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字號: 小2013-03-05 08:56 來源:天和網 評論(0)
Tags: 美國納稅申報表 健康保險 所得稅責任編輯:曹靜偉

Your 2012 federal income tax return holds special significance this year.




That’s because the return will be the main tool used to determine whether you’re eligible for federal assistance to buy health insurance through state-based insurance exchanges that will open next year.




This is all part of the federal Affordable Care Act, which takes full effect in 2014. Most Americans will be required to buy health insurance or face a tax penalty.




The new law provides two forms of federal subsidies to help pay for health insurance provided by the exchanges.




Each state will have its own exchange serving people who buy their health insurance directly, as well as a separate one for small businesses. The vast majority of people now covered by employer plans will not see a change.




And make no mistake, the insurance exchanges are coming to every state, even those led by staunch GOP opponents of the health care overhaul, such as Texas Gov. Rick Perry. In Texas and almost 20 other states, the exchanges will be operated by the federal government, over state opposition.




The first type of subsidy offered will be a monthly premium assistance tax credit that will lower the amount an individual or family must pay. The tax credit will be sent directly to your insurance company and applied to your premium, so you pay less out of your own pocket.




“You will pay a percentage of your income as your share of the premium, and the federal government will pay the rest,” said Brian Haile, senior vice president for health policy at Jackson Hewitt Tax Service. “The percentage that you pay will depend on your household size and your income.”




Sara Collins, vice president of Affordable Health Insurance at the Commonwealth Fund, said consumers will be eligible for tax credits if their income is between 100 and 400 percent of the federal poverty level. That would be $11,490 to $45,960 for an individual or $23,550 to $94,200 for a family of four.




Your premium would range from 3 percent of your income for people with incomes at 133 percent of the federal poverty level to 9.5 percent of your income for consumers whose income is between 300 and 400 percent of the poverty level.

2013-03-05 08:56 來源:天和網 評論(0)
Tags: 美國納稅申報表 健康保險 所得稅 責任編輯:曹靜偉
For example, a couple making $30,000 would pay about $160 per month for insurance, and a family of three making $48,000 would pay about $320 for insurance, Haile said.
“The insurance will be free for some people, but this depends on your age and where you live,” he said.
When open enrollment starts in October, it’s important to double-check your application to make sure everything is accurate. If the amount of income you report isn’t accurate, you may end up paying more for insurance.
The second type of subsidy will limit a person’s maximum out-of-pocket costs, and for some it will also reduce other cost-sharing requirements, such as deductibles, co-insurance and co-payments.
To help taxpayers become more informed about how their tax return will affect their health care costs, H&R Block is providing clients with a free personalized review of how the health care law would impact them.
For example, the review tells clients whether they’re eligible for a subsidy and their estimated monthly insurance premium and their potential tax penalty if they don’t buy health coverage.
“When we talk about the ACA and the fact that many of the main health care programs are actually done through the tax code, many consumers find that to be a surprise,” Haile said. “That makes it a really important educational effort on the part of tax preparers and tax advisers.”
The link between your taxes and health care coverage makes it even more critical that you check your math on your tax return this year.




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