2010 (844)
2011 (928)
2012 (1456)
2013 (2037)
2014 (3427)
2015 (2074)
2016 (1427)
2017 (1082)
2018 (296)
2019 (168)
2023 (111)
2024 (152)
The distance is teasing the imagination
of the unknown. Communication
by words, does not see to be adequate
enough to feed the hunger
face-to-face. Should we script more drama
before we come across each other
or should we let Buddha
arranges the fate of time and space
in a season full of hope or despair
pushed apart by the long distance
and the twist of the present
as if moving us further apart
Suffering, as we should,
as pointed out by the awakening Gautama
But an ascetic life isn't the answer
for normal person like you and me
We have to find our own path
sometime and somewhere
to suffer more or perhaps enjoy all
between heaven and hell
who might be just inches apart