《悲慘世界》(法語:Les Misérables,原意為“悲慘的人們”,“可憐的人們”),是法國作家維克多·雨果(Victor-Marie Hugo)於1862年所發表的一部長篇小說。是19世紀最著名的小說之一。小說描繪了19世紀初20年間幾個法國人物的生活,涵蓋了拿破侖戰爭和之後的十幾年的時間。故事的主線圍繞主人公獲釋罪犯尚萬強(Jean Valjean)試圖贖罪的曆程。小說同樣試圖檢視他的贖罪行為在當時的社會環境下的所造成的影響。這部宏大的小說,融進了法國的曆史,以及巴黎的建築、政治、道德哲學、法律、正義、宗教信仰,檢視了善、惡和法律的本質,同樣還有愛情與親情的種類和本質。雨果的創作靈感來源於一個真實的罪犯和警察「François Eugène Vidocq」,他把這個真實人物的性格分成了故事中的兩個人物。悲慘的世界通過它不計其數的舞台和熒幕的改編作品被世人所了解。最著名的改編作品是同名音樂劇。++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++801年,一個名叫尚萬強(Jean Valjean)的窮苦農民,因饑餓偷了一塊麵包而判19年苦役,刑滿釋放後,持黃色身份證(意指:帶有前科、案底的假釋證明)討生活又處處碰壁。到1828年,雨果又開始搜集有關米裏艾主教及其家庭的資料,醞釀寫一個釋放的苦役犯受聖徒式的主教感化而棄惡從善的故事。在1829年和1830年間,他還大量搜集有關黑玻璃製造業的材料,這便是到蒙特羅,化名為馬德廉先生,從苦役犯變成企業家,開辦工廠並發跡的由來。此外,他還參觀了布雷斯特和的特龍苦役犯監獄,在街頭目睹了類似芳汀受辱的場麵。又據說,雨果年輕時有一次在路上看到兩個士兵挾持著一個因偷麵包而被判死刑的男子,當時有一位貴夫人坐著漆有家徽的馬車經過,囚犯注目貴夫人,但貴夫人對囚犯卻視而不見。他認為此事表明當時法國平民承認貴族,貴族卻無視平民的存在,從此使他萌發寫《悲慘世界》的念頭。《悲慘世界》的主題是寫人類與邪惡之間不懈的鬥爭,人類本性是純潔善良的,將一同走向幸福,但要經過苦難的曆程。書中穿插當時法國革命動亂的背景和拿破侖滑鐵盧戰役的描寫,以及當時法國社會的很多細節都有論及,比如俚語,下水道和女修道院等情況,雨果在書中都分有獨立章節描寫。故事情節錯綜複雜,設計巧妙,跌宕起伏。雨果力圖表現嚴刑峻法隻能使人更加邪惡,應根據人道主義精神用道德感化的方法處理,他借主人公之口說道“最高的法律是良心”。他寫道:“將來人們會把犯罪看作一種疾病,由一批特殊的醫生來醫治這種病。醫院將取代監獄。”為了這部書,雨果前後構思了40年,到晚年才完成。他自稱這是“一部宗教作品”。+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++主要人物尚萬強(Jean Valjean)(化名:馬德蘭先生、割風伯伯、白先生、玉爾邦·法白爾):因為偷一條麵包救濟外甥而坐牢十九年的囚犯,原本隻判五年徒刑,但由於他並不信任法律,屢屢越獄以致罪刑加重19年後獲得假釋。他倔強不懼強權的個性使探長賈維爾對他深惡痛絕,他過人的氣力也使賈維爾對他印象深刻,兩人遂結下一生相互追逐之緣。雖然遭受社會歧視,但米裏哀主教拯救了他。他通過努力,尋求誠實的生活,成為工廠主和市長;收養了芳汀的女兒珂賽特,營救馬呂斯出街壘,年老而終。賈維爾(Javert):警察巡官,一次次追捕跟蹤尚萬強,但都被甩掉。便衣潛入街壘卻被識破。尚萬強本可殺死賈維爾,但卻放走了他。後來,賈維爾也讓尚萬強逃走。此時,賈維爾意識到法律程序並不道德。內心的衝突使他無所適從,最後在自己的警察手冊上紀錄下尚萬強的種種事跡後投河自盡。米裏哀主教(Bishop Myriel):迪涅地區主教。一位慈祥的老教士,因邂逅拿破侖而晉升主教。尚萬強竊走教堂銀器時,他說服尚萬強棄惡從善並為其開脫罪責。芳汀(Fantine):巴黎女工,懷孕後遭情人拋棄。芳汀將私生女寄養在德納第家中,孤身前往馬德蘭的工廠做工,後因身世敗露而被解雇。為了支付女兒的寄養費用,出賣了頭髮、牙齒以及自己的肉體。馬德蘭市長瞭解到她是因為不堪受辱而被捕入獄。在與女兒重逢前夕,因病故去。珂賽特(Cosette):芳汀的私生女。幼年寄人籬下,後由尚萬強收養。與馬呂斯相愛並成婚。德納第夫婦(M. & Mme. Thénardier):落魄的酒店老闆。他們共有5個子女(2女:愛潘妮、阿茲瑪;3子:加夫洛許及其兩個弟弟)。他們曾經收養珂賽特,但卻百般虐待。破產後移居巴黎,化名“容德雷特”。勾結犯罪團夥。