

(2010-07-28 11:27:24) 下一個
是的,320k,首付20%。租金1700左右/月,200/月PROPERTY TAX, 50/月保險。
我的想法是自己先拿出來7.5k付首付和CLOSING,另外的貸款,PROPERTY TAX,保險爭取盡量從租金裏麵出。是不是我的想法太幼稚?其實也不知道房子什莫時候能開始升值。現在我們這個地區的房價還在走低。也很難判斷這個新房子的320K是否合理?
實在是太喜歡這個END UNIT樂,很擔心自己不夠理智。

Reading your post, all I see is following:
1. "爭取", "盡量"從租金裏麵出;
2. 不知道房子什莫時候能開始升值;
3. 很難判斷這個新房子的320K是否合理;
and more importantly:
4. 實在是太喜歡這個END UNIT樂.

Based on these words, it's clear that you're probably "不夠理智." Item #4 is clearly the mentality of a homeowner, not a landlord.

First of all, 20% of 320K is 62K, not 7.5K. Add in closing cost, probably 70K.

For rental, there is not need for deck. It'll be nice to have it, but not for $5000, since you probably won't get any higher rent because of it.

Yes, you'll need stove, fridge, washer/dryer, possibly dish washer.

Now for the profit analysis:

Rental income: $1700/mon

mortgage payment: $1535/month
(interest 1280, principle 255)
(assumes 20% down, 6% rate, 30 year fixed)
Property Tax: $200
insurance: $50

Now, your expense is already $1800, and we haven't talked about other stuff.

management (8%): $140
maintenance (10%): $170
vacancy (10%): $170

From a passive investor's point of view, you'd be loosing 1700-1800-140-170-170 = -$580/month.

Note, your maintenance should be lower since it's new. However, after a few years, there will be something that needs fixing. And vacancy could be lower, at 5%. You could manage it yourself, but there is some learning to do. Also, you'd be earning $140/month for all your work.

Now, you might wish the price would go up. I doubt that would happen within the next 10 years. But this is really a personal opinion.

Look at it this way, you pay $70K to the bank, then every month you'd be loosing $580. That's -7K a year. This is after you paid 70K, and assumed $256K liability in the form of mortgage. I'm not sure what kind of investor you are, but that's definitely not my cup of tea.

Again, this is just personal opinion, as you might strike it rich just as buying lottery. Please don't make any investment decision based on this post. Or any other posts, for that matter. On the other hand, there are many good, informative posts on this board. Digging them up and understand what people are saying are wise.

Hope this helps.

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