
趣聞:毛新宇擬在他媽的大學建立“毛澤東思想係” 2008-11-20 23:31:00 作者: 雲兒 "好主意!" 2008-11-21 06:25:10 [點擊:9] 誰說應用型的職業學校,不宜開設毛澤東思想係?實在是鼠目寸光,沒有商

加州,Pay more taxes?

(2010-09-05 10:29:40) 下一個
Pay more taxes? -- 柏克萊文化


September 02, 2010 09:00 AM | 2011 觀看次數 | 21 21 評論推薦: | 電郵給朋友 | 打印

柏克萊加大開課,今年大一新生4200人,轉學新生2200人,研究院新生2800人,全部新生加起來差不多達到一萬人,為了向新生提供指導,校方提供不 少資訊,包括校長寫給全校師生、有如施政報告的長篇信件。不過,校方資訊無論如何詳盡和開誠布公,始終是官樣文章,離不開建製的調子,反而一些有心師生所 寫的非官方資訊,更為精采,更能反映出柏克萊的文化。

例如由不署名師生所寫的一份「反新生指導」(disorientation guide),就非常吸引。這份派給全部新生的文件,一開頭就說,校方新生指導不會說的話,例如性與種族歧視、經費被削與學生抗議、以及柏大與BP(在墨 西哥灣造成世紀災難的石油公司)的曖昩關係等,這份文件都會一一揭露,讓學生知道柏大的真實情況。這份文件還呼籲學生就柏大的問題采取行動,並且列出整個 學期的抗議活動和舉行日期,包括10月7日在校園舉行的大規模學生抗議教育經費被削的行動。




但 是到了約30年前,亦即柏大新生的父母那一代的加州人,開始興起反稅之心,他們說∶「我的子女已完成學業,還要我繳稅,那不是白繳,於我何益?」於是,從 那時起,加州稅收大減,祖父母那一代的承諾變成了詛咒,教育經費不斷削減,公校撥款排名跌至全國墊底,校舍教室破爛失修,公立大學不斷漲學費,大學生連必 修科都選不到。「柏大可能仍是全球最佳公立大學,但已經開始衰落。」



Michael O\'Hara, addresses his students in an Open Letter to them in the Berkeley Blog; the UC Berkeley Professor of Public Policy tells the UC Berkeley students they\'ve been cheated out of a good education by the state\'s bureaucratic system that has denied appropriate funding to colleges and universities.

O\'Hara blasts the effects of Proposition 13 thirty years ago when Californians decided by their votes to not worry about the future education of other people\'s children. Thus, teachers were paid less and less, trained less and less well and school programs have been reduced ever since gradiently and now most significantly.

But it\'s the parents also that get some of the heat. parents who took a hike are referred to by O\'Hara and he seems to be referring to the fact that with both parents working, life being very difficult for all, the schools are left with the training and education of children, rather than the parents being partners with the teachers in the process. Volunteering and supporting what the teachers alone cannot provide, like discipline in studies and development of attitudes that serve the student in their participation in a public education.

Another group that gets O\'Hara\'s attention, those who have come through the University of California Berkeley who have succeeded as a result of the education that is possible at the University of California, Berkeley and yet they have not taken on the pay it forward attitude of previous generations. These people who have benefited from the premium education have not looked to how they can contribute as others have contributed to the education they found available now suffering under budget crisis after budget crisis.
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