

Lyrics for Forever in Love by Kenny G

(2010-10-24 19:45:44) 下一個
A piano score by 忘憂河 Forever In Love(piano).ove was downloaded from 流行鋼琴網 www.popiano.net
Please qq me your email if you are interested in the piano.ove or the one with lyrics. Overtune4.0 could be downloaded to view the ove extension.

Forever in Love  Lyrics by nuts000

Original scores by Kenny G
Piano by 忘憂河

For my love, it's you, the angel from the heaven drop right to my side
For my love, it's you, the fairy from the sea sail right into my heart
Don't say the wind will take you away from me, I won't let it do
But I'll fly with you to forever you want to be with me
and I'll sail with you to wherever you dare to adventure with me

For my love, it's you, pave me the runway to takeoff to the highest
For my love, it's you, give me the shore to shield away from the storm
Don't say the wind has no magic, together we will double it
so I'll fly with you to forever you want to be with me
and I'll sail with you to wherever you dare to adventure with me

Love forever leads its way
Love forever shines upon us
Love forever leads its way
Love forever shines upon us


Link: http://www5.brinkster.com/zhongshan/pics/Forever_in_love_lyric_by_nuts000.JPG
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