Yesterday, there was a discussion about Indians in this forum, since I couldn抰 read Chinese at work, so I didn抰 joint the conversation.
I do know quite a few Indians. You just can抰 avoid them, if you are working in the IT field. One of my good friends, Aaron is a half Indian; Aaron抯 dad came from India, became a Medical doctor, and married his American nurse. Aaron is a software developer. I worked with him nine years ago. He doesn抰 act any different from a regular American, but he claims himself as an Indian. He enjoys eating Indian food, and knows lots of Indian culture. He told me that from an Indian抯 last name, one could tell what class this person come from in their motherland. The longer the last name is, the higher class this person came from. Aaron抯 father came from the first class, but his dad translated his last name into an English last name, so we can抰 see the long length of his last name.
Aaron also told me that most traditional Indian young lady who born in U.S. prefers to marry an Indian guy. He married to an American woman though. He was very surprised when he first knew that I engaged to an American guy (now, my husband). He keep told my husband that he is a lucky guy to marry me. He might be just being polite.
In my previous job, that was 7 years ago, I worked with whole bunch of Indians. Almost the entire database team, and a large portion of the testing team were Indians. It seems to me that they like to hang along with their own people, but most of them were pretty nice to me. A couple of the Indian guys who work in the DB team were quite smart. They knew the system very well, and they were friendly enough to give me some help when it came to the Pro*C problem (I was in the developer team). There was an Indian girl who worked in the testing team like to hang out with me, we went out to lunch often. Most of her topic was how to lose weigh and exercise; even she was very fit, while I was (still am) a bit overweight.
In my current job, there are many Indian software engineers in our company, but none of them works in my department. I did encountered several Indian ladies when I took some technical training class (Learning Tree class, pretty expensive, but pay be the company). And had pleasant conversations with them before. I was amused to find out that in all the training class, the female students were either Chinese, or Indians. I don抰 know if that was coincident.
Last year, I went to Canada with my family. While my daughter and I were taking pictures on the CN Tower, there was an Indian lady came over, and asked to take a picture with me. I never figure out why she wanted to take a picture with me, maybe she thought that I was a celebrity (just kidding). Or maybe, she thought seeing a tall and little overweight mid-age Chinese woman was unusual. Since she took my picture, I ask my daughter to take a picture for her and me also, just wanted to be fair. That is where my first picture came from.
On the second picture that I post, you can see many Indian ladies; they are either my co-worker, or my co-workers