The Wall Street Journey

他們陷入了苦難:在賭場上失去了全部財產;他們隻能在橋下棲身,隻能靠行乞積攢幾個錢,盼望再進賭場翻本。但是,我們隻能看到失敗 ..

[Edward Zeng] 生日最好禮物,男子花滑首奪冠(視頻)

(2011-07-09 07:00:19) 下一個

Edward Zeng was crowned with a Gold Medal in July 8th 2011Cannon Texas Well Balanced Free Skate Pre-Preliminary. July 8th, 2011 is Edward Zeng's 10th birthday --the first double digit birthday and will live with it for a long long time. Edward Zeng got his first champion on his skating competition -- the best gift given by himself since he started skating 4 years ago as the pre_alpha public student. One year later Chris became Edward Zeng's head coach who has the same birthday as Edward's. Edward Zeng skates one hour Monday to Friday at Dr Pepper star center for one and half years already. He practiced on the public session for two years. After July 8th, 2010 Edward Zeng came back from China Edward wanted to work harder and started practicing on the Free style session which cost more but better training environments. Way to go and keep up the good job!!!

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