

窈窕淑女,君子好逑。_ _ _ 歡迎新斑竹

(2008-09-19 21:59:06) 下一個
關關雎鳩,Kwan-kwan go the ospreys ,
在河之洲。On the islet in the river .
窈窕淑女,The modest , retiring , virtuous , young lady : --
君子好逑。For our prince a good mate she .

參差荇菜,Here long , there short , is the duckweed ,
左右流之,To the left , to the right , borne about by the current .
窈窕淑女,The modest , retiring , virtuous , young lady : --
寤寐求之。Waking and sleeping , he sought her .
求之不得,He sought her and found her not ,
寤寐思服。And waking and sleeping he thought about her .
悠哉悠哉,Long he thought ; oh ! long and anxiously ;
輾轉反側。On his side , on his back , he turned , and back again .

參差荇菜,Here long , there short , is the duckweed ;
左右采之,On the left , on the right , we gather it .
窈窕淑女,The modest , retiring , virtuous , young lady : --
琴瑟友之。With lutes , small and large , let us give her friendly welcome .

參差荇菜,Here long , there short , is the duckweed ;
左右筆之,On the left , on the right , we cook and present it .
窈窕淑女,The modest , retiring , virtuous , young lady : --
鍾鼓樂之。With bells and drums let us show our delight in her .

From [The Book of Odes]

詩經的有兩個著名的英譯本:理雅格(James Legge)的The Book of Odes
和亞瑟·韋利(Arthur Waley)的The Book of Songs.


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