HenryLi (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:

真是躺著也中槍啊, 這些被感染丙肝的病人真是太冤了

(2012-08-03 11:17:16) 下一個

一個患有丙肝的心導管實驗室的技術員, 偷了給心導管插管病人用的止痛劑芬太尼, 給自己注射後,又在已經汙染了自己的丙肝病毒的注射器裏麵換上生理鹽水,再把這些注射器放回去,以後再給病人注射。

現在知道這樣感染的病人已經有 30 來個人, 還有 1100 多個病人需要進一步檢查。

除了新罕布什爾州這個醫院以為, 他以前還在其他 6 個州工作過, 是一個  traveling contract medical technician 。 現在都不知道這個家夥已經感染了多少病人了。

From Reuters Health Information

Lab Tech Charged in New Hampshire Hepatitis C Outbreak

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By Karen Brooks

(Reuters) Jul 23 - A former lab technician faces charges in connection with a hepatitis C outbreak that reportedly infected dozens of patients at a New Hampshire hospital, authorities said.

David Michael Kwiatkowski, 32, is charged with obtaining controlled substances by fraud and tampering with a consumer product, U.S. Attorney John P. Kacavas said this week.

The outbreak at the Exeter Hospital Cardiac Catheterization Unit is believed to have infected some 30 people with the disease, considered the most serious of hepatitis strains, authorities said. Hepatitis C can lead to liver cancer and cirrhosis, and kills more people each year than HIV, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

"The evidence gathered to date points irrefutably to Kwiatkowski as the source of the hepatitis C outbreak at Exeter Hospital," Kacavas said. "With his arrest, we have eliminated the menace this 'serial infector' posed to public health and safety."

Kwiatkowski, who worked in the lab until the investigation launched in May, has hepatitis C and is accused of stealing syringes of the pain medication Fentanyl intended for patients. Authorities say he would then inject himself with the drug, then replace it in the tainted syringe with saline solution, which would then be injected into the patient, Kacavas said.

The investigation included testing some 1,100 patients from as far back as October 2010 before Kwiatkowski was identified as a suspect.

"It is deeply disturbing that the alleged callous acts of one individual can have such an impact on so many innocent lives. As a result of his alleged actions, people in our community, who in many cases are the friends and neighbors of the 2,300 people who work here, now face the challenge of a potentially chronic disease," said Kevin Callahan, President and CEO of Exeter Hospital.

Kwiatkowski worked at the hospital in Exeter, New Hampshire, since April 2011 and had been diagnosed with hepatitis C for a year before that, according to a statement by the U.S. Attorney's Office in New Hampshire.

Originally from Michigan, Kwiatkowski worked as a traveling contract medical technician in six other states, which has prompted CDC officials and the U.S. Attorney's office to check into potential public health threats in those states.

Kwiatkowski was arrested on Thursday at a hospital in Massachusetts, where he was being treated for an undisclosed illness. He was expected to be taken into federal custody in New Hampshire upon his discharge from the hospital, authorities said.

The tampering charge carries a 20-year prison sentence, and the controlled substance charge carries up to four years.

Hepatitis C afflicts more than 4 million Americans. Up to 85% will develop chronic infection. Of those, 75% will get chronic liver disease, according to the National Institutes of Health.

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