德納第家曾是馬呂斯的鄰居,並曾“照顧過”馬呂斯的父親。小說結尾時,德納第大娘死於獄中,而德納第與二女兒阿茲瑪移民美洲,成為奴隸販子。馬呂斯•彭眉胥(Marius Pontmercy):男爵二世(因爵位由拿破崙授與而不被當時政府承認),與保皇派的外祖父決裂,攻讀法律,並加入“ABC之友”革命組織,與珂賽特相愛。安灼拉(Enjolras):1832年巴黎起義時“ABC之友”組織的領袖。天使般的俊美,全心投入民主、平等與正義的鬥爭中,致力建立共和國並解放窮苦人。街壘失陷後犧牲。愛潘妮(éponine):德納第的長女。幼年受寵,成年流落街頭。協助其父詐騙 錢財。暗戀馬呂斯。幫助並帶領馬呂斯找到珂賽特,阻止其父帶人搶劫珂賽特新居。假扮男孩,哄騙馬呂斯進入街壘,並想一起殉情。但卻擋住士兵射向馬呂斯的子彈,臨死時要求馬呂斯親吻自己的額頭。馬呂斯出於對其苦難生活的同情,了卻了她的遺願。加夫洛許(Gavroche):德納第的長子。流落街頭,成為野孩。參加街壘戰爭,在為起義者收集子彈時被殺。++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++光緒二十九年(1903年),蘇曼殊翻譯了雨果的《悲慘世界》,題名《慘社會》,1903年10月8日連載於《國民日日報》,署名“法國大文豪囂俄(雨果)著,中國蘇子穀譯。”,至12月1日,因報館被封停刊,前後11回。次年改由鏡今書局出版單行本時增加至14回,署名“蘇子穀、陳由己(陳獨秀)同譯”。此書未忠於原著,自第7回起,更杜撰情節,篡改處極多,文中竟然出現孔子和小腳,表現出對清朝政府強烈痛恨。陳獨秀續譯12至14回。李丹、方於夫婦從1958年至1984年翻譯《悲慘世界》五卷,這是中國第一套《悲慘世界》全譯本,由人民文學出版社出版(第一卷,1958年;第二卷,1959年;第三、四卷,1980年;第五卷,1984年)。I dream a dream...
Castle on a Cloud
Young Cosette is working as a drudge in the Th閚ardier's inn at Montfermeil.
Young Cosette
There is a castle on a cloud,
I like to go there in my sleep,
Aren't any floors for me to sweep,
Not in my castle on a cloud.
There is a room that's full of toys,
There are a hundred boys and girls,
Nobody shouts or talks too loud,
Not in my castle on a cloud.
There is a lady all in white,
Holds me and sings a lullaby,
She's nice to see and she's soft to touch,
She says "Cosette, I love you very much."
I know a place where no one's lost,
I know a place where no one cries,
Crying at all is not allowed,
Not in my castle on a cloud.
Mme. Th閚ardier:
Now look who's here
The little madam herself!
Pretending once again she's been `so awfully good,'
Better not let me catch you slacking
Better not catch my eye!
Ten rotten francs your mother sends me
What is that going to buy?
Now take that pail
My little `Mademoiselle'
And go and draw some water from the well!
We should never have taken you in the first place
How stupid the things that we do!
Like mother like daughter, the scum of the street.
