

“Moonlight” (月光)

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(A Movie Script)

By: Yvette Q. Xu

Dec. 2001,

Oakland, California, USA


Table of contents


Abstract 4

High Lights. 4

Key Points in Structure. 4

Main Roles. 5

Suporting Roles. 5

Chapter I – Prelude. 6

1,  Fire the CEO ?. 6

Chapter II - Do you agree?. 6

1,  Company Picnic. 6

2,  Morning at Lakeside . 7

3,  Be Clean In Office. 7

4,  Bulletin Board. 8

5,  Stop Sending Me “Blue Sky”. 8

6,  Millions Smart Lady on the Internet 9

7,  You are cold. 10

8,  Jealous of Myself 10

9,  Do You Agree?. 11

10,  150 E-Mails in One Week. 13

11,  Being Happy and Being Hurt Are Same Degree of Emotion Exercise. 13

Chapter III – Fall in Love. 15

1,  VIP Client?. 15

2,  You Never Know. 15

3,  I Am Kevin. 15

4,  I Like Carmen. 16

5,  Lily’s Dream.. 17

6,  Just Enjoy Life. 18

7,  On The Lake . 18

8,  We Had An Agreement. 19

9,  I Got Some. 20

10,  TV Interview.. 20

11,  You are My Consultant 21

12,  The Moon Stole My Heart 21

Chapter IV – What has happened?. 21

1,  Wedding Party. 21

2,  What's Happened?. 22

3,  Rush Into One-Way Street. 23

4,  Regret 23

5,  Going To China. 24

Chapter V – In China. 24

1,  American Shuai-Ge and a Chinese Liang-Nu, Interesting. 24

2,  Whom Are You Going To Help?. 25

3,  I Met Him Here. 25

4,  Don’t Fall In Love. 27

5,  In The Woods. 27

6,  You Are Playing With Fire. 28

7,  The Cave. 29

8,  He is My Fiancé. 30

9,  Drink the Freedom, Drunk In Love. 30

10,  He Should Not Come Here. 31

11,  Meet in Irvine . 32

12,  A Letter to Shufin. 35

13,  What Are You Going To Do?. 36

14,  Grave yard. 38

15,   Patricia’s Letter 38

Chapter VI – Yes, I did. 38

1,  Why don’t you pick me up?. 38

2,  Board Meeting. 39

3,  My fault 39

4,  Not your business. 39

5,  Yes, I did. 39

Chapter VII – The End. 39

1,  “Life in Chapter II”. 39

2,  Dreaming House. 39

3,  “Moon Light”. 39

5,  End. 40


*    A 49-year old successful American entrepreneur, rich in every respect: highly educated, beautiful wife and children, wealthy, handsome, physically and mentally exceptional

*    A 42-year old, single Chinese woman, successful, professional, extremely attractive, gifted with rich perception, and big life span and special life experience.

*    These exceptional people are attracted to and attractive to each other with a similar mindset. They meet on the internet.

*    The mutual attraction is extreme and universal. They are exploring life in different backgrounds with extreme contrasts, and find love has no cultural distance.

*    This is their story...

High Lights

*    The timeframe for this story is present, although background information comes from the past 30+ years. The setting is the technical heart of theUnited States: The Silicon Valley, the epitome of modern Western life, although glimpses ofBeijing, Chinaand the terrible life duringChina's Cultural Revolution are also relevant.

*    This is a love story, with the added drama of a heated extramarital affair. Universal themes include the spectrum of love's boundless energy and scope.

*    This is positive, happy story, with the central focus on two people who explore love's boundaries and pitfalls. The courage to stand up to convention is a strong theme. The theme of caring and generosity is also pervasive.

*    This story will challenge everyone to ask of themselves:

- What is a love relationship? What should I expect? What are the possibilities?

- What is the good and evil of an extramarital affair?

- What do I want out of life? What is the purpose and meaning of (my) life?

- How do I obtain richness in my life?

*    This story is uplifting and spiritually healthy, teaching people to trust each other, to have courage and be creative, and to face life with an open mind.

Key Points in Structure

*    ? Kevin’s voice in the background vacating his thoughts and advanced futurist’s mature is the main line in the movie.

*    Kevin and Patricia will lead the audience to question the seemingly “Perfect” relationships in modern society. They represent the couple who have everything, a rich life, freedom and American spirit.

*    The “Cave” symbolizes the terrible life during the Cultural Revolution inChinain 1960s.

*    A small pin (violin) made by Ming, a gift to Lily, symbolized the love of music.

*    Lily’s drawing for her dream house symbolizes how people want a better and artistic life.

*    Moon is the symbol of love, and the judge of life.

Main Roles

*    Kevin Smith: CEO in “Star.com”

*    Lily Lin: Engineer, Architect;

*    Ming Zhou: Musician, Violinist;

*    Patricia Smith: Kevin’s wife; Psychiatrist;

*    Fan Meng: Tour Guide; Movie director; Patricia’s private detective;

Suporting Roles

*    Jim Paris: Senior sales manager for “Star.com”;

*    Mary Paris: Jim’s wife;

  • *    : Personnel Manager For “Star.com”

*    Laura: Kevin’s secretary;

*    Cindy: “Blue sky”

*    Shufin Huang: Ming’s wife, Elementary school teacher;

*    Xuan Zhou: Ming’s daughter, Violinist;

*    Xiao Gang: Hotel waiter;


Chapter I – Prelude

1,  Fire the CEO ?

Annual board meeting for Star.com.

Big conference room, secretary of the board is announcing:

“Ladies and gentleman, we are going to vote for a serious decision, should we fire our current CEO Kevin Smith?”

… …

The vote is even. Patricia did not vote.

“Patricia, as a member on the board, may we have your opinion?”

Patricia stands up, walk to the podium: “I don’t know. He is honest, this is a long story, and I am part of it.”

Chapter II - Do you agree?

1,  Company Picnic

Lakeside, food booths, wine, flower, band, kids, people in casual dresses, they look sporting, health, happy,

Social activities among wives; husbands, young couples, kids are playing …

Sports are going on; Jim is playing valley ball,

Kevin is playing a golf shot,

Mary, Jim’s wife (a beautiful woman) is talking with Patricia, Kevin’s wife (an elegant, sharp, professional lady, and successful Psychiatrist).

Mary: “Is Kevin working on weekends?”

Patricia: “Sometimes.”

“Jim has not been home on weekends for three months. Is the company really that busy?”

Patricia smiled: “It looks like it is, at least Jim is.”

“Hi, Pat, come here, I like you to meet …” Kevin is calling her.

“Excuse me.” Patricia is walking away to joint her husband.

Kevin and a few Chinese executives are talking on the green field, “Honey, this is Mr. Wang, come from China “Xing-Fu Insurance Company”. Mr. Wang, this is my wife Patricia, she is a relationship expert.”

Patricia: “Very nice to meet you, Mr. Wang.”

Mr. Wang: “Oh, good, Kevin, under such coach, in our words, you must be a model husband.”

People are laughing.

2,  Morning at Lakeside .

Early morning.

On the other side of the lake, the city center, federal and state buildings,  Tribune Tower, office and apartment complex made a beautiful city skyline. The reflection of sunshine on the top windows looks like big pieces of gold sticking out of the clouds into the sky. The fog is slowly disappearing. White head lights and red tail lights of the early morning traffic are making beautiful curves along Lakeshore Avenue. A few boats are breaking the calm serenity lake, causing the buildings’ water reflection to vibrate and offices in the skylines are waking up. Mountains behind the city are warmly embracing this old seashore community.

Lily steps out on the balcony; she is wearing rosy colored sports, which she just got from Sake 5th Avenue.  She made a few stretches, back to the living room, looking into the mirror. She is satisfied.

Lily gets out of the elevator, running to the door.

“Good morning, Lily.” That is the guard of this luxury apartment.

“Morning, Aaron, it’s a nice day.”

She runs out merging into a team of a few jogging people on the sidewalk around the lake.

She is 42, tall and slender, but looks much younger. When she tells people she is 28, no one, especially Caucasian men, will not question this.

People admire her with nodding or waving. She waves back…

3,  Be Clean In Office

San Jose.

