The Space for Love
(2013-08-14 05:20:13)
We worship the heavenly space for love
which is unknown territory to the involved
or to those who are more than willing to fall for one another
without knowing what to go through
By knowing everyone else would go through
we are ready to jump into
tears, sweat, pain even sorrow
But no matter
there is naked trust we bet into
and expect the equal return of the intensity
Yet that is the biggest assumption
we would ever have
The micro anticipations from each other
could always be misaligned in one way or the other
to drive one away
The desire could always be matched externally
in every direction of opportunities
to take you out of the space
to expose you in public betrayal
Ease of balance would render tranquility
Fight for surviving would always tear it down further
But how many of us could let go the instinct
to protect such space
of our lifetime