Eponine, come my dear, Eponine, let me see you
You look very well in that new little blue hat
There's some little girls who know how to behave
And they know what to wear
And I'm saying thank heaven for that.
Still there Cosette?
Your tears will do you no good!
I told you fetch some water from the well in the wood!
Young Cosette
Please do not send me out alone
Not in the darkness on my own!
Mme. Th閚ardier:
Enough of that, or I'll forget to be nice!
You heard me ask for something,
And I never ask twice!
3 Master of the House
My band of soaks
My den of dissolutes
My dirty jokes, my always pissed as newts.
My sons of whores
Spent their lives in my inn
Homing pigeons homing in
They fly through my doors
And their money's as good as yours
Diner 2:
Ain't got a clue
What he put in this stew
Must have scraped it off the street
Diner 1:
God what a wine!
Chateau Neuf de Turpentine
Must have pressed it with his feet
Landlord over here!
Where's the bloody man?
One more for the road!
Th閚ardier, one more slug o' gin.
Just one more, or my old man is gonna do me in.
Th閚ardier greets a new customer.
Welcome, M'sieur
Sit yourself down
And meet the best
Innkeeper in town
As for the rest,
All of 'em crooks
Rooking their guests
And cooking the books.
Seldom do you see
Honest men like me
A gent of good intent
Who's content to be
Master of the house
Doling out the charm
Ready with a handshake
And an open palm
Tells a saucy tale
Makes a little stir
Customers appreciate a bon-viveur
Glad to do a friend a favor
Doesn't cost me to be nice
But nothing gets you nothing
Everything has got a little price!
Master of the house
Keeper of the zoo
Ready to relieve 'em
Of a sou or two
Watering the wine
Making up the weight
Pickin' up their knick-knacks
When they can't see straight
Everybody loves a landlord
Everybody's bosom friend
I do whatever pleases
Jesus! Won't I bleed 'em in the end!
Th閚ardier & Drinkers:
Master of the house
Quick to catch yer eye
Never wants a passerby
To pass him by
Servant to the poor
Butler to the great
Comforter, philosopher,
And lifelong mate!
Everybody's boon companion
Everybody's chaperone
But lock up your valises
Jesus! Won't I skin you to the bone!
To another new customer
Enter M'sieur
Lay down your load
Unlace your boots
And rest from the road
Taking his bag
This weighs a ton
Travel's a curse
But here we strive
To lighten your purse
Here the goose is cooked
Here the fat is fried
And nothing's overlooked
Till I'm satisfied...
Food beyond compare
Food beyond belief
Mix it in a mincer
And pretend it's beef
Kidney of a horse
Liver of a cat
Filling up the sausages
With this and that
Residents are more than welcome
Bridal suite is occupied
Reasonable charges
Plus some little extras on the side!
Charge 'em for the lice
Extra for the mice
Two percent for looking in the mirror twice
Here a little slice
There a little cut
Three percent for sleeping with the window shut
When it comes to fixing prices
There are a lot of tricks he knows
How it all increases
All those bits and pieces
Jesus! It's amazing how it grows!
Th閚ardier & Chorus:
Master of the house
Quick to catch yer eye
Never wants a passerby
To pass him by
Servant to the poor
Butler to the great
Comforter, philosopher,
And lifelong mate!
Everybody's boon companion
Gives 'em everything he's got
Dirty bunch of geezers
Jesus! What a sorry little lot!
Mme. Th閚ardier:
I used to dream
That I would meet a prince
But God Almighty,
Have you seen what's happened since?
`Master of the house?'
Isn't worth me spit!
`Comforter, philosopher'
- and lifelong shit!
Cunning little brain
Regular Voltaire
Thinks he's quite a lover
But there's not much there
What a cruel trick of nature
Landed me with such a louse
God knows how I've lasted
Living with this bastard in the house!
Th閚ardier & Drinkers:
Master of the house!
Mme. Th閚ardier:
Master and a half!
Th閚ardier & Drinkers:
Comforter, philosopher
Mme. Th閚ardier:
Ah, don't make me laugh!
Th閚ardier & Drinkers:
Servant to the poor. Butler to the great.
Mme. Th閚ardier:
Hypocrite and toady and inebriate!
Th閚ardier & Drinkers:
Everybody bless the landlord!
Everybody bless his spouse!
Everybody raise a glass
Mme. Th閚ardier:
Raise it up the master's arse.
Everybody raise a glass to the master of the house!