

原來去痣是如此簡單!還有Dermatologist 推薦的好東東

(2008-11-20 14:42:16) 下一個

Yesterday it’s my first time to visit a dermatologist. Nothing serious, but I want to check the mole on my back which looks a little bit bigger than the normal size. My family doctor recommended Dr. Thiegerg, who is the Best Doctors of 2006 by D magazine in Dallas area. As a new patient, I have waited up to 6 weeks to get in my first appointment. He’s practice is pretty full!

After checking, he told me that the mole is normal but he can remove it today if it bothers me. I was not prepared to remove it but it is not a bad idea as I don’t like it that much. So I told him yes. The procedure is pretty simple and quick. A small dose of anesthetic was injected under the mole. After that, he used an easer (I feel it is a knife but did not get chance looking it closely) remove the mole, then the wound was sealed by bandage.

The whole process was less then 5 minutes and there is no pain even I do see a few bloody cotton balls on his tray. He advised to keep the wound dry for 24 hours, after which I may bath or shower as usual. After the first day, remove bandage and begin cleaning the wound once a day. After cleaning, apply Polysporin Ointment. He gives me some samples of antibiotic so I don’t need to buy it from drugstore for such a small amount of usage.

He also examined the brown spots on my face and told me that it is sunspot. I am not an actively outdoor person but my lighter skin less defenses against sun exposure. The best treatment for sun spots is prevention. The key to preventing sunspots is sun avoidance and daily sunscreen use. For example, he said, you won’t find spots on your inner thigh because of minimal or no sun exposure. However, for most of us, it is too late for prevention, and there are a number of treatment options available. He issued a prescription treatment lotion for me to use 3 months ( I will report the result later). He also suggested an over-the-counter sun lotion called Aveeno Sunblock SPF55 (SPF15 or 30 is insufficient for mostly of us). For dry skin, he recommended CeraVe cream. I get both samples and I appreciated his caring.

I’m glad of the visiting. He is skilled and professional. It is not easy to find a good doctor who I like. I would recommend him if you need to see dermatologist in DFW area

Aveeno Sunblock SPF55

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