've got an old 1967 Buick, a 1997 BMW or a 2010 Subaru Tribeca. What is the Best Car Wax for everybody? Before I get to the Car Wax Reviews, it helps to get familiar with some of the various types and brands.
Best Car Wax Types
Synthetic and Natural. Synthetic Waxes use polymer and other types of chemical sealants to shine and protect the car finish. Carnuba Wax is a natural product that comes from Palm Leaves. Both synthetic and natural waxes have their pros and cons. The synthetic waxes are much easier to apply and they wipe off easier leaving less dust and residue on the surface. Synthetic waxes last longer as they have a higher melting point in the sun. So, why use Carnuba Wax? Because it gives your car a deep, rich, high-gloss shine not possible from synthetic waxes. Also, some of the synthetic waxes out there use cleaners which somewhat detracts from the glossy shine and also hinders its protective qualities. On the other hand, these cleaners can help remove fine scratches and swirls. As you can see, using a car wax is not a science so much as an art. A best car wax for some is not necessarily best for all. If you want your car well protected and looking its best, I recommend using both a synthetic wax and a natural wax. Give your car a thorough washing, then thoroughly wax it with the synthetic polish. Then, to give it that brilliant shine, put a Carnuba Wax on top of that. Your car will look better than ever before. On to the Best Car Wax Brands...
Best Car Wax Brands
In no particular order, these are the three brands of car wax you're most likely to recognize:
- Turtle Wax
- Mothers
- Mequiar's
I'm happy, if not proud, to say that I've tried all three of these brands. I've literally used at least one entire bottle of each of these products between the last 6 or 7 cars I've owned or leased. I have not been disappointed with any of these Product Review Car Waxes. In addition to experience with brands, it helps to there are different categories among them. I’ve chosen to review the most popular Synthetic Car Wax Brands.
Car Wax Reviews

The Mothers 10016 Reflections Car Wax costs about 12-Bucks for a 16 Ounce Bottle. The texture is smooth and creamy and it is very easy to apply. The immediate results look impressive. In fact, it will keep the finish on your new car looking as beautiful as the day you bought it. I like the fact that there seems to be little residue when wiping off the Mothers 10016 with a clean rag. Still, I'm not ready to say it is the best car wax I've ever used. It really depends on the car and purpose. This particular variety of Mothers actually has some cleaning properties in it along with its synthetic polish. If there is a negative with the Mothers Car Wax it is that it was hard to tell there was really much of a protective coat left on the painted surface of the car. Perhaps, this is just an indication as to how well the finish is applied or perhaps it means that Mothers Wax is somewhat thin and superficial. Looks are one thing, but how well does it protect? Doing Car Wax Reviews is tricky due to the difference in surfaces, colors, temperature and variety of other features and the uncertainty of its lasting protective qualities.

Meguiar's NXT Tech Wax
is a Polymer Synthetic Car polish. It does a great job providing an excellent finish and shine. However, it is not intended for removing fine scratches and swirls. I think this is because it lacks the cleaning ingredients of the Mothers above. Consequently, there is really no grit to this Meguiar's wax. It goes on smooth as butter and polishes off well, though not quite as easily as the Mothers. It really makes my silver 2009 Subaru Legacy look good, but I wasn't as impressed with the finish on the 1997 Bimmer. It didn't seem to make a difference in the depth and overall surface shine as well as the Mothers. It is also a bit more expensive than the Mothers. On the other hand, Meguiar's NXT Tech Wax is one of the most reviewed products on the market for a variety of cars and surfaces. It has a well established track record, so it is certainly versatile for a number of different colors and paints.
Turtle Wax T-412 Liquid High Gloss Platinum Wax comes in a 16 oz bottle for about $14 or $15. This stuff is not cheap, but then again, this is the one product that really brought life back into the hood of my 13 year old BMW 540i. Having used the other products above, I noticed that my hood was not beading up in the rain like you’d expect it too after applying a good coat of wax. The results of the Turtle Wax were impressive. The next time I washed my car, the hood had thick beads of water on it as if I had gotten a brand new paint job. Looks-wise, there is no comparison. The high Gloss Liquid Turtle Wax gives it that deep shine; almost as if I had put a good coat of carnuba wax on it. This product also uses synthetic polymers and like Mothers will help remove fine swirls and scratches. I’ve used the cheaper $6.00 cans of Turtle Wax in the past and have always liked them, except for the hard work required to rub them in and wipe them off. The T-412 is the Best Car Wax of the bunch.