High-Tech Street, lighting boards, beautiful landscaping, and high glass buildings, sharp, rich, beautiful.

Wide driveway, concrete monument, stainless steel board with gold embossed letters:

Star.Com Inc.

Conference room, staff meeting:

Kevin Smith is giving a monthly briefing:

“… We have finished the last testing phase of “V-5”; the new product will fit ….”

Jim Paris is writing a note and passes it to Sharon.

“Far-East market is developing fast, we got a connection with China Xing-Fu Insurance Company, and we will make a joint venture to develop a commercial network… ”

Sharon made a face to Jim: “Another one?”

… …

“Now, I like to show you a different summary report,”

Kevin pushes a button on his lap-top computer, several picture are appear on the projected screen:

Two people hugging and kissing at a corner of office;

A man pretends looking for something on the floor, but is really using a video camera aiming up the mini skirt of a shaped girl;

A condom in a garbage can …

People are laughing.

Kevin: “You all know what I want to say. Concentrate to your project when you are in office. Now, ladies and gentlemen, let’s back to work.”

4,  Bulletin Board

“Office Rules:

1, Follow Company’s dress code.

2, No unprofessional talking.

3, Do not sleep in office.

People are passing by, no one really paying attention to this sign.

5,  Stop Sending Me “Blue Sky”

It is Kevin’s office.

Sharon is taking a very sexy girl with blond hair and blue eyes to Kevin’s secretary’s desk.

“Laura, this is Cindy. She is applying for your job.”

“Oh, very good, I hope it works this time. So I can retire. Do you have an appointment,Sharon? ”

“No, I don’t. Jim just brought her in.”

“Have a seat, I will let Kevin know.”

Laura picked up the phone. “…”

Cindy is stretching her mini skirt.

“Okay, he has a few minutes. You may see him now. Please keep it short; he has to go the airport in 20 minutes.”

Sharon and Cindy step in Kevin’s office.

Corner office with panoramic view. Big wave shaped dark hard wood desk …… Patricia’s photo is in an elegant crystal frame; Steve is on football ground; and Carol is playing piano; Kevin’s golf tournament award on the side …

Sharon: “Kevin, this is Cindy. She is applying for Laura’s position. Jim recommended her to us. ” She hands over Cindy’s resume.

Kevin takes the resume, makes a quick look at Cindy: “Have a seat, please.”

“Cindy, Tell me something about yourself, where have you been working?”

Cindy: “I was working for a cosmetic company as a sales lady. They switched to internet marketing, and I got laid off. I am Jim’s neighbor; he suggested that I might fit this position.” She made a pretty smile.

“What about your computer experience?”

“Well, I can type, pretty fast.”

“How much do you know about databases and the internet?”

“I use the internet. I am confident that I can learn quickly whatever is required.”

Kevin smiled.

“Thank you. Cindy, Sharon will keep your resume in our file, and she will let you know when we need you come to work for us. Thanks for coming.”

“Thank you, sir.”

Cindy steps out following Sharon.

“Sharon, do you think I am hired? He is such a handsome guy. I do like to be his secretary;”

“Me too.”


6,  Millions Smart Lady on the Internet

Sharon is passing Jim’s window.

Jim: “How is going? Sharon?”

A beep on Jim’s computer. Sharon: “I think you get the answer.”

Jim’s computer, a message from Kevin:

“Stop sending me “Blue Sky”.”

Jim thought a few seconds, and made a response.

On Kevin’s computer:

“Okay, boss, if you don’t like this. Get on the internet, there are millions smart girls there.”

“Internet.” Kevin is talking to himself and turns off the monitor, takes his coat and brief case, and walks out of the office.

“Good night, Kevin.”

“Good night, Laura, see you tomorrow.”

7,  You are cold.

Army Corps of Engineers, offices of Chief Officers for Civil Engineering Department. Conference Room,

“… …”

(Kevin’s voice: Lily is an architect and a civil engineer; just started her own business. She is a sharp aggressive and charming lady. These character qualities have helped her became successful.)

There were presentations by Lily and others.

Lily is summarizing:

“This design is optimal for your requirement; simple and sharp, the best ratio of living and storage spaces. It reaches level of services “B” in traffic operation; also fits your construction budget. Any comments? Suggestions? Please.”

“……” (Some comments)

“Thank you very much, gentlemen, we will study all of your comments, revise our design and see you in next meeting.”

“I have a couple comments, if you don’t mind.” Lily is adding one more sentence to her wrapping up.

Her audience looks up.

“We like to work with military people, since they are sharp, efficient, and cold.”

“What?” Two officers stand up the same time.

Lily turns around and offered her hand to them “I am just kidding, thank you very much sir.”

They laughed and relaxed.

8,  Jealous of Myself

Kevin picked Patricia up from San Jose Airport; drive home. When they step in home, there is a surprising party…

Wedding Anniversary.

Flowers, wine, big cake…

Kevin hands Patricia a gift box, she opens it and find an oriental green jade necklace which fits her gold colored dress perfectly.

She smiles, and Kevin puts it on her.

“Thank you, Darling, I am speechless. What else can I expect; you make every thing in my life perfect. If I want to be jealous, probably still be jealous of myself…”

Someone behind the curtain: “How about make 100 babies! Kevin is so rich in everything.” People are laughing, drinking, talking, dancing…

(Kevin’s voice:

Patricia is my high school sweetheart. She got Ph.D. in U.C. Berkeley and has her own business as a family relationship counselor. She is internationally well known, and occasionally is invited to give lectures in other countries.

I got my MBA from Stanford and Ph. D. in computer science from Berkeley.

I am CEO of Star.com Company, and our business is booming.

My son Steve, works as a stock broker in New York, and my daughter Carol is a pianist, joined an opera house in Paris.

Everyone in our family is living a rich, comfortable, wonderful life.

I am so proud of my family and myself. There is nothing I can not achieve and no problem I can not solve.)

The Sky is deep and blue; the moon is big and bright.

9,  Do You Agree?

Master bedroom:

California king size bed, a five stainless stem light curving from wall to the bed. Patricia is in her light blue pajama, Kevin is wearing dark blue robe.

“Honey, how was your trip?”

“Good. Same thing every time. You do not want to hear it again.”

Kevin smiled, he kissed Patricia; “You had a long day, good night, my dear.”

The light is off, Patricia falls into deep sleep. She looks calm, a beautiful sleeper.

Kevin can not fall sleep. A strong beam of moonlight sneaks in from the side of the curtain. He gets up quietly and goes to his computer.


He is scanning the profiles of women who are using internet to find companionship. And his attention focuses on a Chinese girl:

“I am a young looking, attractive, intelligent, well educated, fully developed person with big life span and rich life experience.

“M… sounds good.”

Kevin reads from her profile, “A western wise man said: “Life just like hiking, from many trails, you pick up one and keep going.”

“That is true.”

“An eastern wise man said: “There wasn’t any road originally; as many people stepped over, it became road.””

“This is philosophical.”

“I have passed the thorns and storms, been choosing and making my own road.”

“You did?”

“Logic and art are two gods governing my mind. The artistic dream is so sweet, and the logic is paving the road to success …;”

“This is interesting.”

“Life can be so rich if you do understand it. Love and intelligence will make life forever creative and fulfilled.”

Do you agree?”

“Oh, I do.”

He looks at her photo. She is so confident, with an engaging; Kevin’s curiosity makes him exited; he wants to know what makes her so confident and what makes her tick out? Her writing is absolutely exceptional. A new of something. It is very mysterious and it is very enticing. What ingredients created this far-east product?

His finger moves, and a message is sent to her.

Send folder: Date: August 8th, Tuesday, 2000.

 10 Who Are You?


Lily’s working-living apartment, modern contemporary furniture. She is carrying her drawings, files and model board, throwing them on the table. She prepared a cup of tea for herself, changes into silk robe, and takes a deep breath, turns on her computer.

Match.com sent her a list of men. She quickly scans every one’s picture, no one she is interested. “Where are the nice looking men? 6’ tall CEOs?”

Suddenly, a new inquiring catches her eye.

“Your profile intrigues me, and I would like to know more about you. My profile is not what most women are looking for, but in some cases, it fits quite well. Will you please let me know if you are interested? Thank you.”

