上善若水 厚德載物

從扭腰爬藤 倫家說的。。。。:)))

(2012-09-12 11:00:25) 下一個
  1 NY-Harvard/MIT(MIT不是藤,是鏈子,哈哈)自己走就該這樣。。。公共交通:從扭腰曼哈頓的中國城坐大巴到達波士頓700 Atlantic Ave Boston,然後進地鐵旁邊的SOUTH STATION 站坐地鐵紅線(往ALEWIFE方向),在HARVARD SQUARE站下就到哈佛大學門口了.花費兩元(或者買CHARLIE卡會便宜幾毛),(這位同學很會過日子哦:)))費時十五分鍾. 從哈佛到MIT隻隔兩個地鐵站,反之,從Kendall/MIT Station到哈佛大學也隻有兩站,車程大約5分鐘就到了。據說從哈佛可以溜溜達達到MIT,感覺仿佛從北大流竄到清華一樣一樣一樣滴:)))
   租車:從紐約開車去哈佛大學有兩條主要的高速公路路線。一條是由紐約市出發,走95號州際公路,向北偏東方向,沿著崎嶇的海岸線,五個小時左右,便可接上去去波士頓的90號公路,向東十分鍾後便到哈佛所在地劍橋市(Cambridge);另一條是沿95號公路走一個小時,然後接84號,向北偏東在走一個小時左右。進入馬薩諸塞州(Massachusetts,簡稱麻省)後,便可接上去波士頓的90號公路,橫著向東一小時後便到哈佛所在地劍橋市(Cambridge)。第二條路,由於遠離海岸線,比較直,開車舒服許多,也可以節省半小時時間。進入劍橋市會跨過一座小橋,小橋下是著名的查爾斯河(Charles River)
   2 NY-Princeton
   公共交通:可以選擇坐火車,大巴,灰狗先到費城,Philadelphia 坐Septa R7 到Trenton,再換New Jersey Transit到 Princeton Junction, 再換車去普林斯頓。這是便宜的辦法,但超慢。想快點就坐Amtrak 火車。如果沒有很多行李可以不必回大城市。在penn station 坐 NJ TRANSIT去YALE和PRINCETON都很方便 基本半小時一小時就有一趟 當場買票當場走 去普林大概20刀(2009年的信息。。。:))
 3 NY-Yale
   從中央車站坐Metro-north到New Haven-State Street來回Peak$37off-peak $28車票到中央車站買看你要做幾點就可以知道你要做peak 還是off-peak如果你去的時候是尖峰時刻就要做peak
  4 NY-PENN 傳說中的賓大 (2012 8月的信息)
   肯尼迪國際機場(JFK)1. Shuttle直達費城此種方法最方便,且價格不高。單人約為60美元,偏遠地區加收10美元,直接送達要到的地點。不過一般的shuttle都有一定運營時間,晚上很晚到達者就沒法趕上了。公司有例如Super Trans, 官網www.supertransPA.com可了解詳細情況及預約。2. 轉乘首先到達市內,以Penn Station為例方法有如下:- 打的,從機場到紐約市不打表$45,不含小費。- 先坐Skytrain,到Sutphin Boulevard後走到Jamaica。之後轉乘E,J,Z線都可到。然後轉去費城:- Amtrak火車,價格較貴約$50,類似高鐵,但實際速度比普通火車並不快太多。到達費城30街車站。- NJ Transit火車,在Trenton轉,最後到達費城30街車站。花費約$25。- Megabus/ Boltbus。這兩個巴士上車地點非Penn Station,詳情見兩者官網(www.boltbus.com, www.megabus.com)。需要提前預定,價格從$5到$15不等。 還有其他巴士。如Peter Pan, Greyhound. 詳情見各自官網。
   紐瓦克國際機場(EWR)1. 此處可以乘火車,到達學校博物館附近的火車站。2. 前文所提的Amtrak也有站點,價格約$40,到達費城30街車站。3. NJ Transit 也可轉Trenton後到達費城30街車站
    布朗大學 Brown University位於美國東岸羅得島州 Rhode Island的首府普維頓斯市 Providence ,距離波士頓約45英哩,一小時的車程,離紐約New York也十分的接近,需3個半小時的車程。羅德島離紐約開車約 3 小時;一般遊客怎麽從紐約到羅德島 最簡單和最便宜的方式就是搭巴士:到 Port Authority 巴士總站(位於紐約的41街及第8大道)地下一樓(地鐵出口)的 Peter pen買票到 PROVIDENCE KENNEDY PLAZA 這裏有Peter pen的時刻表和票價: http://www.peterpanbus.com/tickets/fares.php然後到 PROVIDENCE KENNEDY PLAZA 之後,再搭市內公車RIPTA (票價1.5美元)到 New Port 最後一站就到啦(時間約一小時 )
   ※ 這裏有RIPTA的時刻表和票價 : http://www.ripta.com/schedules/view.php
   夏天還有渡輪可以搭呢!! http://www.ripta.com/schedules/ferry.php
    New York, NY1. Head southwest on Broadway toward Chambers St 0.3 mi2. Turn left onto Park Row 0.1 mi3. Continue onto Frankfort St 0.3 mi4. Turn left onto Pearl St 69 ft5. Turn right onto the FDR Drive/FDR Drive N ramp 0.4 mi6. Merge onto FDR Drive 7.8 mi7. Take exit 17 on the left for Triboro Bridge toward I-278/Bruckner Expy/Grand Central Pkwy/Toll BridgeToll road0.4 mi8. Merge onto Robert F. Kennedy BridgePartial toll road0.4 mi9. Keep left at the fork, follow signs for Interstate 87 N/Interstate 