
BUYER 的心理素質 (2)

(2009-10-19 05:19:22) 下一個
上午發了email,下午我給Listing agent 打電話,想探探seller 心中的底價。首先告訴他我的buyer是第一次買房。對市場不是很了解. 為了不浪費他的時間,如果他能夠給我一個 idea, 我也好和我的buyer 協商。Listing agent 這時一點大腕的架子都沒有了。給了我一個數。我衡量了一下。基本是5% off, 而我們這更普遍是3% off.

告訴了我的buyer。 Buyer認為太高。我也隻能說:let’s try. 晚上又遞了一個low offer, 心想還有counter offer. 第二天早上,Listing agent 直接打電話給我counter offer: full price, 但接受我們提出的付closing cost 和home warranty. Closing cost 也是幾千。如果我們再counter 的話, 又可減幾千。是個很好的deal 了。

我即刻給buyer 打了電話。她一聽說full price, 就來火了:no. tell him to send his counteroffer in written. I’ll email him back that we are no more interested in their house. 我又懵了:怎麽一還價就來火。幾個來回的還價是很正常的。我耐著性子說:We don’t have to accept their counteroffer. We are entitled to counteroffer, too. 她說:no。tell them we are no more interested in their house. Can you forward all his emails to me.
我說:no problem. 但心理想:啥意思?難道我和listing agent 串通? 我很不情願地給listing agent 打電話,要求他把counteroffer email 給我。他email 給我。我就forward 給buyer.在email 中, Listing agent 作了解釋,分析了市場。我的buyer 看完後打電話給我:the listing agent is lying. I know no houses were sold over XXXXX. 我很清楚我給他們的市場分析有這些數據。Listing agent 作解釋隻是為了說服他們,沒想到惹了一身臭。我的buyer 接著說:email him that we think he’s lying. We are no more interested in that house. 我說: I already told him you were not going to make a counteroffer. 其實我沒有。生意不成,也不用nasty.

此時我已認識到他們的好戰心理,也聯想到中東年年的戰火,糾紛是不是因為他們的好戰心理照成。(disclaimer : no prejudice here). 我無法理解他們的心理,我的心理也受到了創傷。我決定給他們的服務到此為止。

第二天上午看email. 有一份是那個老公的。他Blah,Blah… I think we should move on and look for better options. 我理解是他們要換agent. 我回了他的email:

As your agent, I respect your choice and appreciate the opportunity that you provided to work with you.

It\'s not easy and it\'s also emotional buying a house. It takes time and patience. Some people are lucky to get to buy the first house. Some people have to make several tries. Don\'t give up.

Good Luck.

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homedeco 回複 悄悄話 interesting, waiting for the next episode.