She searches for and finds sender’s profile. There is no photo attached. Another ghost?

“6’-1”, athletic, executive …”

“Married, Athletic Businessman Visits Bay Area Weekly”

“Whaaaaaat? He is married? How daring…”

“Okay, here is my response:

“Who are you? A king? A prince? Don't you worry that your wife will find you out???” She sends the message. Something about his profile causes her to have a second thoughts, he might be an exceptional man? So she composes another message:

“I was just kidding, I like to know more about you other than what you desire. Please write to me.”

10,  150 E-Mails in One Week

Moon light on a wall clock, 3:00 AM.

Kevin is sitting in front of his computer, typing:

“You have been focusing on the concept that I am a married man, but not on what kind of man I am?”

Lily: “Is there somewhere in your mind empty?”

Kevin: “Life is a learning journey, the thirst is infinite. I like to figure things out, all kinds of things. Just when I think I have all the answers, I meet someone like you and my foundation gets shaken to its roots and I have to figure things out all over again. It's a wonderful experience; more than that - even a life passion. But, as I said, I've become extremely selective: life is so short and there is so much to learn. And, I don't mean learning facts. I mean - learning and understanding how people think and feel about things. I think you're in for a treat; and I feel that I am, too.”

Kevin is looking out of his window at the moon; the moon is looking into the window at Lily.

“We are playing with fire.”

“How courageous are you?”

“My courage is unlimited.”

… …

Lily’s room, on the wall, there is a violin clock with calendar, 15th, Tuesday, 12:00 AM.

Lily is on phone:

“I am having fun. That guy, Kevin, and I have hanging on e mail all the time for the whole week. We both got heated up.”

“Be careful, you will be burned.”

She turns the chair and facing her computer.

“Listen, here is another one:

“I am coming to see you sometime next week.”

Lily moves the email to folder “Moonlight”.

E mail indicator on Lily’s computer: 150 e mail total in the folder “Moon Light”.

11,  Being Happy and Being Hurt Are Same Degree of Emotion Exercise.

After a tennis lesson, Lily is drinking a bottle of juice. The cell phone rings.


“Hi, Lily, I got your e mail, did you see his profile, that he is married? Are you crazy?”

“Yes, I know. He is 6’-1” tall, senior executive. Can you find such a smart handsome and unmarried guy for me? ”

“Well, I can’t; if you say so; go ahead; but find someone you can cry to first. I will be in Seattle. Don’t call me there.”


She opens the door, puts down her tennis rackets. Takes off her tennis shoes and sporting clothes. The phone on table rings.

“Hi, Lily, congratulations! Are you going to steal someone’s husband?”

“Who tell you that? I just want to be a friend. Don’t you think we should merge in the main stream of this society?”

“He will never marry you. You will pay high suffering price for temporary enjoyment. Being hurt is not a good experience.”

Lily is walking in her room and she stops and gets serious.

“Well, don’t be involved, don’t be hurt. I am dating my computer every day. I have no life. Maybe being happy and being hurt are the same degree of emotion exercise, which is healthy. I would rather feel alive and vibrant and take a chance of being hurt than to be emotionally dead, a human computer.”


On Lily’s computer: Picture: fires smokes in “Yan Ming Yan”

Titled: “How come all the good Chinese girls are grabbed by the Eight Western Aliens?”

“Oh, my god.”

Response back: “Why don’t you grab a Caucasian girl for revenge?”


“Lily, Wu Wei’s uncle called, invite us to have diner in their house this Saturday.”

“No, I can not go.”

“Why? I think Wu Wei is a good chance for you. He has Ph. D. a nice guy, never married, his boss likes him a lot; he cares about you very much…”

“Ok, Ma that is enough. Just because his boss likes him so much, that is why I do not like him. I like a boss, whom everyone likes, not the one to be favored by his boss. Just because he is so nice, he will not be able to stand by me, and I will be bored to death. Okay, Ma, bye, good night.”


Red light on answering machine is flashing; she pushes the button.

A very soft and scared voice: “Hi, Lily, should I tell him that I am still a virgin? Do you think he will like that?”

She pushed *69.

“No, don’t be silly; no; don’t say anything about that; he will think you come from the Ming’s tomb.”

“Oh, now I know. Thank you, Lily.”

Chapter III – Fall in Love

1,  VIP Client?

Morning, Kevin’s home, Kitchen, Patricia is preparing breakfast. She put coffee on the table, one extra for Kevin to drink in his car.

Kevin comes downstairs with brief case and an over night bag in his hand. He has a deep red silk tie on his neck. In navy blue Italian suit, he looks like American president.

Patricia notices the bright tie: “VIP client?” She is fixing the tie on her husband.

“Yes, it is a big deal.”

She turns her head, has a gleam on the calendar, “Can you get home a little earlier this weekend? Friday evening, I have a TV interview, they would like you to be there too.”

“Ok, I will try.”

2,  You Never Know.

Thursday evening.

Lily is driving a red Lexus sports car, and talking on her cell phone;

“Pam, I am going to that match.com party, are you coming?”


“No? Why? Someone might be interesting? That CEO might show up? You never know. ”


“I don’t think so. Anyway, I am going and I will let you know later. Bye.”

3,  I Am Kevin

Match.com party. All the men are having a yellow rose in their suit pockets and red for the ladies.

Lighting are turned down, people are having a slow dance.

Lily is tightly held by a man. She looks a little bit uncomfortable. The man is trying to kiss her; she pushes him away, and steps out of the floor. She is looking around, cruising with intention.

Kevin steps in.

Lily intends to leave, she gets her coat and bag, walks to the door.

Kevin recognizes her face.

The party host announces: “The next is Waltz.”

Lily hesitates a minute, that is her favorite dance.

When Kevin moves towards her, she has already accepted a man’s invitation and has left her bag and coat on a high chair near the bar, she moves away with the man.

They are dancing around, and moving back to the bar, where Kevin is standing nearby.

Suddenly, the previous guy shows up with a big mug of beer in his hand. He intentionally made an accident and spills his entire mug of beer onto Lily’s dress.

Lily falls down, when she stands up; she makes a big slap on that guy’s face, runs out of the door.

Kevin gets her coat and bag, and follows her out.

He puts the coat around her; she turns back;

Under the moon light, she sees a handsome guy in dark suit with very clear eyes;

“Lily? I am Kevin.” she immediately recognize him and she can not hold back her tears any longer, drops herself in his arm and cries.

4,  I Like Carmen.

Opera house, Lily and Kevin are standing on the stairs, waiting for the chuffer to deliver their car. Kevin is holding Lily. It is clear that he really likes her a lot.

Out of the city, they are driving fast on the freeway along the coast.

Radio: “San Jose Mayor Gonzalez had an affair with his staff Miss …”

“Kevin, this is your Mayor. Do you like him?’

“I do not know him personally.”

Radio: “Professor XXX from UC Berkeley political science department had a special comments regarding Mayor Gonzales affair.

(Professor XXX) (“I think that Mayor Gonzalez admits his affair in public had a special affect, which shows that he trusts San Jose citizens; he trusts them being able to understand him as politician is also a normal person. That may even enhance his political image.”

Lily: “Au, I like this one. This makes me feel this young Mayor is developing some new political style.”

Kevin: “Lily, you were working for your Mayor for a while, he is single, is there anything going on between you two?”

Lily: “Oh, I wish. If there was some intention, that was from me, not him, he has no such guts.”

Kevin: “That is why you like Carmen not Butterfly?”

Lily: “I like living life, not life for living. Kevin, you guys are lucky, you never know how bad life could be.”

“Yes or no, some people take luck for granted.”

“From the day, I stepped on this land, I made my mind. I want to enjoy life, a full life in everything. In freedom, knowledge, art, love…, god had made everyone equal, so what should I give up? I am smart and I do working hard; I will enjoy every thing along my success.”

“Carmen did not get her success.”

“But I did. I got you.” She is using a playful tone. “I guess you like Butterfly better, do you?”

“No, I like you, my dear.” He grabs her and gave her a quick kiss.

The car jerks a little. “Kevin, be careful, my driver.”