287 E/Bronx/Upstate N Y/New England and merge onto I-278 E 5.4 mi10. Merge onto I-95 NPartial toll roadEntering Connecticut105 mi11. Slight right to stay on I-95 N (signs for New London/Providence)Entering Rhode Island60.3 mi12. Take the US-6 W/RI-10 W exit toward Downtown/Hartford Connecticut 0.2 mi13. Take exit 22A to merge onto Memorial Blvd toward Downtown 0.5 mi14. Turn left onto Washington St 449 ft15. Continue onto Waterman St 0.3 mi16. Turn left onto Brown StDestination will be on the left233 ft Brown University in Providence38 Brown StreetProvidence, RI 02906
  6 NY-Columbia Univ.怎麽就不由自主地想到了楊瀾,嘿嘿!!
  紐約主要有三個機場,JFK 和Newark 為國際機場,LaGuardia 為國內機場。從 JFK 到哥大有幾種方式,可以坐機場的SuperShuttle,或者坐出租車或者地鐵。Supershuttle是一種幾個人(一般是7 個人左右)Share 的Shuttlebus,可以在機場的服務台(GroundTransportation)叫車,一輛Shuttle 等滿7 個人就會走,然後每個人挨個送到各自的住處,一個人是19$,另加小費15%左右。如果是幾個人坐到同一個地點,收費標準是第一個人19$,以後每加一個人是11$,另加小費15%。不用自己搬行李,司機會幫你搬。出租車從JFK 到曼哈頓任何同一個地方都是平價$45, 另加高速、過橋以及小費$10,總共費用在$55左右。由於初到美國行李較多,不推薦坐地鐵。如果是團體到達,可以叫SuperShuttle 大家一起乘坐。由於紐約特殊的地理環境,哥大大部分學生都沒有車,所以原則上哥大學生會隻可能對5 人以上的團體到達提供接機。建議大家盡量結伴定機票,並且即使不能定到同一班飛機,也盡量安排在同一天到達。
 從 Newark 機場到哥大同樣可以打車或者在機場服務台(Ground Transportation)坐Supershuttle。出租車加小費總共在$75 左右。SuperShuttle 的價格和從JFK 到哥大相同。LaGuardia 是美國國內機場,有M60 公共汽車直達116 街哥大門口,費用是2$。如果出租車大概在$30 左右。要注意公共汽車隻接受硬幣(Quarter)或者MetroCard,如果沒有MetroCard,建議提前準備2$的硬幣(8 個Quarter)。MetroCard 可以直接在地鐵站用現金購買。(2009信息)
 7 NY-Ithaca
 Train and Bus Travel to Cornell UniversityTrain Service to SyracuseThe nearest train stop is Syracuse, NY, located approximately 80 minutes from Ithaca. Syracuse is connected to the Empire (N.Y.C.-Niagra Falls), Lake Shore Limited (Chicago-Boston), and Maple Leaf (N.Y.C.-Toronto) routes.Amtrak's Syracuse Station131 P&C ParkwaySyracuse, NY(800) 872-7245Amtrak(800) 872-7245Getting to Ithaca from Syracuse Amtrak StationIn addition to bus service (see below) from Syracuse to Ithaca, door-to-door taxi and van service is available to and from the Syracuse Amtrak Station. Connections should be reserved ahead of time with the Ithaca Airline Limousine (607) 273-3030; (800) 273-9197. Taxi service from Syracuse is less economical.Bus Lines with Service to IthacaThe Ithaca bus terminal is located in downtown Ithaca at the corner of W. State St. and N. Fulton St. (Route 13 South).Campus to Campus(607) 255-4628transportation@cornell.eduExpress transportation between the Ithaca and New York City campuses of Cornell UniversityGreyhound Bus Lines(800) 229-9424Shortline Bus(800) 631-8405Regional service within New York State, Long Island, and New Jersey, and into New York City at economical fares, with stops on the Cornell campus and downtown; extra routes occasionally added during Cornell and Ithaca College academic breaksNew York Trailways(800) 