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How to become CEO--Jeffery J.Fox

1 Always Take the Job That offers the most money

2 Avoid staff jobs, seek line jobs

3 Donnot Expect the Personnel Department to Plan your career

4 Get and Keep Customers

5 Keep Physically Fit

6 Do Somthing Hard and Lonely

7 Never Write a Nasty Memo

8 Think for One Hour Every Day

9 Keep and Use a Special --Idea Notebook

10 Donnot Have a drink with the Gang

11 Donnot Smoke

12 Skip All office parties

13 Friday is How Ya'Doin'? Day

14 Make Allies of Your Peers' Suordinates

15 Know Everybody by Their First name

16 Organize One-line Good-job Tours

17 Make One more call

18 Arrive Forty-five minutes Early and Leave Fifteen Minutes Late

19 Donnot take work home from the office

20 Earn Your --Invitation Credentials

21 Aviod Superiors When you travel

22 Eat in your hotel room

23Work, Donnot Read Paperbacks, on the Airplane

24 Keep a --People File

25 Send Handwritten Notes

26 Donnot Get Buddy-Buddy with your superiors

27 Donnot Hide an Elephant

28 Be visible: Practice WACADAD/ Words are cheap and dees are dear.

29 Aways Take Vacations

30 Always Say Yes to a Senior Executive Request

31 Never Surprise your boss

32 Make Your boss look good, and your boss'boss look better

33Never let a good boss make a mistake

34 Go to the library one day a month

35 Add One Big New Thing to your life each year

36 Study these books

Obvious Adams/ Acres of Diamonds/ The Bible/ The art of War/ The Book of five Rings/ On War/ The Prince/ Bartlett's Familiar Quotations/ Webster's Third Unabridged Dictionary/ The Forbes Book of Business Quotations/ The Complete Works of Shakespeare/ On Advertising/ The Sun Also Rises/ The Elements of Style/ Huckleberry Finn/ Anything by Thomas Jefferson

37 Dress for a dance

38 Overinvest in People

39 Overpay Your People

40 Stop, Look, and listen

41 Be a flay-waving company Patriot

42 Find and Fill the ' Data Gaps'

43 Homework, Homework, Homework

44 Never Panic...Or Lose Your Temper

45 Learn to Speak and Write in Plain English

46 Treat all people as special

47 Be a credit maker, Not a credit taker

48 Give Informal Surprise Bonuses

49 Please, Be polite with Everyone

50 Ten Things to Say that make people feel good
 Please/ Thank you --20 times a day/ You remember Larry Kessler in our Accounts Payable department--A introduction of someone to a superior/ That was a first-class job you did./ I appreciate your effort./ I hear nothing but good words about you./ I am glad you are on the team. /I need your help./ You certainly earned and deserve this./ Congratulations.
!!!!! 反正當大人就是不許說實話,要練習非常真誠滴把假話說成掏心窩兒子滴鬼話,什麽世道!!這一點美國人日本人做的比中國人好!!!學習!!!!!!!

51The Glory and the Glamour Come after the Gruntwork

52 Tinker,Tailor,Try

53 Haste Makes Waste

54 Pour the Coals to a good thing

55Put the Importance on the bright idea,Not the source of the idea

56 Stay out of office politics

57 Look Sharp and be sharp

58 Emulate, study and cherish the Great Boss

59 Donnot Go Over Budget

60 Never Underestimate an Opponent

61Assassinate the Character Assassin with a Single Phrase

Mark Twain

Advice to Youth
Truth is not hard to kill
A lie well told is immoral

62Become a member of the --Should not Have Club

63 The Concept Does not Have to Be Perfect, but the Execution of it DOES

64 Record and collect your mistakes with Care and pride

65 Live for today, Play for tomorrow, Forget about yesterday

66 Have fun, laugh

67 Treat Your family as your Number One Client

68 No Goals, No Glory

69Always Remember Your Suordinates' Spouses

70 See the job through the salespeople's eyes

71 Be a Very Tough --Heller Seller

72 Donnot Be an Empire Builder

73 Push products, not Paper

74 To Teach is to learn and to lead

75 Do Not Get Discouraged by the idea killers



After a power breakfast they will still eat you for lunch

--------------Barbarians At the Gates

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