
5-No wrong numbers筆記

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Lesson 5 .  No wrong numbers

New words and expressions7 

pigeon         n. 鴿子

message        n. 信息

cover          v. 越過

distance       n. 距離

request        n. 要求,請求

spare part     備件

service        n. 業務,服務

pigeon    n. 鴿子

It's not my pigeon. None of my business.   不關我的事。

message    n. (口頭或書麵的)信息

Here is a message for you from your sister.

an oral/written message    口信/便條

leave sb. a message    給……留便條

I'll leave you a message.

take a message for sb.   替某人捎口信

Can I take a message for you?     我能替你捎個口信嗎?

Can you take a message for me?    你能替我捎個口信嗎?

take a message to sb.    給某人口信

打電話 :

Hello!--àMay I have a word with Tom ?/May I speak with/to Tom?

--àCan you take a message for me?

information   n. 信息(不可數)

messenger   n. 送信人,信使

cover    v. 越過;覆蓋

vt. 蓋,覆蓋

Snow covered the whole village.

She covered the child with a coat.   她給孩子蓋了件外衣。

vt. 行過(一段距離),走過(通常不用被動語態)

cover+距離    越過……   

You can cover the distance to the museum in ten minutes.

n. 覆蓋物,蓋子,罩子,套子

Put a cover on the box!

distance    n. 距離     

keep distance   保持距離

distant    adj.遠距離的

Can I share this table?

Can I join you?

importance  n. 重要    important  adj. 重要的

difference  n. 不同      different  adj. 不同的

request     n. 要求, 請求

① n.

request for    對……有請求, 有需求

I have a request for the cake.

He granted my request for more time.   他同意了我延長時間的請求。

She sent a request for help to Gary.   她向加裏請求幫助。

② v. 要求, 請求

request sb.to do sth. ask sb.to do sth.  要求某人做……

require sb.to do sth.   要求某人做……

You are required/asked to do sth.    (對人要求習慣用被動語態)

spare   adj. 備用的

vt. 抽出(時間等),讓給

Have you got five minutes to spare?

I cannot spare the time.

I have no time to spare.

vt. 饒恕,赦免

The robbers spared his life.

‘Share me !’begged the prisoner.

adj. 多餘的,空閑的,剩下的,備用的

You can sleep in the spare bedroom.

Where can I get spare parts for this machine?

I have no spare time now.

‘Have you any old clothes that you do not want?’ he asked.

=‘Have you any old clothes to spare?’he asked.

service    n. 業務, 服務


  The service in that hotel is quite good.

  You have done me a great service.

service既可以指公用事業的業務,如:the mail service(郵政業務)、the telephone service(電話業務);也可指辦這些業務的機構,如:a travel service(旅行社)、a news service(通訊社)。

At your service. = Glad to be at your service. = I am glad to be at your service.


serve    v. 服務, 接待

——Thank you.

——You are welcome.(下次又需要再來找我)/Not at all.(根本完全不用謝)/That's (all)right./That's ok.(絕對正確, 絕對過時)/(It's) My pleasure.(我很高興這麽做, 把自己放得很低, 把對方抬得很高)

Thank you for your listening.在講課, 演講結束時說, 即感謝大家的合作的概念(應以鼓掌回應)

情急之下, 可用No thanks.回答

——Sorry.  ——No sorry.


Mr.James Scott has a garage in Silbury and now he has just bought another garage in Pinhurst. Pinhurst is only five miles from Silbury, but Mr. Scott cannot get a telephone for his new garage, so he has just bought twelve pigeons. Yesterday, a pigeon carried the first message from Pinhurst to Silbury. The bird covered the distance in three minutes. Up to now, Mr.Scott has sent a great many requests for spare parts and other urgent messages from one garage to the other. In this way, he has begun his own private 'telephone' service.


詹姆斯.斯科特先生在錫爾伯裏有一個汽車修理部, 現在他剛在平赫斯特買了另一個汽車修理部. 平赫特離錫爾伯裏隻有5英裏, 但詹姆斯.斯科特先生未能為他新的汽車修理部搞到一部電話機, 所以他買了隻鴿子. 昨天, 一隻鴿子把第一封信從平赫特帶到錫爾伯裏. 這隻鳥隻用了3分鍾就飛完了全程. 到目前為止, 斯科特先生從一個汽車修理部向另一個發送了大量索取備件的信件和其他緊急函件. 就這樣, 他開始自己的私人電話業務.


1Mr.James Scott has a garage in Silbury and now he has just bought another garage in Pinhurst.

garage[5^ArB:V, -rIdV; (?@) ^E5rB:V]    n. 車庫, 車行(英美讀音不同)

another(+單數名詞)  其它的很多個中的一個,

Can you show me another?

other(+名詞)   adj.其它的(可加單/複數名詞)

the other    兩個之中的另外一個   

one…the other…    一個……另一個……

One is watering the flowers, and the other is reading.

others(不用再加名詞)= other + 名詞複數

Some boys are playing football, and others are rowing/(going boating).

