

(2008-11-14 12:41:40) 下一個


有人曾問過我為什麽要在家裝監測器,是否覺得沒安全感?No. That’s not the purpose I did so. To play with high tech toys is my hobby. Just like I said before, 有時間,有精力,窮折騰. 在此聲明,我買東西的原則是,不買最好的. 買便宜的, on sale items.

話說回來,有次在circuitcity 看到有賣wireless home security system (example like this: http://www.amazon.com/Wireless-Security-Resolution-Pinhole-Surveillance/dp/B001GIIRDM/ref=sr_1_15?ie=UTF8&s=miscellaneous&qid=1226683735&sr=8-15 I can not find the link from circuitcity anymore.)
. It’s pretty cool. 無需連線. 作為聖誕小禮物犒勞自己,價錢也可接受. 家裏已被我整得天羅地網了. 不能再加明線了.想到就實現.立馬上網看指標, 看介紹. 這一看就發現了問題. 它隻能看,不能錄. 隻有一個輸出口。這一方案隻有否決。這東西過心之後就不容易忘了。過了一兩天有在costco看到了帶錄像功能的, DVR 250GB。$300. (similar like this: http://www.tigerdirect.ca/applications/searchtools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=3810051&SRCCODE=CANEM500&cm_mmc=RSS-_-TigerDirectCA-_-Category-_-MainFeed) 頭腦一發熱就買了下來。裝在家裏。用了幾天,感覺不盡如人意。這DVR records a big file recursively. My configuration was set as low resolution and low rate to record the picture in order to save space. It could records more than 4 month data in 250GB DVR. A big file!!. It would take me long time to find the right date and time if I want to find a few minutes event. 而且每次都要連到計算機上才能看到結果。 一句話,不方便。於是將監測頭從屋內恒溫恒濕的溫室踢到屋外冰天雪地的大世界去經曆風雨。

家裏有個計算機錄電視, 可否發揚利人利己之雷鋒精神兼監視家裏?有想法就會找辦法。在amazon發現了用計算機as DVR to record the video. 需買一個轉換卡。Pretty neat idea. 當發現amazon was on sale the item with one security camera. I made the order. $100 total. ( http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0007OKRIY ) . 把卡插入PC, download driver from company’s webpage. (the driver I got was not work for Vista). 一番折騰, 結果不錯。I set it as move triggered. No action, no video. 通常隻有下課下班有人時才開始錄。一小時的video is 34MB. 哦,我還是low rate/low resolution for the configuration. One trigger record one file with date/time stapled. Easy to review and search. You can also review the activities from internet. Oh, I love it. I bought another wireless camera to connect it (cost $67 on amazon). Wireless is cool. It does not need any wire except a cable to power source. However, wireless is not reliable. It can be interrupted from time to time. It uses 2.4 GH base frequency. The same as one of my cordless telephone. Also any electrical spur would make the video screen shake. The good side is it can be place to anywhere. 可移動性是它的優點。
總結一下,自從有了監測器, 鄰居家的室外活動都備案在錄。解釋一下。我買的紅外監視頭不是fisheyed. 隻能看自家園內一小部分。而鄰家遠景則一覽無遺。周圍鄰居也是中國人。有時見我打招呼是,我家的菜這兩天被動物吃光了。你看到是什麽動物了嗎?天地良心,我真是很少看監視外麵的錄像。不方便。 家裏連到計算機上的時常看。老公向我表功時常說,我一直在做某事。不信你看錄像。女兒也會辨解說我一直沒做某事。不信你看錄像。
好了,清鬆一下。請看一斷錄像。題目是“乒乓進行曲”副標題是”crazy ping pong player”. 是用計算機錄的。笑過不是很好。

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