
驀然回首· 那人卻在燈火斕珊處


(2010-04-20 08:15:32) 下一個
昨天關於照片的貼我後來才看見, 可惜沒能第一時間跟大家起哄玩. 幾位網友的支持和幫助讓我挺感動的. 感謝的話我就不多說了, 記在心裏. 知道自己上網這麽長時間, 起碼沒被人當壞人, 挺知足的 :D. 將來就算離開這裏, 也可以毫無愧疚的讓後人在WXC臨江仙那塊墓碑上刻下:

上聯: “除了歲數老點, 人長得慘點, 生活貧困點, 其它做人的指標還算過得去.”
下聯: “except that she is old, ugly, and poor, she is a decent person.”
橫批: “普通好人一個”

對於照片一事, 我進行了一些深度思考.

國人頑固的以貌取人的陋習何時才能消亡呢? 你要說外國人也這樣, 人家起碼不那麽明目張膽公開場合這麽幹吧? 世界最高學府的博士, 按說也是個深受西方文明熏陶的文化人兒, 怎麽最關心的隻有照片上的外形, 年紀到底58還是62, 尺寸是B還是C呢?

二百年前的簡.愛, 一個貧窮的英國家庭教師, 喊出了代表西方人文主義精神的經典名句:

“………Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!--I have as much soul as you,--and full as much heart! And if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you. I am not talking to you now through the medium of custom, conventionalities, nor even of mortal flesh;--it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at God's feet, equal,--as we are!”

二百年後, 堂堂藤校精英, 不寫則以, 寫則通篇的是對human anatomy的露骨描述, 胸, 腿, fake不fake, voluptuous……半字不提思想, 精神, 及心靈. So low and lame and superficial and shallow. Classmates, do you understand now why my soul looks down on his soul? lol.

是時代退步了還是我們東方人就不如西方人? 西方的人文主義和平等自由就進入不到我們的血液中去? When can we forget about people’s appearance, age, color, race, sexual preference and degree, but focus on people’s inner beauty/personality and brain?

ldldld在昨天的留言中說: “那不是說, 即使(臨)長得醜+滄桑,他還是喜歡嗎?”

ld同學, 你怎麽那麽天真? zz也是人, I mean, zz也是豬, ok? 你不信換個比芙蓉姐姐長相的一半都不如的, 就算智商賽過居裏夫人, 看他還有這份閑心. lol. Not that I’m that much better then FRJJ, ok? But if zz thinks so, what can I say? :D

今天的臨江仙幸運的是搗吃5分鍾就能出門見人, 甚至偶爾有點回頭率, 62高齡了還有一顆年輕的心. 萬一我不幸生來是個醜八怪, 或者人老珠黃, 一臉滄桑+褶子, 就算再才華過人 (again, not that I think I’m pretty or talented, ok? I never consider myself a beauty and that’s why I’ve been working on 講人品), 以肚子和藤校博士為首的一些pig, 會像現在這樣見到我還能擠出張笑臉, 願意跟我做朋友嗎? 答案肯定是否定的.

悲哀~! 我為中國傳統糟鉑中的以貌取人感到悲哀!

不管有沒有用, 我都要再次呼籲, 請忘記照片, 忘記大小和美醜, 看看我們的內在美~. 順便也請同學們放心, 我是決不會向這些膚淺低俗的家夥屈服的, my mother has warned me about people like them: not trust worthy!


附: 事情的起因

說說LR那張照片   by 左右逢源/亞當撕蜜

ZZ is not surprised, at all, at the two extreme oppinions, 本來嘛,秦皇漢武還毀譽參半呢。當然嘍,LR不是秦皇漢武,zz也不是, 毛主席也不是. LR隻是個走貓步的毛豆, and in that regard, LR據說18歲就開始走秀,and she's 62 today and still walking strong(老人家自己說的), 已經走了40多年了(zz幫她算的, as she's mot mathematically sophiscated enough to perform these operations, nor was she adequately equiped physiologically with that many finders,lol)... 走了這麽多年秀,形象應該說的過去,因為走貓步的智商可能都不高,sorry, 我是說肯定都不高,但是台下的觀眾都不傻,至少不都傻。lol...

還有,別見了個大胸就叫fake, supermodel裏也有voluntuous的, 你看看人家Tara, Legend has is that she, i mean they are real, and they are spectacular.

但是我就納了悶了,怎麽那麽低分辨率的一張照片(BTW, that's another proplem we had with LR, but that's a discussion for another day),就讓人看出滄桑+褶子了呢? 我們批評(或者表揚)一個同誌,要本著實事求是的態度。而且,蘿卜青菜,各有所愛,十個手指頭伸出來還有長度短,這不奇怪。不過據zz目測, LR的兩條腿,在誤差允許範圍內,基本上還是一樣長的,you know, supermodel嘛~

BTW,那張照片是zz不小心看到的,真的是不小心看到的,覺得還不錯,就貼出來了,你要是覺得LR長得醜+滄桑,per se, zz沒意見,不過你要是覺得zz的眼光有問題,zz就要傷心了,lol...

ZZ又要travel了, 可能幾天來不了這兒了,同意zz觀點的,晚上自己給自己加個菜,不同意zz觀點的,就不要浪費糧食了, OK?lol...

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