(2008-11-27 10:59:18)
今天早晨,我還賴在被窩裏。小P穿著睡衣就鑽進媽咪的被窩,假裝自己是不會說話的啞巴,眼睛盯著我,我故意背對著他。他扳過我的背,麵向他,指手畫腳的,嘴裏發出“嗯嗯呀呀”的聲音。眼睛一直盯著我,生怕我又背過身去。我也裝做啞巴,兩個啞巴隻看臉部表情,特好玩。(心想有點RDI的味道)。等做夠了啞巴,我就開始說“Happy Thanksgiving!”小P回應一句“Happy Thanksgiving,Mummy!”我說“Happy Thanksgiving,everybody!”他也說“Happy Thanksgiving,everybody!”姐姐也湊熱鬧,鑽進我們的被窩。
我就開始給小P講thanksgiving 的由來,姐姐補充!(姐姐在他們的social study單元剛學過)。什麽Mayflower ship ; Cap cord; pilgrims ; Native America; Indians; plant (corn , squash, beans and crops);feast這個故事聽得小P雲裏霧裏的。但有一點是明確的:每年十一月的最後一個星期四是慶祝感謝人事或物的。我就給他們講媽媽要今天要感謝你們三個,因為是你們三個教會我如何去“love”!我就問姐弟倆“你們要感謝什麽?”姐姐馬上說“我要感謝dad and Harry Potter!”小P說“ Best (most) thankful is mummy in my house!”我就接著問“Why?”小P說“First you cook for me!(多麽具體!)”我提醒他第二呢?他說“You read stories for me !(還是很具體!)”“Third ,your hair is beautiful!(令我大笑!這個concrete 的兒子!)“Fourth, you smile at me!”“Fifth, you hug me!”“Sixth, you kiss me! ”“Seventh, you say ‘Good night’ And ‘Love you forever,like you for always. As long as I 'm living, my mummy you'll be!’ Oh, no, I mean‘ my little P you'll be!’”“Eighth, you give me the best presents!”“Ninth, I love you!(總算來一句抽象一點的!)”這就是我的小P!我要感恩的小P,我已經很滿意他的回答!
The Best Person In The World Is….
I think the best person in this world is my dad because I love his big huggys (hugs). I love my dad. Another reason is because he is kind (I like him better than my mom.) Many people may not think my dad is the best person in the world but to me : I love him!
These are things I know about my dad.1.Never lazy 2.Loves his garden 3.His favorite color is dark green. 4. Is generise(generous) 5.Huggerble(hugable?) 6.Is 39 or something close to that years old. 7. Bigger than my mom three years old 8.He works. 9. I know he likes me. I know that much about my dad “Oh, yea (yeah)! He knows everything.” ( like fixing the computer and drawing 3D stuff)
You see I love my dad very much! Do you ?