
16-A polite request筆記

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Lesson 16   A polite request


New words and expressions9

park             v. 停放(汽車)

traffic          n. 交通

ticket           n. 交通違規罰款單

note             n. 便條

area             n. 地段

sign             n. 指示牌

reminder         n. 提示

fail             v. 無視,忘記

obey             v. 服從


park     v. 停放(汽車)

parking area    停車場

stop the car    車在運動中停下來


traffic     n. 交通

traffic police     交通警

traffic lights     交通燈,另義為拐彎口, 紅綠燈, 十字路口

traffic jam     交通堵塞

I spend a lot of time in traffic jam

heavy traffic    繁重的交通

I was ordered to drive in heavy traffic.   in heavy traffic    交通擁擠)

first crossing/turning     叉路口, 拐角


note     n. 便條

note   n. 紙條, 紙鈔

make notes    做筆記

message   n. 消息


area    n. 地段

area    n. 場地, 地段(一塊對方), 大地點, 小地點都可以

place   n. 地點

region    n. 地區(交戰, 開火)

In this region, there were a lot of wars.    戰火連綿


reminder     n. 提示(可以指人,也可以指物,

remind     v. 提示, 提醒

remind sb. of sth.

An older photo can remind me of my childhood.

  You remind me of your mother.

remind sb. to do sth.


fail    v. 無視, 忘記,失敗

① vi. 失敗

fail+賓語    做某事失敗

fail (in) doing sth.    在某些方麵失敗  in可省略)

He failed.

He failed (in) examination.

② vi. 不及格

I hope I haven’t failed in the French test.

③ vt. 使……不及格

The teacher said he would fail me if I don’t work harder.

④ vt. 未能……,不能……,忘記……(後接不定式)

fail to do sth.   沒有能夠做某事,忘記做……

He failed to swim across the river.

  He failed to finish his work in time.

  Don’t fail to past the letter for me.

not fail to do sth.    一定能夠某事

I can not fail to pass it.

You can not fail to drive it.    你一定能夠駕駛

If you arrived in Beijing, you cannot fail to find the New Oriental School.




If you park your car in the wrong place, a traffic policeman will soon find it. You will be very lucky if he lets you go without a ticket. However, this does not always happen. Traffic police are sometimes very polite. During a holiday in Sweden, I found this note on my car: 'sir, we welcome you to our city. This is a "No Parking" area. You will enjoy your stay here if you pay attention to our street signs. This note is only a reminder.' If you receive a request like this, you cannot fail to obey it!



一旦你把汽車停錯了地方, 交通警很快就會發現. 如果他沒給你罰單就放你走了, 算你走運. 然而, 情況並不都是這樣, 交通警有時也很客氣. 有一次在瑞典度假, 我發現我的車上有這樣一個字條 : “先生, 歡迎您光臨我們的城市. 此處是‘禁止停車’區. 如果您對我們街上的標牌稍加注意, 您在此會過得很愉快的. 謹此提請注意. “如果你收到這樣的懇求, 你是不會不遵照執行的!


1If you park your car in the wrong place, a traffic policeman will soon find it.


  One can never know what will happen tomorrow.  


  If you make a journey around the world, you’ll see many beauty spots.


in the wrong place    不合適的地方

wrong    adj. 不合適的,  right    adj. 合適的

He is the right person who you are looking for.

They met(A met B)in the wrong place at the wrong time.

You met the wrong person in the wrong place at the wrong time.


2You will be very lucky if he lets you go without a ticket.

let (sb.) go     放開,釋放,使自由,讓(某人)去

  The man won’t let go (of) my arm.    那人抓住我的胳膊不放。

  He is very angry now. He won’t let you go easily.

without a ticket=without giving you a ticket

If 引導的叫條件句, without後麵的名詞也叫條件

without+n.   如果沒有……

Without water,fish cannot live.