5,  Lily’s Dream

They check into a small hotel. It is about 100 miles north of San Francisco. It is located about 200’ from the ocean, a lot of high reeds here and there around tens of small individual cabins. An out door hot tap is just a few minutes walk from their cabin.

The hot tap is a square wooden one, very deep. White steam brings life to the quiet night.

Lily and Kevin sit in face to face.

The moon is moving in the sky; gets in and out from the thin clouds, like a shy girl peeking on them time to time.

Kevin moves to Lily, puts his arm around her. “What are you thinking?”

Lily is staring at the moon:

“I love the moon. It is so beautiful.”

“When I was a little girl. I like to be a ballet dancer; drunk into the music, companied by a prince, dancing in the moon light, using every nerve of my body to tell people how beautiful life will be.

When I grew up, I dreamt of being an engineer to design a spaceship travel to the moon.

And later on, for so many years. Moon is my best friend, I asked her to bless me, build energy in me to overcome the fear in the day, and build my dream far away from the real world…”

“Why not the sun? Don’t you like sunshine?”

“The sun suppose to make everyone warm, it is the resource of life. But in those years, “Sun”, “Red Sun” means something else to us. I did not feel warm, but cold.”

Kevin feels something in the past might come to Lily’s mind. He wants to protect her, so he jokingly says:

“My dear, how about I book two tickets to the moon tomorrow to make your dream come true. The thicket is only $20 Million each.”

Lily laughed. “Sure, I will go anywhere with you.”

6,  Just Enjoy Life

(This section is companied by music all the time.)

Golf court, Kevin is holding Lily’s hand to make a swing.

In door tennis court, Lily is practicing against the machine; Kevin is watching at her.

Green field, Lily is exercising with Chinese Jian. Kevin is learning.

Ski site, Kevin and Lily are wearing ski suits, walking to the lifting chair. Lily is about to fall down; Kevin just catches her.

Dancing floor, Kevin is holding Lily, they are perfect in Waltz.

Lily’s study room, Lily is holding Kevin’s hand to practice Chinese calligraphy.

Fancy restaurant, a waiter is pouring wine into two glasses.

Quiet evening night, Lily is playing “Gu Zheng” …

On the ocean, Kevin and Lily are driving a motor boat, cleaving through the waves, into the sunset.

Private beach, the moon light spreads on the seashore; Kevin and Lily are making love, very romantic and communicating …

The moon is pulling down her own veil…

7,  On The Lake .

Night is always mysterious. Lighting makes buildings crystal and put a beautiful necklace on the lake. The remaining darkness of the water and the sky just allow you to have any weird imagination.

An antique boat with a boatman in 18 century’s attire brings an artistic atmosphere; the modern city went back to his childhood.

Kevin paid the boatman $100 for two hours’ service. They get on the boat with a big bottle of champagne.

“Where do you like to go? Sir? ” The boatman is asking.

“Follow the moon, wherever it goes.”

The boat is big, table and candles are available. They made themselves comfortable, looking at the stars in the sky; inviting the moon to have a drink, they are talking, laughing…

Lily is singing a song: “Love me tender, Love me …” and Kevin’s kissing just made a perfect lingering…

It is quiet. The oar is beating the water.

Are they drunk with wine? Or love?

The boatman can not tell. Two hours service is over; he pulls the boat to the dock, ties it; and his figure disappeared in the woods just like a ghost back to the history.

The silky water is vibrating; the boat, like a cradle, is rocking, rocking …

The moon drops down a soft yellow blanket.

8,  We Had An Agreement.

Airport, Lily and Kevin are waiting for Kevin’s flight to go home.

Lily is scared that she might lose Kevin every time when Kevin is leaving her.

“Have you ever been in China?

“Not really. I might have a chance to go there for business next month. Would you like to go with me? You can be my tour guide and advisor.”

“How about as your wife? No one will check.” Lily is an aggressive lady.

“I don’t think so.”

“By the way, what does your wife think about you going with other woman? Does she know?”

“We have an agreement. You know from my profile on Match.com. I am off home two days every week for business. Should I just sit in hotel, starring on CNN and waste 40% of my life?”

“N… Maybe not? What kind of agreement?”

“I stay away from our mutual social circle of friends, be safe in sex, and don’t ask her story and don’t tell mine either.”

“Does that work?”

“So far so good. I don’t foresee any trouble.”

Airport announcement: “… …”

“I have to go, Lily. I will see you next week. Will you miss me?”

“I don’t know. I will think about it.”

She hugs Kevin a little too long. Kevin takes his hands off him; she wakes up, and lets Kevin walking to the gate.

9,  I Got Some.

Kevin gets on the plane, flight attendant takes the carry on luggage from him. He drops himself in the big leather seat, leans back.

In the sky, Kevin does not want to turn on the music or TV as he usually does, his eyes move to the window. Under there is an intensive piece of sapphire with millions rubies and jades embedded. His thinking flies over to the other side of this Pacific Ocean.

(Kevin’s voice as his thinking:

That is where she came from. I learned something from our news what was going on there in those years.

Life does develop people differently. Lily is not too young or too old. She maybe 42? She can’t be that young, judging by her maturity. She is smart and beautiful. But, she is older than her age regarding her philosophical thinking, and younger than her age regarding her thirst of life.

American women do not care about any philosophical thinking. They went to college, get a job, find a rich husband, have a beautiful house and wonderful kids. They don’t have to dream, since the reality is perfect. Does the easy life somewhat paradise people’s mental development? That is why it produces many blue skies.

Her intelligence makes her so sensitive. Behind her aggressiveness, there is some emotional vulnerability exists, just like she said: “Women’s heart is crystal ice, melt in heat and break with tiny hurt.”

M… I think I got some. She is a piece of elegant art, an interesting book, a treat to my life. I will be careful, help her in needs and enjoy this section of my life. )

10,  TV Interview

Patricia and Kevin are on TV, being interviewed by a psychology expert.

(TV Interviewer) “Mrs. Smith, you are an expert in family relationships. Do you see any trend in today’s life style regarding communication between husbands and wives?”

(Patricia) “The extramarital affair in an American family becomes a problem, even gets on the family of our President. I don’t think that putting a big family photo album or kissing his wife on stage will be convincible and effective to American citizens, since we are all independent in thinking, believing and choosing life style.”

(TV Interviewer) “In your opinion, what could be the primary reason for today’s extramarital affairs? What I mean is some rich guys like to enjoy life more out of their family?”

(Patricia) “That is a very interesting phenomenon. I believe that in most cases, the husband or wife do not intend to hurt their spouse. American people do understand their responsibilities. Some kind of cultural or other inputs cause one to stray.

Maybe we should look into life more regarding the meaning of life, what do we really expect from a relationship? How does an affair affect one’s purpose in life?

I am collecting information and developing statistics to see if there is any pattern making sense.”

(TV Interviewer) “Mr. Smith, you are a high level executive, a logical thinker. Would you like to share some thoughts with us?”

(Kevin) “While, logic and art are two gods, which govern our mind, sometimes life is more artistic, and this can not be explained logically. Nature is composed by straight lines and curves. Straight logic tells us to follow the laws of nature and to do our job and the curves provide more spaces for our dreams, which are also a valuable part of our life.”

Both the interviewer and Patricia are astonished.

(TV Interviewer) “This is very fresh and interesting. Thank you very much, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, we will see you next time.”

11,  You are My Consultant

On the way home, in the car, Patricia is driving.

“Honey, your answer is very interesting. You surprised me. Where did you get the line-curve concept? Maybe I should hire you as my consultant now.”

“Darling, I am glad to be hired.”

(Kevin’s voice: My God, how comes I copied Lily's words in the interview.)

The car disappears at the end of the Green Park Boulevard.

12,  The Moon Stole My Heart

Dark sky.

Lily is on the balcony staring at the lake; it is dark;

On Kevin’s computer: “You stole the moon.”

Kevin is typing: “The moon stole my heart.”

Chapter IV – What has happened?

1,  Wedding Party

Lily is shopping. She buys a green crystal flower vase. She takes the gift from the lady in wrapping service.