225-6815Very limited regional service, including routes to Elmira and SyracuseSwarthout Coaches(800) 772-7267, (607) 257-2660Economical but intermittent service to New York City, coordinated with school break schedulesCU Transit(607) 277-9388Chartered buses for special group trips, at hourly and daily ratesCornell Bus ServicesA student run transportation organization that provides express bus travel to and from Syracuse airport and train station for fall, Thanksgiving, winter, and spring breaks.Bus Service within IthacaTompkins Consolidated Area Transit (TCAT) buses service Ithaca and the surrounding areas. Routes 14, 20, and 21 connect campus with the Ithaca bus terminal. TCAT also serves as Cornell's primary form of on-campus transportation.
8 NY-Dartmouth...另一位才女 曾 子墨,嘻嘻,流言太多,忽略忽略。。。:((
 NYC in Luxury!Dartmouth Coach now offers reservation-based bus service from Lebanon and Hanover to New York City. This service is open to everyone. Passengers to New York City will arrive at the Yale Club, located at 50 Vanderbilt Ave., adjacent to Grand Central Station. Beginning May 31, Dartmouth Coach adds Sunday southbound service and early morning Monday northbound service connecting Lebanon and Hanover to New York City. We are accepting reservations for these trips.
 New York City
 One Way (Adult)$74.50One Way (Child)$37.25Round Trip (Adult)$149.00Round Trip (Child)$74.50@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
 Directions: By Bus/ShuttleVermont TransitVermont Transit has several buses from various points arriving daily in White River Junction, VT., with connections to the Dartmouth campus. Call for information.
 (800) 642-3133(800) 451-3292Web site
 Dartmouth CoachDartmouth Coach offers daily service between the Dartmouth campus and Boston's South Station and Logan Airport and occasional service between Dartmouth and the Manchester, NH, airport.
 Dartmouth Coach now offers reservation-based bus service from Lebanon and Hanover to Stamford, CT (Greyhound Bus Station) and New York City (Yale Club). This service is open to everyone. Operating five round-trips per week, passengers will travel aboard a luxury custom motorcoach equipped with 28 executive seats, a conference area, WiFi onboard, and satellite radio. Call for information.
 (603) 448-2800(800) 637-0123Web siteAdvance TransitAdvance Transit serves the Upper Valley region of New Hampshire and Vermont. Rides are free on all Advance Transit bus routes.
 (802) 295-1824Web siteUpper Valley ShuttleUpper Valley Shuttle has scheduled airport transportation shuttle service from several convenient Upper Valley locations to Manchester Airport (MHT).
 (603) 298-7989Web site
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