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來源:Fortune 500, 2009 Edition: A Tough Year at the Top



2008年5個虧損最嚴重的美國公司是:AIG,Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac,,General Motors 和 Citigroup。


Courtesy: Exxon Mobil

1. Exxon Mobil 埃克森美孚
排名: 1 (以前排名: 2)
收入 (百萬美元): 442,851.0
CEO: Rex W. Tillerson
地址: 5959 Las Colinas Blvd.
Irving, TX 75039
Phone: 972-444-1000


對埃克森美孚股東來說的兩個迫切問題,一:美國國會是否會通過一項限製和交易(cap-and-trade)法案,來限製石油利潤? 二:埃克森美孚是否應利用其310億美元現金收購規模較小的競爭對手來擴大其石油和天然氣儲量?

Courtesy: Wal-Mart

2. Wal-Mart Stores  沃爾瑪
排名: 2 (以前排名: 1)
收入 (百萬美元):  405,607.0
CEO: Michael T. Duke
地址: 702 S.W. Eighth St.
Bentonville, AR 72716
Phone: 479-273-4000

沃爾瑪雖然降到第二位,但是股東們並不介意。去年沃爾瑪股票收益高於500強的任何一個公司達到19.99%。由於信貸危機和經濟衰退,人們更愛買便宜貨。其競爭力超過Target及其它零售商。沃爾瑪的最大威脅不是經濟衰退而是來自美國國會:如果工會支持的“card check”法案通過,工會將快速進入沃爾瑪商店。

Courtesy: Chevron

3. Chevron 雪佛龍
排名: 3 (以前排名: 3)
收入 (百萬美元):   263,159.0
CEO: David J. O'Reilly
地址: 6001 Bollinger Canyon Rd.
San Ramon, CA 94583

Chevron's oil-and-gas production declined in both 2007 and 2008. CEO David O'Reilly thinks 2009 is the year to pull out all the stops to get production growing again -- spending $23 billion this year on drilling new oil fields and expanding refineries.

No, this doesn't make much sense to us either, given that energy prices have cratered. In fact, OPEC is cutting production in response to the sharp demand declines. But O'Reilly evidently knows something about the direction of oil prices that OPEC does not.

Courtesy: ConocoPhillips

4. ConocoPhillips 康菲
排名: 4 (以前排名: 5)
收入 (百萬美元):  230,764.0
CEO: James J. Mulva
地址: 600 N. Dairy Ashford Rd.
Houston, TX 77079

Timing is everything. ConocoPhillips reported a $17 billion loss last year -- most of it related to an ill-timed acquisition. (It bought natural gas producer Burlington Resources for $34 billion in 2005, back when gas prices were triple what they are today.)

But when it comes to comedic timing, CEO Jim Mulva's still got it. At a recent energy conference, Mulva told the story of an oil exec who saves a small child from a dog attack: "As he lay there bleeding, a passing journalist ran over to ask what happened. 'What a story,' he said when told of the details. 'Local hero saves child. By the way, what do you do?' 'I'm an oil company CEO,' was the answer. And the next day the headline read, 'Corporate fat cat strangles family pet.' "

Courtesy: General Electric

5. General Electric 通用電氣
排名: 5 (以前排名: 6)
收入 (百萬美元):  183,207.0
CEO: Jeffrey R. Immelt
地址: 3135 Easton Turnpike
Fairfield, CT 06828

For years, critics have complained that far from being a well-diversified conglomerate, GE was really just a financial company disguised as an industrial firm. CEO Jeff Immelt has typically brushed off such complaints, telling FORTUNE in November 2007, for instance, that he saw more opportunity than risk for GE's finance arm (which veers from business loans to real estate investments). "I like our financial hand right now," Immelt said.

Well, a year-and-a-half later, trouble in the finance unit -- which, to be fair, is still profitable -- has cost GE its triple-A credit rating as well as 70% of its stock market valuation.

Courtesy: General Motors

6. General Motors 通用汽車
排名: 6 (以前排名: 4)
收入 (百萬美元):  148,979.0
CEO: Frederick Henderson
地址: 300 Renaissance Center
Detroit, MI 48265

It will be interesting to see where GM ranks on this list next year. Will it finagle enough concessions from unions and enough bailout money from the government to continue as a leading carmaker? Or will there be a Chapter 11 filing, resulting in GE being picked apart by creditors and re-formed into a new GM with fewer brands and skimpier sales?

AP Photo/Michael Conroy

7. Ford Motor 福特汽車
排名: 7 (以前排名: 7)
收入 (百萬美元):  146,277.0
CEO: Alan R. Mulally
地址: 1 American Rd.
Dearborn, MI 48126

While GM fights for its life, Ford wants to be seen as a survivor. Ford has extracted breakthrough concessions from bondholders as well as the United Auto Workers union. (Bondholder concessions alone will save Ford some $600 million a year.)

