

道德經聚會主題(2)- 昔之得一者

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聚會日期: 2013 年 1 月 3 日, 12 點 (下次聚會時我們需要商定2013年的時間安排,看看是否可以每周2次)
探討內容: the mystery of totality


昔之得一者,天得一以清,地得一以寧,神得一以靈,穀得一以盈,侯王得一而以為天下正。其至之也,謂天毋已清將恐裂,謂地毋已寧將恐發,謂神毋已靈將恐歇,謂穀毋已盈將恐竭,謂侯王毋已貴以高將恐蹶。故必貴而以賤為本,必高矣而以下為基。夫是以侯王自謂孤,寡,不穀。此其賤之本輿,非也?故致數與無與。是故不欲祿祿若玉,硌硌若石 。

參照其他本(通行本 39 章):



39.1 These in the past have attained wholeness: Heaven attains wholeness with its clarity; The Earth attains wholeness with its firmness; The Spirit attains wholeness with its transcendence;
39.2 The Valley attain wholeness when filled; The Myriad Things attain wholeness in life; The Ruler attains wholeness in the correct governance of the people.
39.3 In effecting this: If Heaven lacked clarity it would be divided; If the Earth lacked firmness it would fly away; If the spirit lacked transcendence it would be exhausted;
39.4 If the valley lacked fullness it would be depleted; If the myriad things lacked life they would vanish. If the ruler lacks nobility and loftiness he will be tripped up.
39.5 Hence Nobility has lowliness as its root The High has the Low as its base.
39.6 Thus the kings call themselves "the orphan, the lowly, the unworthy." Is this not taking lowliness as the fundamental? Isn't it?
39.8 In this way you can bring about great effect without burden. Not desiring the rarity of gems Or the manyness of grains of sand.


39.1 From ancient times these have attained oneness with Tao: Heaven attained oneness and became clear. Earth attained oneness and became peaceful. Spirits attained oneness and became strong. 
39.2 Valleys attained oneness and became full. Beings attained oneness and became fertile. All are what they are by virtue of oneness. 
39.3 Heaven without clarity would fall. Earth without peace would explode. Spirits without strength would dissipate. 
39.4 Valleys without fullness would dry up. Beings without fertility would die off. Sages without wholeness would stumble and fall. 
39.5 Humility is the root of greatness. 
39.6 Those in high positions do well to think of themselves as powerless, small and unworthy. Isn't this taking humility for the root? 
39.7 Attain honour without being honoured. 
39.8 Don't shine like jade, or chime like bells. 

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