

Married for money...

(2009-01-19 22:49:07) 下一個
Last night I forced husband to watch movie with me.

The gold digger character screamed in TV, " I never loved you, you self cheating fool. I married you for money!"

I sighed, " Ouch! No matter how ciche the line is, it alaways hurts. The poor guy..."

He almost fell asleep already, and looked at me in half sleep, " I wouldn't give a s***. "

I stared at him as if he's a new discovered specie. "Seriously? Doesn't it always manage to be the final blow to your men's pride? Imagine if I said it to you, what you would feel?"

"Nothing. I have no money."

"Ok, how about you found out I married you for your future money?"

"I would stop working."

"... ... Ok, how about I married you for money although at that time you had nothing. But you did earn a lot of money later. After I spend a fortune of yours, you confront me and I turned around and told you I married you for money?"

"Then you should feel sorry for the gold digging woman. Ppl act like a fool easily. But it's not so easy to fool them twice. If that guy is that stupid, do you think he has the ability to earn that much of money? You can't possible think he wil just sit there doing nothing and let that woman steal all his money?"

"But if he still loves that woman?"

"Then you don't have to feel sorry for him. That's his choice."

Conclusion: Married for money is no easy job. You have to have all of these: looks, foresight, cunning, and luck. And then you have to make sure the gold you are going to dig out is worth all those talents. Affter all, you can make a lot of money already if you put all your talents to your job. And then, you have to work 24/7 around a man you don't love. It looks like a way to big gambling. My truely admiration to those who managed to suceed.

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