At hillside, about 200 people in bright clothes are waiting for an out door wedding. Along side of the alley are flowers in all color, and the gate is decorated by white roses. Eight rows of picnic table are covered by white table clothes. Every table has a big center flower bouquet.

The groom is an engineer, a few years younger than Lily. They met in the engineers singing chore. The bride is a graduate student in UC Berkeley.

There are not many people, whom Lily knows. She is cruising through the crowds, looking at the table flowers, they are so pretty, a little special.

An old piece memory: A man (Ming) is putting an arch made by wild flower and willow tree stem on Lily (younger, about 28), and drags her over to him…

“Lily, I haven’t seen you for a long time, how is it going? Got a boyfriend?”

Lily gives a smile without answer to the questions.

“Au, Nina. Look at these flowers, they are so beautiful.”

“They told me that all the table flowers are made by bride’s friends. Girls picked the bigger tree skin and wood blocks last evening, cut them to be flower baskets in the night; and went to the flower market this morning, and spent the whole morning making these center banquets for their friend’s wedding.”

The memory gets back to Lily. Her eye is a little bit wet. The music is on, indicating that the wedding begins already. Lily and Nina run over to stand beside the aloe waiting for the bride.

… …

“Nina, I think I saw an old friend, I will talk to you later.”

Nina is watching Lily to see whom she is so interested in. She saw Lily passing through several groups of conversation, and stopped there. Who she is talking with? Nina can not see that person. But a couple minutes later, she sees Lily rushing out of party, did not even turn back to say “Good bye.”

Nina was wondering … …

2,  What's Happened?

It is about 10:00 PM; Kevin and Patricia are ready to sleep. Kevin’s cell phone is ringing. He picks it up:

“Hello, Who? Police? What? Yes, I am.”

“… …”

“Okay, I will be there.”

“Honey, I have to leave. Something happened.”

Patricia restrains herself, does not ask: “Be careful, it is raining.” She gets the wind coat and hands it to Kevin.

“Thank you, Honey, Good night!”

Airport, Kevin is talking to the ticket counter, get his ticket, and walk to the gate.

3,  Rush Into One-Way Street.

Night 12:00 AM, police bureau.

A police officer is explaining to Kevin what was happened.

“She was rushing into one way street toward the traffic? My god. Is she badly injured?”

“No. people were honking at her. She got panicked, made a sharp turn, hit a tree and stopped there. We find your card in her purse…”

Kevin signed a check and handed it to the clerk. He goes through a hall way as being leaded by an officer. Then, he saw Lily sitting there on a bench wearing a bright dress with little blood on the shoulder.

She looked at Kevin, wants to say something, but has no word.

“I am okay.”

“Okay, let’s go.”

Lily tries to stand up but faints.

4,  Regret

Hospital, Lily is lying on the bed. Kevin puts a flower bouquet in a vase on the table.

The doctor comes in, he checks on Lily.

“She is okay. She needs a few quiet days to rest. Physiatrist might be a help, if that is affordable.”

“Sure, no problem.”

“Are you her boyfriend? You can take her home now.”

Kevin is driving. Lily is in a big coat (Kevin’s).

“Are you okay?”


“What’s happened?”

“Something I regret.”

“Can you fix it?”

“No. It is too late.”

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“It is a long story. I am so tired.”

“Can you sleep? Just go to sleep; I won’t drive too fast.”

5,  Going To China

Lily’s Home.

“Are you going to China?”

“Yes. Next Monday. I will miss you. But I will call you every day.”

“I want to go with you.”

“Sure, as my wife?”

“I don’t care, whatever.”

Chapter V – In China

1,  American Shuai-Ge and a Chinese Liang-Nu, Interesting.

Beijing Hotel, stone lions at the gate, a black taxi stopped at the door. Fan Meng gets out opens the door for Kevin and Lily. Gets the luggage from the trunk, walk up stairs to the lobby.

Another taxi followed the black one.  Door is opened. Patricia wearing big sun glasses stepped out.

Hotel lobby, marble, in door garden with water falls, young and tall waiters and waitresses. Make up, high heels; guests come from different places all over the world. All kinds of clothes, all kinds of languages.

Fan Meng has two passports in one hand and a big luggage in the other hand, Kevin is carrying a Pullman in one hand, and the other arm is around Lily, Lily is holding her own purse. They are walking to the registration desk.

Lily is absolutely in fashion, looks like Princess Diana. Kevin is taller than most people in the hall. His politeness and caring to Lily has won a lot of respect and admiring. Lily is holding herself very straight, like a ballet dancer. All the ladies are looking at Lily with admiration.

Xiao Gang takes over the luggage, put them on the luggage carrier, and talk to Fan secretly: “Hi, American Shuai-Ge and a Chinese Liang-Nu, Hao Wr.” (Beijing local language: handsome American guy with Beautiful Chinese girl, interesting.) Lily heard what Xiao Gang just said, she passes a quick gleam on him, didn’t say anything.

Xiao Gang is helping Kevin and Lily with their luggage, and leads them to their room on 18th floor, a big suite facing the Chang-An Avenue.

Patricia shows up by herself in the lobby. She is looking for some one. Fan Meng just get out of the elevator.

“Madam, May I help you?”

“Au, I am just looking for you.”


“You are tour guide, right? You are helping the tall American Guy and the Chinese girl just went up, is that right?”


“Do you have a few minutes; I like to talk to you.”

“Sure, my pleasure. What can I do for you?”

They are walking to the coffee shop. Patricia ordered two cups of coffee, and talking to Fan …

“I am writing a book about inter-racial relationship, I have followed this couple in theUS for a while, can you help me to collect more information? I will pay you…”

2,  Whom Are You Going To Help?

Fan Meng and Xiao Gang are having a conversation.

“Would you help me? Xiao Gang?”

“You believe her? Maybe this one is the true wife? Then, who are you going to help?”

“What do you say?”

“How could I know? She did not hire me.”

“Okay, whoever hired me is my boss.”

“What? How about me?”

“Quan-Ju-De Peking duck, how is that?”

“You can not eat your words.”

“Never. Okay, deal.”

3,  I Met Him Here.

It is a hot summer in Beijing. 7:00 PM, sunset glow are firing the western sky.

Kevin and Lily are wearing white silk casual, they are walking on the outside of “Beijing Workers Gymnasium”, look cool and relax.

About 100 feet away, Fan is taking pictures.

A female student is passing by, running to her boyfriend, a tall young man with white shirt, black pants with a violin case in his hand.

(Lily: “That was 1981, it was summer…)

A Saturday in 1981. Lily locked her bicycle in their small yard. “Ma, I am home.”

“Au, good. Xiao Ping is home too.”

Xiao Ping is Lily’s sister.

“Lily, are you free tonight?” Ping opened the door, wearing full hair settings.

“Xiao Ping, You have foreign movie ticket again? What movie? Which country made? Speak English?”

“He, can you have one relaxed weekend without thinking about your English?”

“Okay, what is it?”

“Director Wu handed me a ticket, it is the “Hundreds Flowers Award Ceremony”. I want you to go this one. All the stars will be there. You won’t regret. Once a year only. Okay?”

Beijing Workers Gymnasium. Giant advertising board: “The 4th Awards of “Hundreds Flowers””, “Modernize the Industry”, “Modernize the Agriculture”, “Modernize the Millinery”, “Modernize the Technology”. Temporary flower beds, red flags added splendid attire to the site.

Lily is wearing a green dress, out standing from all the blues, grays and some vulgar colors. White university badge on her dress, indicate that she is a university student, among the excellent ones in her generation.

Lily steps up to the door with the crowds.

The ticket man looks at her: “Where did you get this ticket?”

“My sister gave that to me. What is the problem?”

“This ticket is for the actors and actresses. You have to go the back door to get inside.”

Lily goes to the back door, the ticket lady looks at her, noticed her badge : “You are a student, not an actress, you can not get in.” Lily wants take out the badge from her dress, but it is already too late.

“Give that ticket back to me.”

“Here you are.”

Lily is standing on the ground, wondering.

There are two tall men in black tuxedo carrying music instrument boxes. Lily guesses that they are musicians in the China Central Symphony, violinist and Base player.

She moves to them: “Au, Hi! You see, I have ticket, but they don’t allow me to get in.”

