
與自然比, 人類很渺小; 與動物比, 人類並不高貴.


(2014-07-09 18:27:49) 下一個


俺們國人就喜歡繞: 環境繞,心境繞,文化繞,最後把自個兒也給繞進去:

<小窗幽記 > 卷六 集景(節):

門內有徑, 徑欲曲; 徑轉有屏, 屏欲小; 屏進有階, 階欲平; 階畔有花, 花欲鮮; 花外有牆, 牆欲低;
牆內有鬆, 鬆欲古; 鬆下有石, 石欲怪; 石麵有亭, 亭欲樸; 亭後有竹,竹欲疏; 竹盡有室, 室欲幽;
室旁有路, 路欲分; 路合有橋, 橋欲危; 橋邊有樹, 樹欲高; 樹陰有草, 草欲青; 草上有渠, 渠欲細;
渠引有泉, 泉欲瀑; 泉去有山, 山欲深; 山下有屋, 屋欲方; 屋角有圃,圃欲寬; 圃中有鶴, 鶴欲舞;
鶴報有客, 客不俗; 客至有酒, 酒欲不卻;酒行有醉,醉欲不歸。


此段落被林語堂先生采用在1937年 於美國發表的< The Importance of Living > 一書中,
"According to a Chinese writer, an ideal Chinese garden should be like: 

Inside the gate there is a footpath and the footpath must be winding.    At the truing of the
footpath there is an outdoor screen and the screen must be small.  Behind the screen there is
a terrace and the terrace must be level. On the banks of the terrace there are flowers and the
 flowers must be fresh.  Beyond the flowers there is a wall and the wall must be low.  By the
side of the wall there is a pine tree and the pine tree must be old.  At the foot of the pine
tree there are rocks and the rocks must be quaint.  Over the rocks there is a pavilion and the
pavilion must be simple.  Behind the pavilion there are bamboos and the bamboos must be thin
and sparse.  At the end of the bamboos there is a house and the house must be secluded.  By the
side of the house there is a road and the road must branch off.  At the point where several
roads come together, there is a bridge and the bridge must be tantalizing to cross.  At the
end of the bridge there are trees and the trees must be tall.  In the shade of the trees there
is grass and the grass must be green.  Above the grass plot there is a ditch and the ditch must
be slender.  At the top of the ditch there is a spring and the spring must be gurgle.  Above
the spring there is a hill and the hill must be deep.  Below the hill there is a hall and the
hall must be square.  At the corner of the hall there is vegetable garden and the vegetable
garden must be big.  In the vegetable garden there is a stork and the stork must dance. 
The stork announces that there is a guest and guest must not be vulgar.  When the guest arrives
there is wine and the wine must not be declined.  During the service of the wine, there is
drunkenness and the drunken guest must not want to go home."


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