阿根廷慘敗於德國,在馬拉多納離場時,與阿根廷替補席後邊看台上的球迷發生衝突。老馬大罵支持德國的球迷,他的女兒Dalma趕緊把他拉走。ImmediatelyafterArgentina's4-0quarterfinallossto..."> 阿根廷慘敗於德國,在馬拉多納離場時,與阿根廷替補席後邊看台上的球迷發生衝突。老馬大罵支持德國的球迷,他的女兒Dalma趕緊把他拉走。ImmediatelyafterArgentina's4-0quarterfinallossto..." /> 老馬輸球又輸人,大罵球迷,女兒把他拉走(圖) - 博客 | 文學城




(2010-07-07 21:10:46) 下一個


Immediately after Argentina's 4-0 quarterfinal loss to Germany on Saturday, Maradona was understandably upset. And according to Argentina's Diarios y Noticias, he let a group of German fans know it. A translation of their report:

Argentina national team coach Diego Maradona had an altercation with German fans after the end of the match that marked the elimination of said team from the 2010 South Africa World Cup.

Apparently upset over post game celebrations by fans located behind the Argentinean bench, Maradona approached and scolded them, until Dalma, one of his daughters, entered the field and contained him.

It's a shame the man who has entertained us all over the last few weeks with his exuberance and delightful antics had to get involved in something like this. He would go on to say that this loss was "the most disappointing moment in my life" which shows just how devastated he must have been as he walked off the pitch and saw German fans in red and yellow wigs partying like it's Oktoberfest in July right behind him. A sad end for the most interesting man of the tournament. Or anywhere else.

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