They looks at her, also noticed that she is a student. One of them (Ming Zhou) smiled and said: “Come with me.”

Lily follows Ming to the back door.

"Yes, she is a student, not actress, but we invited her to help in testing the recording instrument ...”

The door man looks at her, he is silent about two seconds; Lily steps in confidently, and is surrounded by all the stars immediately.

Ming Zhou leads Lily on the stage. There is a row of chairs at the back.

“You just sit here. None will ask you any question.”

Lily sits down, and soon Si Chin Gao Wa (movie star) and Li Gu Yi (famous singer) sit just beside her.

The curtain is pulled up; the stage is in strong light. The program host, two CCTV anchors, a lady in shining dress and a man in white suit is reciting the opening ceremony…

The TV camera is sweeping, aiming on this direction, and Lily heard the producer’s soft voice;

"Who is the green dressed girl on the right?"

4,  Don’t Fall In Love

(Lily’s voice: “I got to know him just like that”)

Lily was running bike to home after the ceremony, a couple blocks away from the stadium, Lily heard rings consistently behind her; soon she saw Ming’s bike catches up with her bike.

"We are going in the same direction; would you like to have companian?"

"Oh, sure, indeed."

No one remembers when they got down from their bicycles; they were walking, talking, talking and walking. The clock bell is faintly heard indicating the mid-night and there is no one on the street.

"I have to tell you, I am married, my wife is a school teacher, and we have a girl, 3 years old. I just want to be a friend, don't fall in love ...”

Lily laughed and said: “Falling in love is not that easy. Don't worry.”

The night is not breathing. Moon, in the sky, drops down caring coats on them.

5,  In The Woods

Another evening, Beijing western suburb, small dense woods, on a mild hill side. Moon light is dancing through the trees.

Kevin is holding Lily: “Lily, you are so stimulating. You are a glass of fine wine. I want to drink you forever.”

They walk in deep of the woods, Kevin is kissing Lily.

(The scene goes back to 1981)

The leaves are colorful, it was autumn. Lily is walking over, looking around for Ming. Ming come from her back using a big arch (made by willow tree stem and wild flowers) captured Lily, pull her to him.

Kissing, long and romantic.

Ming take out two books “History of Western Music”, they are sitting down, and Ming is lecturing.

Beijing Minority-Palace Music Hall. China Central Symphony is playing.

Mozart’s “The 41st Symphony” Lily’s mind: A zigzagged roof…

Greg’s “Peer Jynt” Lily’s Mind: Morning sunshine, flowers, curved sidewalk, step stones in the water…

Another autumn night with full moon.

Lily showed Ming her design, a unique single family house. She pointed out:

“This is Mozart’s “The 41st Symphony”;

“This is Greg’s “Peer Gynt”;

“And this is Vivaldi’s “Four Season.” Do you like it?”

Lily made a tiny book of her design, put it in a pendulum box, and gave the necklace to Ming as a gift.

Ming put a hand made violin pin on Lily’s dress.

6,  You Are Playing With Fire

Beijing Polytechnic University. Summer holidays, the campus is quiet. Kevin is taking a photo for Lily. They are walking in the campus, passing by “Civil Engineering Department”.

Lily: “I was crazy at that time …”

Time backs to 1981.

Examination season. Professors are giving review sections. Big engineering drawings are hanging on the blackboard.

Lily is reading “History of Western Music” under her desk.

“Hi, Lily, what are you doing? Shorten some distance?”

Lily is so concentrating on the book, she did not even hear the comments.

Kevin and Lily now stand in front of “Female Students Dormitory”.

Lily: “The two big music history books are passed from one hand to another hand and from one room to another room. Everyone knows that I am having an affair with someone in theChina Central Symphony”.

The graduation practice is new housing design for a planed satellite city in the mountain north of Beijing.

After dinner, facing the sunset, Professor Wu and Lily were walking on the mountain trail.

"He is married, you are crazy."

"I know, so what? I really like him and I feel very good."

"You are playing with fire ..."

The sunset above the mountain looks just like a firing sky.

7,  The Cave.

Kevin and Lily are sitting in a taxi, Lily is pointing out the direction to the driver.

Kevin: “Darling, Where are we going?”

(Time went back to 1981.

Lily and Ming are riding bicycle on the same road.

Lily: “Zhou Ming, where are we going?”

“To see one of my best friends.”

Two bicycles are laid down on the ground under a big tree.

That was a village 20 miles west of Beijing. There were about couple hundreds people living there. It was dark. It was hardly to see any one in the field.

That was a tomb. “Wu Le Rest here in his paradise”

Ming was standing there for a long time. Then, Ming and Lily walked away…

Ming: “1966, all of our students in Central Music Academy were here to accept the re-education. You know what is that mean.”

“Yes, I went to Jiang Xi with my parents.”

“Here was a prison; I was locked in that room for more than two years just because I said “30 R Li, now we are standing up.” (He made a gesture of playing violin to R-Hu. Lily had a bitter laugh.)

“And then I was categorized as “Anti-Revolutionist” and been put in prison.”

“In the two years, I was flattered, since I have 24 hours safe-guards, they would protect me even when I need to go for a pee.” He pointed a room at the end of the village; it is a small room with dirt walls and a wooden board door.

(Picture and Ming’s voice)

“Wu Le is my best friend. He is two years younger than me. That year, he was only 18. We were partners in “Liang Zhu”, I am the violinist, and he plays viola.

(Picture goes back to 1966. Evening, dark clouds all over the sky, there was no moon.

All the following actions are accompanied by Ming’s voice.

“Shufin is a local girl in the village, a school teacher, sister of the guard.”

“That was a winter evening. Wu Le asked her to replace her brother, so Wu Le can get me out for a break.”

Wu Le was talking to Shufin, “……”; “… …” Wu Le points a direction to her; she nodes as she understands.

They went to the “prison”. Shufin talked to the guard. The guard passed the gun and key to shufin, and left.

Shufin unlocked the door, Wu le jumped in and dragged Ming out. They are running to the pointed direction… The melon field. Wu Le opened a big piece of straw blanket.

Picture gets dark, and later on the moon light casts in…

“All of our young musicians can not live without music; that is our life. Wu Le told me, “We call this “Dream Palace” we can come here to do our home work; use strip board to remember the music, excise our fingers…”; “How did you find this cave?”; “We made it, we used drinking cups and rice bowls; the construction cost us two months…

“He was still talking, I cried loudly. I cried for our youth, I cried for the wasting of our talents, everyone had competed with over thousands of applicants to step in the central music academy, we were full of musical blood. What did we do wrong? We were the hope of China, and we were the 8 clock morning sun, how comes suddenly we get back to the night and be under ground in this cave?”

Picture: a horse got lost control, running passed by; the cave collapsed…

“When I woke up, I was in hospital. They told me:

Shufin did not see us come back, she went to the cave…

She called every one…; they put us on the door board; carried us over the river to the local hospital in the night.

The sky is dark, very dark, no moon, no star. Eight people carrying two injured man hardly one step by one step struggling in the river. Foot prints and blood drops are falling in the snow. Ice in the river is broken under their feet.

Wu Le died that night. I still remember his happy voice.

(Wu Le’s voice: “This is our paradise.” The sound pierces into the sky.)

8,  He is My Fiancé.

I lost too much blood. The revolutionary committee in the hospital refused to save me since I am an “anti-revolutionist”. Shufin yelled at them, volunteered her blood, and surprisingly said: “You have to save him, he is my fiancé…”

“When I recovered, I married her. Later on, we had a beautiful daughter, her name is Xuan Xuan.”

(Back to today’s time.)

Kevin: “What a story.” He noticed that Lily is crying, and pulled her into his arm.

The moon moves out of the clouds; the moon light is sending them on the way.

9,  Drink the Freedom, Drunk In Love.

The Forbidden City, Lily is leading Kevin through each hall.

Summer Palace, they are claiming the mountain, rowing in the Kun Ming Lake.

On the Greet Wall, Kevin is running up and shouting on the top: “I am on the Greet Wall” (Big reflecting voice)

Beijing, Heavy temple. Kevin and Lily are kneeing down in Qi-Nian Hall:

Lily‘s voice: (Weak and plead) “How do I get my calmness back? Please, please.”

