
15-Good News筆記

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Lesson 15   Good news


New words and expressions5

secretary        n. 秘書

nervous          adj. 精神緊張的

afford           v. 負擔得起

weak             adj. 弱的

interrupt        v. 插話,打斷


secretary[si5kri:tEri][si5kri:tri]      n. 秘書


secret[5si:krit]     n. 秘密(注意發音與secretary的不同)


nervous      adj. 精神緊張的

① adj. 神經質的,神經緊張的

She is a nervous woman. Do you see that nervous smile on her face?


He had never spoken in public, so he was very nervous.


nervous    adj. 精神緊張的(事情發生時)

worried    adj. 擔心的(為以後的事情)

upset    adj. 不安的 (對以前的事情)

irritable    adj. 易怒的,急躁的

  Our teacher is an irritable old lady. She gets angry easily.


afford  v. 負擔得起

① vt. 買得起(常與can/can’t連用)

afford sth.

I can afford the coat.

② vt. 擔負得起(損失、後果等),花得起(時間)(常與can/can’t連用)

afford money/time

I can afford the hoilday.    (有時間去)

I can afford five yuan.

I can only afford one week for the trip.

afford to do sth.

I can’t afford to be ill again.   我不能再病了。

I can afford to buy the book.

③ vt. 提供,給予

Joe afforded us a room for the night.


interrupt     v. 插話, 打斷

interrupt     v. 打斷某人的話

disturb    v. 打擾某人

Sorry to disturb you.

interruption      n. 中斷,打斷



The secretary told me that Mr. Harmsworth would see me. I felt very nervous when I went into his office. He did not look up from his desk when I entered. After I had sat down, he said that business was very bad. He told me that the firm could not afford to pay such large salaries. Twenty people had already left. I knew that my turn had come.

'Mr.Harmsworth,' I said in a weak voice.

'Don't interrupt,' he said.

Then he smiled and told me I would receive an extra thousand pounds a year!



秘書告訴我說哈姆斯沃斯先生要見我. 我走進他的辦公室, 感到非常緊張. 我進去的時候, 他連頭也沒抬. 待我坐下後, 他說生意非常不景氣. 他還告訴我, 公司支付不起這麽龐大的工資開支, 20個人已經離去. 我知道這次該輪到我了.

“哈姆斯沃斯先生, “我無力地說.

“不要打斷我的話, “他說.

然後他微笑了一下告訴我說, 我每年將得到1,000 英鎊的額外收入.



1The secretary told me that Mr. Harmsworth would see me.


What would you like to have?

John wouldn’t lend me his bicycle.

2He did not look up from his desk when I entered.

look up表示原先在埋頭幹什麽,之後抬頭看

  He looked up (from his book) when he heard a noise.

look down 往地上看(look up的反義詞)

look down upon/on sb.     瞧不起某人

I look down upon my sister.


3After I had sat down, he said that business was very bad.

Business is very good!     生意好!


4He told me that the firm could not afford to pay such large salaries.

collect salary     領薪水

pay salary     支付薪水


so的後麵加形容詞或副詞;such的後麵加名詞, 容許在該名詞前麵加修飾詞


5I knew that my turn had come.

turn      n. 輪流,輪班,(依次輪流時各自的)一次機會

My turn has come.

It is my turn.    輪到我了(口語常用形式)

When his turn came, he couldn’t speak any word.


6'Mr.Harmsworth,' I said in a weak voice.

in a … voice    用……的聲音

in a loud(大聲)/low (低聲)/weak(強調心裏不踏實)/strong(理直氣壯) voice


7Then he smiled and told me I would receive an extra thousand pounds a year!

以下幾個詞都可表示, 的意思, 注意用法 :

① an extra thousand(作名詞看)

數量+extra+名詞     再有多少 

On Sundays, I usually get some extra sleep.

Last month, he was paid an extra hundred pounds.

② two others = two other +名詞

③ two more

Give me two extra/other/more books.  再給我兩本書。

once more: 再一次

④ another three days    另外三天(隻有another 的數詞在後麵)


Key structures】 


把某人所說的話告訴另外一個人時,應該使用間接引語。間接陳述句的時態往往受引述動詞的影響。引述陳述句時最常用的動詞是saytelltell後麵必須跟表示人稱的間接賓語(tell sb.),而say後麵則可跟或不跟to+講話對象。

1、主從一致 : 主句和從句的時態一致

主句的動詞為一般現在時, 從句為任意時態

主句的動詞為一般過去時, 從句為相對應的過去時態(時態倒移)

一般現在時——> 一般過去時           現在進行時——> 過去進行時

現在完成時——> 過去完成時           將來完成時——> 過去將來完成時

一般過去時——> 過去完成時


3、隻要屬於賓語從句, 引導詞that可以省略


Special Difficulties

Nervous and Irritable

nervous       adj. 緊張不安的

  Examinations make me nervous.

irritable     adj. 易怒的

  He is such an irritable person, you can hardly speak to him.



Office, Study, Desk

office     n. 辦公室

study    n. 書房

  I often read in the study when I want peace and quiet.

desk     n. 課桌



1  We shall use the spare room in our new house as a ______ .


5  Since his illness he has been very ______ . He is always losing his temper.


Since his illness=> 自從他生了病  since +名詞)


Multiple choice questions

6  ___d___ turn is it? It's your turn.

a. Which        b. To whom                  c. Who                      d. Whose

My turn has come.(書麵語)/It is my turn.(口語)

Whose turn (is it)?/who is next?   輪到誰,誰是下一個?

10  It's your turn ___c___ .

a.It's your line          b.It's your row          c.You're next              d.It's your chance

It's your turn. You're next.


12  The writer would receive an extra 1,000  a year. He would get 1,000 a year ___b___ .

a. less                 b. more              c. over              d. up

more可以放數詞和名詞之間, 甚至可以放在整個名詞的後麵two more eggs,once moreextraother一定放在數詞和名詞之間, another一定放在數詞前麵

over sth.    超過(多餘)什麽東西

over three years

up    adv. 往上

climb up




間接引語:如果是現在進行時在直接引語當中變成間接引語, 極有可能選用過去完成時

1.My brother____while he____his bicycle and hurt himself.

A.fell/was riding              B.feel/was riding

C.had fallen/rode              D.had fallen/was riding



2.He__ C __his leg as he_____in a football match.

A.broke/played                 B.was breaking/was playing

C.broke/was playing            D.was breaking/played

break one's leg   


3.My father will be here tomorrow.

  I thought that he__ A __today.

A.was coming             B.is coming           C.will come          D.comes   

be coming表示將要



4.Jack was going out of the shop when he collided with an old woman who__ B __.

A.come          B.was coming            C.had been coming               D.had come

collide : 相撞, 是相對概念  


5.Mike couldn't come to the telephone when Mr.Smith called her because she___C__in the lab.

A.had been working     B.has been working                C.was working              D.worked

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