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領略繪畫藝術的魅力 26 Gregg Kreutz

(2009-11-23 11:53:47) 下一個

Gregg Kreutz美國人,出生於1947年,威斯康星州人,紐約大學的研究生。他繼續在大學生藝術聯盟學習,現在在那教學。Kreutz先生獲得許多獎項,包括哈德遜山穀藝術協會頒發的法蘭克賴特獎,聯合藝術家頒發的凱瑟琳羅瑞拉德沃爾夫獎和藝術進步獎。Kreutz先生在具象派風格的各學科都有所成就,創作了給人印象深刻的寶石語調油畫,裏麵就包含風格場景,景物和風景. Kreutz' style is very classical, similar to Leffel and Rembrandt. With masterful use of light and shadow, (chiaroscuro) he takes us from a blank, white canvas through the sketching and placement process to the completed work with all the nuances of mysterious shadow and areas of brilliant light. He shows us how to develop the portrait in this complete nude painting, how to work with line and the interplay of cool shadows on warm flesh. Because his studio, in New York City, is naturally lit with an ideal north skylight, the feel of his painting and the video itself is the same as watching one of the old masters paint in his own studio. It is thrilling to watch Gregg make flesh and blood with his first few strokes and triangles. He works hard to ensure that the viewer (his students) understand his palette, his colors, his development of flesh tones, the importance of shadow and the brilliant effect of his light areas. The painting is completed with hands and legs detailed, every aspect is wonderfully captured, and all the little touches of flesh, robes and drapery clearly painted and perfectly explained. Gregg is a superb painter and an exceptionally articulate teacher

his works http://www.greggkreutz.com/

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