Kevin’s voice (Anxious and strong): “I want to drink the freedom, drunk in love. Oh, god, thank you, blesses me.”

10,  He Should Not Come Here.

In the hotel room, Kevin is in a dark blue robe; sit in the deep sofa chair. He pours two cups of wine, passes one to Lily. Lily is in a light blue robe with white flowers on it. She takes over the wine, walk to the window, completely jumped into the moon light.

Kevin: “My dear, what’s happened that night you rushed in the one way?”

Lily: “That has to go back to 1985; I am ready to come to USA.”

(Time goes back to 1985)

On the lakeside, it was raining. Both Lily and Ming are in plastic rain coats.

Lily: “Ming, I am about to leave in two weeks to USA.”

Ming: “Good for you. I will miss you.”

“Me too.”

“I like to see the world too. Can you give me a hand?”

“Sure. What can I do for you?”

(Lily’s voice: “He asked me to go to San Francisco, Powell Street, No 1482, to see his friend Mr. Hua-Yin Lin”

Picture: Lily is talking with Mr. Lin in his jewelry shop.

Mr. Lin: “You write to him, tell him, don’t come. I know him too well; he can not live without music. Look at me, I married a Japanese woman, running this jewelry store, living is okay, but I have not touch my base for years. ..."

Lily saw a base with a dark blue velvet box stands in the corner behinds the counter.

(Time back to the hotel)

Lily: “I did”

Picture: Lily is writing the letter, she picks up two pieces of red leaves, kissed the leaves, and put them in the envelop.

(Time backs to the hotel)

Lily: “And then, I was struggling with my English, classes, examination, and soon I lost connection with Ming until 1990. That was on my Christmas Party.

(Time back to 1990, Lily’s apartment, Christmas lights and balloons on the balcony.

Someone carrying gift boxes are calling in the yard: “Hi, Lily, Which one is yours?”

Lily got on the balcony: “Come up, this one, I am here.”

Inside, fire in the fire place, holiday string lights made a holiday ceiling, Chinese and English greetings on the wall. About 50 people showed up. They are talking in Chinese and English.

Among them, there were several performers, a famous tenor, a few dancers, and a lot of engineers…

A young man is talking with a very good professional voice:

“What am I doing? In one sentence,

In China, I was singing without doing anything else; and here, I am doing anything else without singing.”

“We love to hear your song today.”

“Okay.” He looks around, grabs Lily and announces: “Next one, “15th Moon” by Lily and Liu Bing.”

Lily and Liu Being are singing in duet. People give a big applauds. The tenor made a gesture for “Thanks.”; and Lily is simulating him. People are laughing… “That is not right, Lily, you are the soprano…”

Liu Bing: “Lily, this is Li Guang, comes from China Central Symphony.”

“Au, yes. I know your name; thank you for coming to my party, Mr. Li, I am honored. Would you like to give us a “Shi Mei Mai Fu” later on?”

“Sure. I have to have a glass of wine first.” Lily smiled, passed him a glass of wine. They start to chat…

He was surprised: "You know Mr. Zhou? How? "

"Just an old friend, nothing else."

"Okay, I believe you. He is in San Diego."

"Oh, good, do you have his number? ...”

… …

"Hello, Mr. Zhou, Guess who is calling you?"

"Ah..., I don't know."

"This is Lily."

"What? I can not believe this ..."

11,  Meet in Irvine .

(Time back to the Hotel)

Lily: “1993, I got a job offer in Irvine, which is closer to San Diego. I have not seen him for 8 years.

I often wrote to my mother in Beijing and asking her did she ever see Zhou Ming; once my mom said, she did see him once on the bus and he still looks very good and handsome."

That was Autumn Festival. But the moon was not shown up, and it was raining.

(Time backs to 1993)

Lily is preparing a full dinner, looking out to the street from time to time.

About 8:00 PM, a small Honda Civic parked on the curb.

There was no happy calling each other; they hugged without words on the door porch for a long time.

Lily is in a rosy red dress, short hair just in fashion. A typical successful young professional. She puts on the violin pin, which is a gift from Ming for her birthday many years ago.

Her house is modern, simple and elegant. 60” TV stand in the corner of the living room. On the top, there is a picture, Lily is shaking hands with an official, and who is presenting an awards to Lily. Another picture is old, that one is taken on the Qun-Ming Lake, and five small boats formed a start in the center of the water.

Ming is standing there, looking at the photos.

Lily comes from his back “That was in Beijing, after graduation. We went to Summer Palace, I like this one so much, that recall my days in China.”

(Lily’s active voice: “Zhou Ming looks much differently. He looks skinny and old, tired. His hair is very neat, looks out of fasion.”)

“I looked at him, thinking that he may not have a very good life in US these years. That is not surprising, since a lot of artists do not have a chance to be in their own profession, especially in their older age with poor English.”)

Ming looks at Lily, he noticed the violin pin. “You still have it?”

“Oh, sure, you hand made it. I love it.” Lily is happy that he does notice the pin.

“Are you hungry? It is eight o’clock already. Come here Ming, Let’s have dinner.”

He looked at the table, said:” Thank you so much, you must have been preparing this the whole day.”

Lily remember that Ming likes to drink, Lily passed him a glass of wine.

Ming: "..., you know Lily, I am thinking of going back to Beijing. At my age, I am not able to win the hard competition to get in any symphony, what I can do here is teaching the kids to play violin. I know they are not music material at all. But for money, I have to do it. In Beijing, even I retire from Central Symphony, I still can be a professor in Central Music Academy; but here, what can I be? I want make more money, so my daughter can come here to study.”

“Maybe you are right. It is not the best choice for every one to stay here; do you remember what Hua-Yin said?”

Ming did not answer.

“How old is Xuan Xuan now?”

“She is 16, a pretty girl, loves music.”

Lily found Ming’s old spirit backs to his face.

Lily realized that he did not eat much.

"You don't like my cooking?"; “Yes, it is very good, I know that. But, tell you the truth, my stomach feels very bad these days."

“Did you see doctor?"

“No, actually, I don't have medical insurance.”

Ming looks at Lily, she still looks pretty good, a little older, but even more attractive,

“Lily, you are still single, why?”

“When I just came here, everyone thinks I am looking for green card. When I got established, I look around; it is really difficult to find someone available and also qualified.”

“How about the Caucasian guys?”

“Well, you know Chinese image in this country is still in “China Town” stage, it needs a while for them to catch up, and I might just be the sacrificed one in this processing.

Do you remember my friends, Wei and Yai Mei? The basketball players. Both have Ph. D. Yai Mei is in New York, married a guy 30 years older than she is, a soldier in second world war, except the head, every joint in his body are stainless steel. Wei is in Europe, she is younger than her husband’s granddaughter. I am about 8 years older than them, apply this logic, I need to find a man about 90 years old. You know, it is pretty hard to find such one.”

Ming reveals a slim bitter smile.

“You are wasted, Lily.”

Lily’s bedroom is comfortable.

In so many years, this is the first time they can sleep together. All during the evening, Lily was feeling sorry for him.

The happy mood, the eagerness and the desire for love got weakened. Lily tries to recall their past days.

Lily asked Ming: "In these 8 years, did you miss me? Were you still in love with me?"

He hesitated a while,

“No. I didn’t love you then, I love you now. I love you so much ...”

“I was confused. That night was so long. I don’t know when the rain stopped. The moon came out; but my feeling is awkward. I recalled Geling Yan’s writing, “The moon looks like a big piece of aspirin.”

(Time back to the hotel)

“So, he did not love you?” Kevin asks.

(Time back to1993)

“The second morning, he left to LA for his classes. I walked him to his car. We hugged and kissed for good bye.

“When I came back to my room, I saw the necklace, the one I gave him eight years ago, is on my night stand, beside the violin pin, I opened the box, the tiny drawing of my dream house is still there, I rushed out, only saw his car on the corner making a turn and disappeared…”

“I lost him, lost my dream. I cried. Tried many phone calls; but he is gone, moved to somewhere I can not found. I don’t care if he is not my husband, but do care that he loves me. I feel my mind is so narrow, I was so eager to hear him to tell me that “I love you all the time”.

