http://blog.wenxuecity.com/blogview.php?date=201002&postID=5203把那些恐嚇信 (
以網管的名義), 想當然地認為是網管所為了。
現在才意識到, 網管們很可能一直都在為我們大家
背著黑鍋, 而辛勤地為大家服務, 工作著呐。
Hikers can get into our email account. In the same way, they can also get into our Blog Message system, can't they?
Sometimes, like this,
http://members.wenxuecity.com/quickmatch.php , even get into our other systems through Programing, I guess. This
鄰家妹 had(have) made many my friends thought that SHE(the shell?) is myself.
網管們致以深深的道歉, for 粗枝大葉, 欠深思, 缺細想。