
401K 問題解答

(2010-03-15 20:20:06) 下一個
1。公司關於401K的規定是“can take loans from your account and make in-service withdrawals upon indurring a financial hardship"是不是說我能從自己的退休帳戶裏提前借錢出來用來買房什麽的? 是不是經濟困難時可以提請取不用交10%罰款?

Mostly yes. Best not to touch those money.

2。“account balance payable at retirement or termination of employment" 我不在這公司幹了就能拿到balance了?還是說到時可以讓我轉到自己的IRA賬戶裏?

Transfer to your IRA, or your new company's 401K. If you take withdrawal, need to pay tax and 10$ penalty.

3。“employees are eligible to make 401K tax-deferred and/or after tax Roth contributions" 好像都說Roth好,我是不是不用投401了?
There are traditional IRA and Roth IRA. Traditional IRA, the contribution is before tax, and you pay tax when you take withdrawal. Roth IRA, contribution is after tax, meaning you pay tax now. But tax-free when you withdraw at retirement.

4。“New employees will automatically be enrolled at a deferral rate of 3%. Employees may opt out or make deferral percentage changes at any time". 是說會自動扣我的工資的3%去投401K嗎?工資不高,每年稅後到手的錢再刨去日用花銷後能剩稅前工資的10%左右。我該怎麽調整這個百分比?
Simply ask your employer HR.

5。公司隻給工作兩年以上的人contribute。 我看大家都說401K縮水了,象我這種沒有match的人是不是不值得投錢進去?如果投的話,我是很怕風險的人,回報不高沒關係,要是錢會變少我寧可存銀行。投401K或Roth也能有辦法保證不縮水嗎?

You should still save some, even without matching, provided you're not doing anything else about retirement. It's one of few ways a W2 worker can get some tax benefit in investment. Others include IRA, insurance. But not much else.

From 3/2007 to 3/2009, the market came down by about 50%. However, it's come back about 50%, meaning back to 75% of the 3/2007. So it goes up and down. But look back 100 years, market is mostly up. Also, saving is the only meaning way to prepare for retirement, especially if you don't invest in other ways. So, definitely, 401K.

Hope this helps.
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