3,奧巴馬總統的刺激經濟措施中有一條是鼓勵大家買新車的。對收入在$125,000的個人報稅者和$250,000 的夫婦共同報稅的家庭, 如果你在02/17/2009 到 12/31/2009 之間的任何一天買過一台新出廠的 8,500 Lbs 以下的轎車,休旅車,小卡車,或者摩托車,,你在買車時,為前$49,500支付的稅金可以拿來抵稅。 不要忘記sales tax, local tax and excise duty paid, 這三項支出都可以增加你的標準減稅額(standard deduction).
4, 如果你在2009年領過失業金,不要忘記失業金的前$2,400是免稅的。對共同報稅的夫婦兩人來說,也就是$4,800的免稅額。
You said: "不要忘記sales tax, local tax and excise duty paid, 這三項支出都可以增加你的標準減稅額(standard deduction)." Does that mean I can choose standard deduction AND claim sales tax at the same time (i.e. not using itemized deduction)?
Besides, what's excise duty paid?
Another question for you: how to claim child credit ($1000 per child)?
Learning much from your articles. Maybe have some more questions for you later. Could you give me some answers? Thank you so much!
請問,這個標準 收入在$125,000的個人報稅者和$250,000 的夫婦共同報稅的家庭, 是以下吧?