
Term life strongly recommended, reasons are inside

(2010-04-05 20:58:33) 下一個
Strongly recommended

Years ago, I spent much time researching this topic, and the conclusion I got is following: buy term life first, get conversion clause, maybe buy whole life later. The reason follows.

You could get term life really cheap, like $25/mon for 0.5mil coverage. If you don't have kid, you could make your parents (~75%) as well as your hubby (25%) as beneficiary. Likewise for your hubby. After you have kid, gradually shift the portion of beneficiary to your hubby, but still leave 100K to your parents. This way, if worst happens, your parent would get something, and after you have kid, your hubby should get much to raise the kid.

Also remember to get the rider that allows you to covert to whole life without a new physical. This protects if you later become disabled or has bad health condition. If that happens and you don't have the clause, it'll be impossible to get life insurance.

Whole life is for rich people. So if you think you're, or will be, rich, buy that. Otherwise, term life with the conversion clause is enough for now.

Hope this helps.
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