2Pinhurst is only five miles from Silbury, but Mr. Scott cannot get a telephone for his new garage, so he has just bought twelve pigeons.


It is far (away) from here.

Bus stop is only one mile from school/here.

Bus stop is only one mile (away).

  She has been away from home for 5 days now.

How far...?   多遠(對距離提問)

How far(away) is the bus stop?

How far is your home(from here)?

My home is ten miles away from here.

get a telephone    得到電話, 安裝電話

3Yesterday, a pigeon carried the first message from Pinhurst to Silbury.

carry    v. 帶著, 攜帶(其強調所攜帶的東西不會著地)

I carried my son. (背或抱著)

I carry the bag.

take    v. 帶著

I take my sister to the cinema.


He looked at the girl from head to foot.

The news spread from house to house.    家家戶戶都得知了這條消息。

4The bird covered the distance in three minutes.

cover the distance    飛過那段距離

5Up to now, Mr.Scott has sent a great many requests for spare parts and other urgent messages from one garage to the other.

up to now =up till now   到目前為止,到現在為止(作時間狀語,時態多用現在完成時,相當於until/till now)

  Up to now, he has not been very hard-working.

request for    對……的需求

a great many(+可數名詞複數)    許多……

a great many可以做形容詞短語:

A great many trees were destroyed in the storm.


  He has read a great many of the books in this room.

a great number of(+可數名詞複數)   許多……

urgent    adj. 緊急的   

something urgent    緊急的事情

Key structures】 



一般過去時與現在完成時的共同點:動作在過去都做過了;區別:過去式隻能強調過去的事, 和現在沒有任何關係.

I ate a piece of bread.

現在完成時, 強調過去的事情對現在產生的影響.

I have eaten a piece of bread this morning. I'm not hungry.

The clock stopped.   陳述事實

The clock has stopped.   過去的事實對現在造成影響

It snowed yesterday.

It has snowed yesterday.   強調對現在造成影響


Special Difficulties


in the way  按照,以……方式

Do your work in the way I have shown you.   按我給你示範的方法來做你的工作。

I do the work in the way you showed me.

I fly the kite in the way you showed me.

in the/one’s way    擋路;妨礙(某人)

Sorry, you are in the way.(在口語中很少用, 一般直接用Excuse me.就可以了)

  Don’t stand in the way. I can’t see the blackboard.

in this way    這樣,以這種方式

  He saves old envelopes. In this way, he has collected a great many stamps.

in a way    從某種意義上來說,在某種程度上

In a way, you are kind.

in a friendly way    用友好的方式

in the family way    懷孕了, 快有小孩了(have a baby)

The woman is in the family way.

by the way    隨便說一聲, 隨便問一下(插入語,改變話題時用)

  By the way, have you seen Harry recently?

on the/one’s way(to)    在去……的途中(陳述句) :

on the way to school/the officeon the way home

out of the way    讓路 

Get out of the way!    你給我滾出去!

get one's own way    隨心所欲 (at one’s pleasure)

  Children get their own way during the holidays.

關於係動詞 : 一般來說, be become 一定不單獨使用, 往往要在後麵加上表語, 我們稱它為係動詞.

但另外還有一些係動詞同時又是不及物的實義動詞, 常見的有 : seem, look, appear, sound, taste, feel, smell, stay, remain, keep, grow, turn, go, run, get, prove, stand, 這些詞有的語法書上稱為半聯係動詞.

Multiple choice questions

4  Mr. Scott cannot get a telephone for his garage. ___b___ he has just bought twelve pigeons.

a. That's so      b. That's why        c. Because       d. For

so表示前麵是原因, 後麵是結果

That's why+從句    那就是……原因, 前者是原因, 後者why後麵是結果was caught in the traffic jam. That's why I was late.

That's後麵的表語從句常常用特殊疑問詞引導, 再加一個句子

That's when we can start class.

That's where we will have a meeting.

That's how I get to school.

8  Mr. Scott has a garage in Silbury. His ___b___ garage is in Pinhurst.

a. another             b. other      c. else              d. different

在語法上, 冠詞(an/a)、形容詞性物主代詞(his/my/your)、名詞所有格(my mother's)不能同時並存的, 一般要用隻能用其中一個

another=an +other    另外一個,強調的是剩下的還有好幾個當中的一個, 強調的是有三個以上

other   其它的, 加單數就表示一個, his取代the的位置

語法的範圍正在放寬鬆, his another 也對, 但不太好

else   其他的,放在被修飾詞的後麵, 會修飾兩種詞, 疑問詞和不定代詞

修飾疑問代詞: who else,…

What else can I do for you?

修飾不定代詞:anyone else, anything else























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