
MichaelC (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:


(2011-01-17 06:33:49) 下一個

給大家說聲晚的Happy New Year, 但拜個農曆早年。

2010年聖誕節去Orlando玩,通過一家網站介紹,住在一家離Disney World隻有一英裏,不到五分鍾的旅館,三房一廳兩個廁所,包括廚房、冰箱、洗衣機、幹衣機、陽台,接近1500尺,全套家具,裝潢還很現代,整個一個溫馨的家庭氣氛,而不像旅館,周圍沒有房子,隻有樹林和湖,壞境很好。隻要$220一個晚上,還包括免費Continental早餐、健身房(比較少)、遊泳池、Jacuzzi、免費去Epcot的班車。也有兩房、兩廁的單元(每晚$160)。三房的住6-9人應該沒有問題(廳裏還有一個沙發床)。

剛住進去,就特別喜歡這樣的房子。一打聽,才知道這家旅館是Condo Resort旅館,每個單元是獨立擁有的,而且可以買賣,立即產生了購買一套的興趣。這是2006年經濟高峰時才建成的樓房,當時的價錢應該在20萬元左右,現在的開價在10萬出頭,跌了50%左右。當初開發商準備建17棟(每棟五層樓),但隻建了七棟就遇到經濟下坡,停下來了。回來以後,與Realtor聯係發現了一套Foreclosure的,最後以9萬6千談成(三房三廁),上個星期Close。

按照估計,這套房子交給管理公司管理出租(按4:6比例分收入),除掉3%左右的地產稅(每個月大概300元)和Condo Association的費用(每月500元左右),應該每年有5-10%的收入比例,但是具體數據對方一定要買了以後才提供。這種房子不是Time Share,主人100%擁有房產權,可以選擇不出租,還可以隨時自己去住。因為小孩子都特別喜歡Orlando的Disney World,Universal,Sea World等大型公園,所以,即使不是很好的物質投資,也應該很有精神價值。


(a)沒有做廣告的意思,所以沒有說明這家Condo Hotel的名稱,隻是想和大家分享一下這樣的Deals。不知道算不算掏到寶了?雖然現在明顯是買家的市場,佛州、加州、內華達州的房地產價錢都在這幾年跌得很厲害,但是不知道現在的房產價格是不是已經到了穀底。。。也許Timing是最大的風險。











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閱讀 ()評論 (19)
superblue 回複 悄悄話 It can be a trap. I saw another post http://bbs.wenxuecity.com/tzlc/267394.html on this site. Someone bought 2 condo for 240K years ago and now each unit is selling for $2000. read his post first before you buy it.
three 回複 悄悄話 出租率有60-70%就不錯
無照醫生 回複 悄悄話 照片色彩好,角度雷同
lovegoodmusic 回複 悄悄話 Isn't true that HOA will only go up with time? In Orlando area, what is the HOA increase rate? Thanks.
無忌哥哥 回複 悄悄話 照片太棒了!
sotired 回複 悄悄話 the risk about the condo is its hoa fee. you don't know how its financial status is, so you might have a risk that hoa runs too high that you could not affordable. however, if hoa is stable, 5-10% margin should be ok. in austin, tx, condo price is getting up since last year, and renting rate is pretty high, the margin is about 5-10% as well. so if you only got one, should be ok.
MichaelC 回複 悄悄話 回複nffy2009的評論:

果醬了。Canon 5D Mark II.
nffy2009 回複 悄悄話 照片很美呀,什麽相機拍的?
ssy0324 回複 悄悄話 There are a lot homeowners struggling for their condotels in Orlando. I guess it is a good time to buy. However, the management fee is always a deal killer.
va_landlord 回複 悄悄話 回複MichaelC的評論:
Yes, they are regular hotel rooms. The nightly rate for now is $42. The occupancy rate varies. The three rooms I have now are almost 100% for the last three months, but, I still don't get anything as the management company are trying everything to keep the money.
va_landlord 回複 悄悄話 回複lovegoodmusic的評論:
Sure! Go to My house, click my ads, then you will be able to find my phone.
MichaelC 回複 悄悄話 回複va_landlord的評論:

It's really a depressing market there. I guess the outcome/price will really depend on the rent price and occupancy rate. How much is the nightly rent at your hotel? What is the average annual occupancy rate? May I also assume that your units are just hotel rooms instead of condo apartment?
lovegoodmusic 回複 悄悄話 Dear va_landord:

Could I call you for more information about properties, please?

My number is 203-508-2704.

忘記你忘記我 回複 悄悄話 美國房價好便宜
va_landlord 回複 悄悄話 回複MichaelC的評論:

In Kissimme, FL, which is part of the Orlando Metro area. Right now, people are selling for $7000 each in that hotel.

Right, I had to lose $4000 each month for these 11 units, so I sold 8 bad ones and kept thee good ones.

In another hotel which is 1 mile from the Disney World gate, the one bedroom with kitchnet units are selling for $10K. They are around 600 sqft each.

You might have overpaid for your unit, but as long as you like it and enjoy it, you can keep it for a couple of years for the market to recover.
MichaelC 回複 悄悄話 回複va_landlord的評論:

$10K each sounds really really cheap. Which state is this in?

$4000 is for 10 units, right?
袖底香 回複 悄悄話 攝影高手啊,拍的真美
va_landlord 回複 悄悄話 The monthly HOA and other fees are really killing. I bought 11 units in a hotel for $10K each. It used to sell for $89000 each. But right after I bought them, I found I had to pay $4000 each month for them, so I had to sell 8 of them quickly to avoid further lose. Fortunately, the 3 I still own doesn't cost me much to keep as they are the best units in the hotel.

Let us know in a month how much you make or lose.
CactusFairy 回複 悄悄話 Wow, good deal!