On the wedding party, I met Li Guang again, he told me:

(Picture: Li Guang was talking with Lily, and then Lily rushed out.)

“Ming finally decided to go back to Beijing. When he arrived Beijing airport, old friends from China Central Symphony were there greeting him. But he spitted blood at the airport, he was sent to the hospital, and never made his home.”

“When I heard about his death, just wanted to leave the wedding, the sooner, the better. You know what’s happened after that.

Au, he loves me so deeply; he does not want me to think about him any longer, he wants me to have a new life. That was the only night we could love each other, but I misunderstood him. I missed the chance to love him. That is my lifetime regret.”

Beijing’s night, deadly quiet, stars all over the sky, a meteor shooting over…

12,  A Letter to Shufin.

Lily is writing a letter in the hotel room.

“Dear Shufin:

My name is Xiao Li. I am a friend of Zhou Ming, your husband. We met before. Do you remember the New Year eve, the singer with an English song? That was more than 10 years ago. …”

(Time back to 1984)

Ming’s birthday party.

Xuan Xuan, 3 years old, holding a plate with a big steamed peach shape Chinese bread, “Ba Ba, Sheng Ri Kua Le!” (Chinese: Daddy, Happy birthday!)

Ming carries her up and kissed his daughter.

Ming is introducing Lily to his wife Shufin: “This is a new friend, Lily, an architect student.”

Shufin: “Au, welcome. You look like a dancer.”

Lily: “I can not dance here, but I can sing a song.”

Lily was singing “Love me tender” at Ming’s birthday party…

Picture: Lily drops the letter in the mailbox.

13,  What Are You Going To Do?

Patricia is reading Lily’s diary …, she wipes her tears, looks at the window.

Moon is in the sky, bright and dignify.

Patricia and Fan are sitting in a coffee shop in Beijing. Their seats are close to the window. Through the semi opened silk curtain, a full moon is looking at them. Moon light spread on the table, on Lily’s diary book, her dream house is on the cover with her signature. A lot of photos covered the small coffee table.

… …

Fan: “So, he is your husband. Do you love him?”

Patricia: “Yes, I do. We have been married for 20 years.”

“Does he love you?”

“He does. I don’t doubt that. As you say, he is a model husband. He provides everything I want to me, especially his care and love.”

“So what are you going to do now?”

“Good question, I don’t know. Do you have any advice? ”

“No. You are the relationship expert.”

“What are people really looking for in a relationship in your country?”

“While, it is hard to answer. The traditional Chinese style is one man one wife, “being 100 years together” is the typical wishes on wedding. But it is changing; it is on the way to become more western just like anything else.

“N…. This is universal. It has no country or racial boundary regarding relationship.”

“As a man, especially an artist like myself; a movie director, honestly to say, the idea that a man only loves one lady in his whole life is almost impossible. Every lady I meet has her own special attraction. I think so the same for the men.

In the old days, people’s living and working spaces are limited. They can only stay within a small circle of people. They do not have freedom and extra energy to socialize.

Now, man and woman are doing business together, exploring opportunities together, exchanging their life experience and knowledge, even people with 10,000 miles apart, it only takes pushing a button for communication, in this new environment, people’s hearts are boundless, “Being together 100 years” is really facing a big challenge.”

“Are you suggesting a divorce?”

“No, I am not suggesting any solution. Each marriage has its own reason to start and to end. True love is unbreakable, it is a lifetime processing, not only a piece of paper.”

“In our country, people are talking about growing away. That means the interest in life, the thinking mentality, and the life speeds of the husband and wife are going to the different directions.”

On the curb.

Patricia shaking hands with Fan, “Thank you so much, you did a very good job, 007.”

Fan: “Thank you for the generous payment. That will provide me six months free time for writing.”

Patricia smiled. Taxi carries Patricia away.

Fan makes a phone call to Xiao Gang: “Hi, Xiao Gang, now you have to put the book back to her luggage, come done to get it.”

“Oh. Mission impossible is accomplished. (Broken English) Where to meet you?”

“… …”

“Don’t forget, you own me a dinner of Peking duck.”

… …

Fan and Xiao Gang are eating Peking duck:

“Hei, Lao Meng, who are you really helping? The Chinese Nu? Or the Yang Nu?”

“Who do you want me to help?”

“I don’t know. You know life is so fast these days, like flying, I have lost my head 10 years ago. But this duck is pretty good; may I have a bottle of R Guo To?”

… …

Full moon is surrounded by colorful clouds, under the sky, is Chang-An Avenue. The lotus street lights, straight white and red traffic lights extend into the sky reaching the moon.

14,  Grave yard

Kevin and Lily are walking up the stairs to “Eight Treasure Grave Yard”. Lily puts down the small drawing and the violin pin on the tomb, and Kevin puts down a huge banquet of roses.

Full Moon in the sky.

15,   Patricia’s Letter

Beijing airport, Kevin is calling Patricia.

“Honey, I will be home tomorrow. Would you like to pick me up in San Francisco?”

“Dear, I love to. But I am sorry I can not; I am going to Paris tomorrow for another lecture. I will call you when I get there. Take care of yourself. Will you be okay?”

“Oh, sure, I will be okay. Too bad. I miss you.”

San Jose.

Kevin got home, turns on the answering machine. It is Patricia: “Hi, dear, welcome home. I will call you when I get there. I left you a letter on your desk. Take care. Bye, I love you.”

Patricia’s letter:

“Honey, I followed you to China. I learned everything. I still love you deeply.

For long time, I feel that we are looking at each other like in a mirror. Life can be so rich if we have the courage to explore. Steve and Carol have established their own life. We have the luxury to get more from our limited time. It maybe mutual beneficial if we terminate our marriage, and move to the chapter II of our life.

I have an idea, the piece of land we bought two years ago in north of San Francisco, is still empty, how about give that to Lily, so she can build her dream house on it. How does that sound to you?

Good Bye, my dear. I know you are brave as you are always in the forefront of this world. That is why my heart is always being with you.

Your loving wife, Patricia Smith.”

Chapter VI – Yes, I did.

1,  Why don’t you pick me up?


2,  Board Meeting

3,  My fault

4,  Not your business

5,  Yes, I did.

Chapter VII – The End

One year later.

1,  “Life in Chapter II”

Pictures: Patricia is busy on podium, on TV, talking with researchers, accepting awards; she gets an e mail from New York…)

(Kevin: Two years later, Patricia published her book titled “Chapter II”. This book hits the best seller list. Patricia is busy giving lectures and her business extended to a research institute as “Meaning of Life”. She got an email from Mr. WC from New York, said “I like your book.” Someone told her that is from former US president.)

2,  Dreaming House

Pictures: Lily is busy in construction; Xuan is practice violin with a music professor in Juliet …)

(Kevin: Patricia and Lily become very good friends. The piece of land Patricia mentioned locates on the hill, facing the ocean about 120 miles from San Francisco. Lily accepted it but insists that she will pay money back in 5 years. She is busy to build her dream house. Shufin did not accept Lily’s invitation of coming to live in California. She remained inChina to stay with her husband. Xuan Xuan now is a student in Juliet learning violin.)

3,  “Moon Light”

Pictures: Fan is writing. He is explaining to the actor and actresses, camera man; a big Advertising board “Moon Light”.

(Kevin: Fan backed to his profession, he wrote a movie called “Moon Light”; He is busy working between US and China. He has got the actress for “Lily”, but still picky for “Kevin”. He promises that we can enjoy the movie next Christmas.)

4 Life Has No Limit.

Picture: Kevin is giving presentation to the “Xin Fu Insurance Company”. Kevin is in contract signing ceremony. They are interviewed by Chinese TV station and newspaper.

(Kevin: Star.com signed the joint venture contract with China Xing-Fu Insurance Company. Everything is going well.

I am still thinking about my marriage and my life; I believe that God will show me the answer soon. He has built love and intelligence in us. If we do have an open mind and trust each other, life can be so rich and beautiful, it will be forever creative and fulfilled.)

5,  End

Picture: Deep blue sky with full bright moon.


Breathe the freedom;

Drink the love;

The heart has no boundary;

Life has no limit.

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