And while it too is being battered by the recession, Ford has been adamant about not taking federal bailout money -- a stance that seems to be a winner with consumers. Ford gained market share for the fourth consecutive month in January, the first time that's happened in 14 years.

Courtesy: AT&T

8. AT&T
排名: 8 (以前排名: 10)
收入 (百萬美元):  124,028.0
CEO: Randall L. Stephenson
地址: 208 S. Akard St.
Dallas, TX 75202

You'd think that as the exclusive wireless carrier for Apple's iPhone, AT&T would be making big money on the hyper-popular device. You'd be wrong.

AT&T is kicking back a huge share of its iPhone sales to Apple -- a subsidy that cost the carrier $450 million in the fourth quarter of 2008 alone. AT&T is betting that the payoff will come when all those iPhone customers start racking up heavy Internet usage charges year after year after year.

Courtesy: Hewlett-Packard

9. Hewlett-Packard 惠普
排名: 9 (以前排名: 14)
收入 (百萬美元):  118,364.0
CEO: Mark V. Hurd
地址: 3000 Hanover St.
Palo Alto, CA 94304

Yes, HP's leap into the top 10 was aided by its funky fiscal year. HP closes its books in October, which means its 2008 revenues were shielded from the economic disaster that was last November and December.

Even so, HP's performance was impressive. Revenue and earnings rose 13% and 15% respectively, buoyed by strong demand for laptops (up 21%) and services (10%). And that latter figure doesn't even include the impact from newly acquired EDS.

Courtesy: Valero Energy

10. Valero Energy 瓦萊羅能源
排名: 10 (以前排名: 16)
收入 (百萬美元):  118,298.0
CEO: William R. Klesse
Add地址: 1 Valero Way
San Antonio, TX 78249

Remember a couple years ago, when experts blamed high gasoline prices on the fact that the U.S. hadn't built a new oil refinery since 1976? Back then Valero was practically minting money, earning upwards of $20 for every barrel of gasoline it refined.

Well, by late last year, margins had cratered, and the new concern was whether a refining glut would force some plants to close. In the fourth quarter, Valero was forced to take a $4 billion writedown on refineries it bought during flusher times, and its revenues fell 35%. So don't be surprised if Valero's stay in the top 10 is a brief one.

Photo by John R. Coughlin/CNNMoney.com

11. Bank of America Corp. 美國銀行
排名: 11 (以前排名: 9)
收入 (百萬美元):  113,106.0
CEO: Kenneth D. Lewis
地址: 100 N. Tryon St.
Charlotte, NC 28255

Now that U.S. taxpayers own a nice chunk of it, Bank of America really is America's bank. Federal bailout notwithstanding, BofA is also the nation's biggest, with $1.8 billion in assets.

The company's September decision to pick up ailing Merrill Lynch for $50 billion was celebrated as a masterstroke - until it became clear that Merrill's losses were a lot worse than anticipated. Now CEO Kenneth Lewis is trying to right the ship, keep top talent from defecting, and avoid even more government handouts.

AP Photo/Richard Drew

12. Citigroup 花旗集團
排名: 12 (以前排名: 8)
收入 (百萬美元):  112,372.0
CEO: Vikram S. Pandit
地址: 399 Park Ave.
New York, NY 10022

If the Citi never sleeps, CEO Vikram Pandit didn't get a single wink of shut-eye in 2008. Bad bets on mortgages and complex debt put the bank's survival at risk more than once last year before U.S. taxpayers footed the bill for a $45 billion bailout.

The stock fell an incredible 77% as the bank posted a 2008 loss of $27 billion after earning $3 billion in 2007. Shares fell even further in 2009 - flirting with $1 - before jumping on the news that the first two months of the year just might maybe show a profit.

Courtesy: Berkshire Hathaway

13. Berkshire Hathaway
排名: 13 (以前排名: 11)
收入 (百萬美元):  107,786.0
CEO: Warren E. Buffett
地址: 3555 Farnam St.
Omaha, NE 68131

"I did some dumb things." Boy, there's a rare bit of self-reproach from Warren Buffett.

In his annual Chairman's letter to Berkshire Hathaway investors, the Oracle of Omaha said that 2008 had some good parts...and some bad. The good? Buffett used his billions to buy pieces of General Electric and Goldman Sachs for a song.

The bad? Berkshire Hathaway's worst performance since 1965. Buffett's dumbest move, he admitted, was buying up shares of ConocoPhillips when oil prices were near their peak.