3However, this does not always happen.

however=but  然而,however常常放在句首或句子中都可以,but習慣放在兩個句子之間;but轉折性語義比較強,however轉折語義比較弱


4During a holiday in Sweden, I found this note on my car: 'sir, we welcome you to our city. This is a "No Parking" area. You will enjoy your stay here if you pay attention to our street signs. This note is only a reminder.'

on my car    指車的外麵

welcome sb. to+地點     歡迎某人來某地

enjoy     v. 享受

I have enjoyed my stay here.    我已經在這兒很快樂了

Enjoy your stay here.    祝你玩得開心

only a reminder==not a ticket

No Parking”在句中作area的定語,由若幹個詞合成的詞組型定語有:

  a never-to-be-forgotten day    一個永遠也不能忘掉的日子

  a well-to-do family    一個富裕的家庭


Key structures】 

條件句(Conditional sentences


If he is sleeping,don't wake him up.


  You can post these letters if you want to.

  If it’s fine tomorrow, we can/may go out.

  Please let me know if you cant’t come.


Exercises C

5  If he ______ (enjoy) concerts, why doesn't he come with us?

5.enjoys, why doesn't跟第三人稱連用, 是一種建議; why not連在一起表示建議


Special Difficulties

Police and Traffic Police

traffic police   交通警

police    n. 警察

① n. 警察部門,警方(與the連用)

Ring the police if there is a burglary.   如果發生入戶盜竊就給警方打電話。


The police are questioning a foreign tourist.   警察們正在盤問一名外國遊客。


There is a traffic policeman over there. You can ask him the way to the station.


Pay attention to,Care,Take care of,Look after

pay attention to    (思想上)注意

pay attention (to sth.)    注意……

notice    (眼睛上的)注意

care    關心, 在意

I don't care.    我不在乎。

Who cares      我不在乎(誰在乎!)

I don’t care if he breaks his neck!    他就是折斷頸骨,我也不在乎!

take care of==look after    照顧, 照料

  Please take care of/look after the children for me when I am out.


Remind and Remember

remind    v. 提醒

remind sb. of sth., remind sb. to do sth.

    I reminded him to post my letter.

remember   v. 記起, 記得

Do you remember?    你想起來了嗎?  remember sth.

Remember?    記得嗎?(可以單獨用)

remember to do sth.    記得要去做……

Remember to send the letter.

remember doing sth.    記得已經做了

I remembered sending the letter.

remember sb. to sb.   前者向後者表示問候

Remember me to your mother.  代我向你母親問好


Exercise (選擇正確的詞)

1  You can only learn if you(look after)(pay attention).

隻有當你注意的時候, 你才會學到東西.

pay attention


Multiple choice questions

1  Traffic police are ___a___ .

a. occasionally very polite                  b. never very polite

c. always very polite                        d. seldom very polite

seldom =hardly   很少(否定意思),相當於 “not”

occasionally=sometimes    偶爾

hardly    幾乎不(否定意思)

I'hardly went there.


6No Parkingmeans ___a___ .

a. don't leave your car here          b. without parking

c. don't stop                                      d. there's no room to park here

park    v. 停放(側重放)

stop    v. 讓運動中的東西停下來

leave    v. 離開, 留下來, 丟在某地(一定要加賓語和地點)

leave sth. here

 I left keys at home. 

  I left my wallet in the taxi.


7  This note is only a reminder. It's ___d___ .

a. nothing              b. no one            c. nothing extra           d. nothing more

nothing是不定代詞,不定代詞的修飾詞, 要放在不定代詞的後麵

 anything important    重要的事情

 It is nothing.    他什麽都不是.

extra做定語時,一定要放在被修飾詞前麵,如one extra thousand;而more可以放在被修飾詞前麵或後麵,如two more.../...more

 nothing extra : ×   ; nothing more :

9  You will enjoy your stay. It will ___d___ you.

a.amus                  b.enjoy              c.laugh at                 d.please


laugh at(sb.)     嘲笑某人  ([ lB:fEt ])

amuse(sb.)     讓某人笑出來

please(sb.)   讓某人高興; 取悅


 be worried about     為……擔心

 I am worried about my house.

  My house worries me. 我的房子讓我擔心.

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