

(2008-11-13 18:48:05) 下一個
以前不理解戀網是如何煉成的。看到哭喊發誓要戒網的還挺不明白。自從決定要重新裝修主窩,發了一問題貼被置頂。還收到許多回帖和建議。 初嚐甜頭,則一發而不可收拾。又發一貼關於沙發換麵,收到幾貼捧殺貼。於是乎話尤未盡,再來一貼顯擺兼問題貼。如有反感者請多包涵。因為我也上癮了。

大家都是生活在計算機網絡年代,計算機人手一部那是肯定的。我家還有一個專用的計算機。它是用來錄電視節目和家裏的監控係統 (surveillance system)。

以前裝修地下室時,根據別人的經驗,裝修了一間entertainment center with big screen and projector. It was pretty cool. After finish my basement, my daughter liked to arrange sleepovers in my house more often. She liked to rent movies and watch with her friends. 這可能是跟男人們願聚眾觀球賽是一個道理。每當我反對時,女兒的拿手話是他們都說我家的電視屏幕最大, 地下室的設備好。當然,鬼都知道這話不能相信。

當女兒上初中時,開始有了新的要求。She wanted to buy a Tivo. 她媽追趕新科技的速度是遠遠沒女兒快。什麽是Tivo? 問女兒她也說不清。隻知是看電視需要它。這好辦。臨時上網查。這google 真是個好東西。上網查不但知道了Tivo的功能,知道了它是要月費的, 還知道了它的同類產品Hauppauge WinTV HVR-1800 Tuner Card Kit (PCI Ex), which is no monthly fee. 就是它了。說幹就幹。立刻列清單,賣材料。Here is my PC configuration:
• Genuine Windows Vista Home Premium (32-bit)
• Intel(R) Core(TM) 2 Quad processor Q6600 (2.4GHz)
• 3GB DDR2-667MHz dual channel SDRAM (2x512, 2x1GB)
• 256 XFX GeForce 8400gs video card.
• 250GB 7200 rpm SATA 3Gb/s hard drive
• LightScribe 16X max. DVD+/-R/RW SuperMulti drive
• ATSC-NTSC TV tuner with PVR, FM tuner, remote (Hauppauge WinTV HVR-1800 Tuner Card Kit )
• Logitech Cordless Desktop EX110, which includes a wireless keyboard and wireless mouse
• 5.1 speakers: Logitech Z 5500 Digital - PC Multimedia Home Theater Speaker System
• 46” LCD TV.

等材料到齊,安裝調試完,效果真不錯。錄像電視效果跟平時電視效果沒什麽區別。我用的是VGA input. If I use HDMI to DVI digital signal, it would be ever better.
在這我又要提出一個問題請大家幫忙。I try to connect the digital DVI_D(single link) output from PC video card to HDMI input on my LCD TV. The problem is My PC can not recognize my LCD TV when PC starting up. I tested with 32” Philips LCD TV and WinBook 46 LCD TV. None of them works. Only BIOS checking logo then no display at all in Philips LCD TV. However, it works with LCD monitor. Any suggestion on how to fix the issue?

話說回到計算機電視。那可真是不錯。It likes TV on demand.它非常忠實地錄下你想看的節目。Windows Media Center is pretty easy to use. It can easily skip any commercial part, fast forward, fast backward, pause, stop are work with remoter. Windows vista also provided Parental time control. I set up time restriction so my daughter can only allow to watch TV on certain date and time. She cannot complain since all her interested TV shows are recorded in the PC.
我準備在下一篇裏介紹我家的home surveillance system. 當然,如果沒人感興趣,我還是就此止住為好。
PS, 下麵是我其他兩貼的links.

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