In the universe
outside my window
An angel accompanies me
wherever I go
Wings hover over the hill
but never cast a shadow
They’re made of
my translucent, pure soul
How far can my soul travel?
The angel does not know
I stood on the mountain
crowned with a diamond circlet
Let the river flow by
without remorse
Let the wind whisper
an ancient story found in a sunken boat
A ring made before the century
with two names and platinum sparkle
That’s how far my soul can go
behind follows silent echo
The symphony plays a melody
On the ocean grows my favorite tree
People say they have seen me
in the temple of Machu Picchu
but my footprints are already
on the crystal ice of the South Pole
Don’t ask how high a bird can fly
the measurement of the galaxy is unknown
In the universe in the sky
there travels a blue angel
Together with my
translucent, pure soul

注: 龜龜們, 要海龜先得練好英文. 不會英文回去怎麽跟國人顯擺啊? 實在不行德文法文西班牙文也能充場麵. 歐洲來的同學不要生氣奧~, 誰讓英文太簡單, 一不小心成為世界語言了呢. :D
有人諷刺我不會寫英文詩, 我得試著拽兩句, 開發一下我的英文詩這片處女地. 也讓個別人見識見識什麽叫意識流~. 歡迎同學們批評修改.
what "wow"?
我得把這些話給那幾個老諷刺我的家夥看看 :D.