Courtesy: International Business Machines

14. International Business Machines 國際商用機器公司
排名: 14 (以前排名: 15)
收入 (百萬美元): 103,630.0
CEO: Samuel J. Palmisano
地址: 1 New Orchard Rd.
Armonk, NY 10504

In a year of bellwether blowouts, IBM held its own -- and more. The company's ongoing shift from hardware to software and services continued to pay off: IBM's profit climbed 18% in 2008, fueled by overseas growth in countries from Argentina to Vietnam. Big Blue's buying binge continued with 15 acquisitions, up from 12 in 2007. But in March, the spending spree hit a snag when the board of Sun Microsystems got cold feet and nixed IBM's $7 billon bid.

AP Photo/Paul Sakuma

15. McKesson 麥克森
排名: 15 (以前排名: 18)
收入 (百萬美元):  101,703.0
CEO: John H. Hammergren
地址: 1 Post St.
San Francisco, CA 94104

With its tiny margins, drug distribution is a hard business to get into, but it's a good one to be in when times get tough: People still need their meds, after all. That's why McKesson ended 2008 on a high note: Earnings for the final fiscal quarter of the year jumped 54%, excluding charges.

Last November, the company cleared up a few clouds that had been hanging overhead for years by settling allegations of price-fixing going back to 2001. It paid $350 million and is setting aside another $143 million in reserves to handle any future claims. Now McKesson has to deal with President Obama's plan for health care reform.

Courtesy: J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. JP摩根大通

16. J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.
排名: 16 (以前排名: 12)
收入 (百萬美元):  101,491.0
CEO: James Dimon
地址: 270 Park Ave.
New York, NY 10017

It's not often that CEOs get lauded for an annual profit decline of 64%. But Jamie Dimon of J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. has come out of the banking collapse as one of the strongest players in the industry.

He snapped up Bear Stearns for $1.5 billion in March, followed by Washington Mutual for $1.9 billion in September, and now JPM is one of the only big banks that isn't flirting with full-scale nationalization. That said, the company cut its dividend by 87% in February, which it said would save $5 billion per year.

Courtesy: Verizon Communications

17. Verizon Communications
排名: 17 (以前排名: 17)
收入 (百萬美元):  97,354.0
CEO: Ivan G. Seidenberg
地址: 140 West St.
New York, NY 10007

It was no iPhone "killer" but the Blackberry Storm did help Verizon grow its profit in 2008 as customers lined up to buy the touch-screen smartphone. Closing its $28.1 billion purchase of Alltel in January 2009 made Verizon the nation's biggest wireless company with 83.7 million customers.

The company is pushing ahead with its FIOS TV and Internet services in the hopes of making up for the continued decline in its landline business, as more users cut the cord and use only their cells.

Courtesy: Cardinal Health

18. Cardinal Health
排名: 18 (以前排名: 19)
收入 (百萬美元):  91,091.4
CEO: R. Kerry Clark
地址: 7000 Cardinal Place
Dublin, OH 43017

2008 was supposed to be a year of deck-clearing for Cardinal Health following its $35 million settlement with the SEC over alleged revenue and earnings misstatements going back to 2004.

But the drug-distribution giant continued to struggle, with earnings dropping 33% and its stock falling 40%, as the generic drug environment weakened and the announcement of two big pharma mergers raised fears that the company would lose negotiating leverage. Since then, Cardinal has confirmed that it will spin off its clinical and medical products business.

Courtesy: CVS Caremark

19. CVS Caremark
排名: 19 (以前排名: 24)
收入 (百萬美元):  87,471.9
CEO: Thomas M. Ryan
地址: 1 CVS Dr.
Woonsocket, RI 02895

It became the nation's largest drug chain after taking over Longs Drug Stores last year in a contentious $2.7 billion deal. But the hook-up helped CVS Caremark move up five spots on the 500.

A profitable year didn't come without a struggle: The company scrambled to keep customers at its pharmacy benefit management unit, and a tough economy cut into doctor visits, which meant fewer prescriptions. It didn't help that the CVS Caremark got bad press for offering suppliers paid access to its executives at its charity golf tournament last year.

Courtesy: Procter & Gamble 寶潔

20. Procter & Gamble
排名: 20 (以前排名:  23)
收入 (百萬美元):  83,503.0
CEO: Alan G. Lafley
地址: 1 Procter & Gamble Plaza
Cincinnati, OH 45202

Procter & Gamble started out 2008 with a bang: It sold off its Folgers brand, put through price increases and moved more aggressively into upscale beauty treatments when it bought hair-care brand Frederic Fekkai.

But as the economy ran out of steam, so did P&G. After a profitable fiscal year that ended in June, the company cut estimates as quarterly sales dropped. P&G is now heavily promoting value, but CEO A.G. Lafley says he's holding the fort on those price hikes. Will they stick?



美國財富500強2008Top-performing stocks

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