
一天隻有24個小時, 開心煩惱任你選


(2017-02-24 16:45:22) 下一個

老二本周的作業是在全班同學麵前吐槽她姐 (嗯, 作業是Oral Presentation:  5 out of 500 things that irritate me about my sibling and how I deal with them)。 老媽自然是小白鼠, 聽完之後, 我的感覺就是:最可恨的人不是階級敵人, 而是你姐! 大家自己感覺一下吧。 我的中文翻譯大家將就著看哈

“正如你們都知道的, 我有個姐姐。 她比我大, 所以我就理所當然地成了她的跟班了。 她要是做事出了錯, 比如說把水灑了一地, 就會叫我去拿紙巾。 如果我太慢了, 她就會對我大呼小叫。 我的處理方式是對著她大叫,告訴她小心我不幹了 (別這麽做, 這根!本!不起作用, 我已經試過了)。

我姐讓我生氣的另一件事就是她總是覺得自己是對的。 即使是她明顯做了錯事, 她不是覺得她沒做, 就是認為是我做的。我的處理方式是對她很刻薄, 不理她, 或對她大叫。 這會讓我最終覺得好過點。

我姐讓我生氣的第三件事是即使我盡我最大的努力去惹惱她, 她也很少被我惹惱。我的處理方式是變本加厲地騷擾她(老媽加注:妹妹,你這是不作不死的節奏呀), 這個再沒效果,我就不理她。這也讓我想起我姐讓我生氣的下一件事。

我不喜歡她不理我。 我對她刻薄一!分!鍾!, 她可以一!小!時!不理我。我不理她沒啥了不起, 因為我隻是不理她一小會 ((老媽加注:嗯,馬列主義一般都是用在別人身上滴)。 通常,都是我向她道歉,要她跟我說話,但她就是不理我, 所以我就說“好吧”,然後繼續惹惱她 (像所有的弟弟妹妹一樣(老媽加注:我就沒幹過這種事))。

我姐讓我生氣的最後一件事是我做作業或讀書時,她特討厭。顯而易見,在我閱讀的時候,她必!須!唱歌,在我寫作業的時候, 她必!須!說話或者告訴我該怎麽做我!的!作業。我的處理方式是對她大叫: 閉嘴!她通常就停了。“


As most of you know, I have a sister. She is older than me so apparently that makes me her sidekick. She usually will be doing something and she fails like spills water and tells me to get her a paper towel. If I’m too slow, she will shout at me. How I deal with this is I shout at her and tell her not to lose me around (do not try this it does NOT work, I tried).

Another thing that irritates me about my sister is how she thinks she’s always right. She obviously does something wrong, but she thinks she did not do it or I did. I deal  with this by being mean, giving her silent treatment or shout at her. This will make me feel better in the end.

The third thing that irritates me about my sister is the fact that she rarely gets annoyed, even when I’m trying my hardest to annoy her. I deal with this by trying harder until I have to give her the silent treatment which brings me to my next irritating fact about my sister.

I don’t like it when she gives me the silent treatment. I do something mean for 1 minute, and she rejects me for an hour. It’s OK when I give her the silent treatment because I don’t do it for as long. Usually, what happens is I try saying sorry and asking her to speak to me but she doesn’t do so I would just say “fine” and keep annoying her (like most younger siblings).

The last thing that annoys me about my sister is the fact that she’s really annoying when I’m doing homework or reading because obviously she HAS to sing while I’m trying to read or she HAS to talk and  tell me what to do for my homework while I’m doing homework.. What I do to stop this is loudly yell “shut up”. She would usually stop after that.

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豐收的喜悅 回複 悄悄話 哈哈哈哈哈,大讚!
為寫而寫 回複 悄悄話 好可愛的姐妹倆。這可都是寶貴的史料,得好好留著給她們長大以後看:)
wawale 回複 悄悄話 可以滔滔不絕說上一天:))
沒敢說 回複 悄悄話 長大後,會變成多麽美好的回憶啊!