
如何使用there is/are句型

(2010-03-05 11:35:05) 下一個

Writer’s NOTE: 

       Review of There is and There Are

The expressions表達 there is and there are come at the beginning

of a sentence to show that something exists存在 in a certain確定的



Follow there is with a singular單一的 noun.

Follow there are with a plural複數的noun.

You must use the word there in this kind of sentence.

Writers often use there is and there are with a place phrase短語


Look at the following examples.


Incorrect:         There is ten people in my office.

Correct:           There are ten people in my office.


Incorrect:         Is a cat in the room.

Correct:           There is a cat in the room.


Incorrect:         Are apples on the table.

Correct:           There are apples on the table.


Incorrect:         A concert音樂會at the university tomorrow.

Correct:           There is a concert at the university tomorrow.


Writer’s NOTE:  p.22

Using Supporting支持的Ideas with

There is / There are Sentence


Sometimes a simple paragraph begins with a There is/There are

sentence. This sentence tells the reader that something exists.存在

A good paragraph also contains sentences that are related有關係的

to the topic or idea in the first sentence.


Example paragraph:

There is a huge map of the world on the wall in our classroom. The

water areas are light blue. All of the oceans, seas, and lakes are light

blue. The land areas are various不同的colors. The countries are red,

yellow, green, blue, and tan茶色、棕褐色Heavy black dots圓點are

the capital cities. This map is so big that students in the back of the

room can see all of country names.


  1. The first sentence begins with There is… It tells the reader about a map.

  2. The second sentence describes a part of the map. (water areas)

  3. The third sentence describes a part of the map. (examples of water areas)

  4. The fourth sentence describes a part of the map. (land areas)

  5. The fifth sentence describes a part of the map. (examples of land areas)

  6. The  sixth sentence describes a part of the map. (capital cities)

  7. The last sentence talks about how big the map is and

        how all the students can see it.

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