  • 博客訪問:


(2009-10-02 21:21:14) 下一個






Suicide is the third leading cause of death among 15- to 24-year olds in the United States. Within the last year alone, two High School graduates have taken their own lives, losing their battles with depression. Depression among adolescents continues to be a very serious concern that has increased dramatically over the past 30 years.

Depression is treatable. Suicide can be prevented.

October is "Suicide Prevention Awareness Month," and staff and students at HS want to increase awareness of risk factors and warning signs related to depression and suicide, as well as awareness of resources for those in need of assistance and support. There will be a table stationed outside of the Cafeteria for all five Thursdays in October so that students and staff can provide information and resources to help increase awareness about depression and suicide, and to encourage positive action. If parents and guardians have questions or concerns about this important and sensitive topic and these efforts to address it, please contact the Student Services Office (formerly Counseling Center) at HS. School counselors and the school psychologist are available to meet with students and/or parents.

While High School is confident of the value of its planned October focus on suicide prevention, the HS community takes suicide prevention seriously on a daily basis. Students Service staff members address issues related to suicide prevention in 9th grade Health classes during first and second semesters each year, and instructional staff is trained to provide referrals related to suicidal concerns to the Student Services Office. Moreover, all Student Services staff has been trained in suicide prevention and intervention procedures for addressing suicidal concerns (such as suicidal comments, suicidal gestures, suicidal threats) with referred students. Our procedures are focused on identifying the students' needs and linking them with parental supports (in every case), and community-based supports, as are appropriate.

Our students play an important role in our prevention efforts. If your child is ever feeling overwhelmed or feels like he or she wants to hurt herself or himself, it is vital that your child speak with an adult who can help. If your child knows someone who may be thinking of hurting themselves, your child can help by immediately letting an adult know about it. Even if friends ask your child to "promise not to tell," friends tell somebody. At Centennial, students can speak to a school counselor or school psychologist if they are thinking about hurting themselves, or if they know of someone who may be thinking about hurting themselves.

Thank you for your support in helping to keep High School a safe and healthy place to grow.

9/24/09  12:13AM

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閱讀 ()評論 (3)
雪花漂飄 回複 悄悄話 謝謝你提醒,陳晚!
gatewayman 回複 悄悄話 聽說本市一個很好公立學校的美國女生自殺了。。。我孩子擔憂!
JNR 回複 悄悄話 It is a very serious problem here in this country. My colleague's son committed suiide two weeks ago at the age of 16... sad...