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1988年奧運會的主題歌是HAND IN HAND.記得那時中央電視台的大牌主持是衛華。1988年前後,我剛開始做出國夢。衛華的英文口語曾經是我模仿的對象。同一年,北京有個RADIO BEIJING電台,收音機裏麵常常會聽到一位叫臧國華的男性播音員。每次報告完新聞,他總是用同樣的口氣和結束語和聽眾再見:This is radio Beijing, Zang Guo Hua in Washington.衛華和臧國華一定還活躍在某領域中,不知道他們還在做新聞嗎?現在還有RADIO BEIJING嗎?

1992年開巴塞羅那奧運會時,我已經在美國飄了近兩年。我不記得看過開幕式或者現場直播什麽的,印象最深的是那盤奧運會歌曲專輯。那時候,CD還不特別普及,為了買這盤歌曲CD,我花了近十五美金。對當時的窮學生來說,這可是一筆大數目。不久前,我在整理雜物時,居然發現了十幾年前的這盤CD。印象最深的是麥當娜唱的那首This used to be my playground.





麥當娜演唱的1992年奧運會歌曲:This used to be my playground (貼歌困難,隻好貼歌詞)
This used to be my playground

This used to be my childhood dream
This used to be the place I ran to
Whenever I was in need
Of a friend
Why did it have to end
And why do they always say

Don't look back
Keep your head held high
Don't ask them why
Because life is short
And before you know
You're feeling old
And your heart is breaking
Don't hold on to the past
Well that's too much to ask

Live and learn
Well the years they flew
And we never knew
We were foolish then
We would never tire
And that little fire
Is still alive in me
It will never go away
Can't say goodbye to yesterday

No regrets
But I wish that you
Were here with me
Well then there's hope yet
I can see your face
In our secret place
You're not just a memory
Say goodbye to yesterday
Those are words I'll never say

This used to be my playground
This used to be our pride and joy
This used to be the place we ran to
That no one in the world could dare destroy

This used to be our playground
This used to be our childhood dream
This used to be the place we ran to
I wish you were standing here with me

This used to be our playground
This used to be our great escape
This used to be the place we ran to
This used to be our secret hiding place

This used to be our playground
This used to be our childhood dream
This used to be the place we ran to
The best things in life are always free
Wishing you were here with me


8-8-08  10:00 AM 北京時間

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