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(2020-03-21 17:17:35) 下一個

感謝concode網友,今天貼出了一個鏈接(https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/currentevent/2061909.html),是本月初發表在“新英格蘭醫學雜誌”(The New England Journal of Medicine)上關於美國第一例新冠病毒患者的報告的中譯版。我這裏將中譯版和英文原文的鏈接同時貼在下麵,給有興趣的網友做參考。



On January 19, 2020, a 35-year-old man presented to an urgent care clinic in Snohomish County, Washington, with a 4-day history of cough and subjective fever. On checking into the clinic, the patient put on a mask in the waiting room. After waiting approximately 20 minutes, he was taken into an examination room and underwent evaluation by a provider. He disclosed that he had returned to Washington State on January 15 after traveling to visit family in Wuhan, China. The patient stated that he had seen a health alert from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about the novel coronavirus outbreak in China and, because of his symptoms and recent travel, decided to see a health care provider.

【2020年1月19日,一名35歲男性因咳嗽和自覺發熱4日到華盛頓州斯諾霍米什縣的急診診所就 診。患者一進診所就在候診室裏戴上了口罩。等待大約20分鍾後,他被帶進了檢查室,並接受了醫師評估。患者透露他之前曾在中國武漢探親,並於1月15日返回華盛頓州。患者說他看到了美國疾病控製和預防中心(CDC)關於中國新型冠狀病毒暴發的健康警報,考慮到自己的症狀和近期旅行史,決定來就診。】


Genetic Sequencing On January 7, 2020, Chinese researchers shared the full genetic sequence of 2019-nCoV through the National Institutes of Health GenBank database16 and the Global Initiative on Sharing All Influenza Data (GISAID)17 database; a report about the isolation of 2019-nCoV was later published.18 Nucleic acid was extracted from rRT-PCR–positive specimens (oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal) and used for whole-genome sequencing on both Sanger and next-generation sequencing platforms (Illumina and MinIon). Sequence assembly was completed with the use of Sequencher software, version 5.4.6 (Sanger); minimap software, version 2.17 (MinIon); and freebayes software, version 1.3.1 (MiSeq). Complete genomes were compared with the available 2019-nCoV
reference sequence (GenBank accession number NC_045512.2).

【2020年1月7日,中國研究人員在美國國立衛生研究院GenBank數據庫 (http://#16)和“全球流感數據共享計劃”(Global Initiative on Sharing All Influenza Data,GISAID) (http://#17)數據庫共享了2019-nCoV的完整基因序列;之後又發表了關於分離2019-nCoV的報告 (http://#18)。核酸是從rRT-PCR陽性樣本(口咽部和鼻咽部)提取出,並在桑格和二代測序平台(Illumina和MinIon)進行了全基因組測序。序列組裝采用的是5.4.6版Sequencer軟件(Sanger)、2.17版minimap軟件(MiniON)和1.3.1版freebayes軟件(MiSeq)。我們將完整基因組與已發布的2019-nCoV參考序列

Results: The full genome sequences from oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal specimens were identical to one another and were nearly identical to other available 2019-nCoV sequences. There were only 3 nucleotides and 1 amino acid that differed at open reading frame 8 between this patient's virus and the 2019-nCoV reference sequence (NC_045512.2). The sequence is available through GenBank (accession number MN985325).

【結果:口咽和鼻咽樣本的全基因組序列完全相同,並且與已發布的其他2019-nCoV序列幾乎相同。在該患者的病毒和2019-nCoV參考序列(NC_045512.2)之間,隻有位於開放閱讀框8的3個核苷酸和1個氨基酸存在差異。該序列參見GenBank(登錄號MN985325) (http://#16)。】




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