
生日快樂 瑪第巴* (尼爾遜 曼德拉)

(2008-07-17 21:06:11) 下一個
我不知道世上是否還有類似的傳奇。一個人為抵抗非正義的壓迫和為國人的自由忍受27年的監禁。在獄中他沒有消沉,反而規劃了一個新國家的藍圖。從監獄中出來後他成為民選的總統。他寬恕了壓迫者,使一個國家避免了種族報複而走上了民族和解之路。他的名字激勵著無數人奔向自由平等之夢。他就是尼爾遜 曼德拉。

1988年6月11日,人們聚集在倫敦溫伯利體育場為尼爾遜 曼德拉慶祝70歲生日,盡管壽星還在遠在南非的監獄中服刑。在60個國家的六億觀眾的注視下,七萬兩千人同唱著一首歌 - ” 還尼爾遜 曼德拉自由(Free Nelson Mandela)
” 。

20年後, 2008年6月27日,人們在倫敦海德公園再次為尼爾遜 曼德拉祝壽。壽星今年90了。” 還尼爾遜 曼德拉自由” 再一次的被傳唱,為自由人尼爾遜 曼德拉而唱,為自由精神的勝利而唱。

我想琉意司漢密爾敦(Lewis Hamilton) 在27日音樂會上的簡短發言十分準確地總結了尼爾遜 曼德拉的傳奇一生” 他英勇地戰鬥過,耐心地忍受過,全麵的勝利了He fought bravely, suffered patiently and won absolutely…” 。


瑪第巴 -尼爾遜 曼德拉的部落名。在南非使用部落名代表極大的尊敬。

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MADIBA* (Nelson Mandela) 18 July 1918

I do not know whether another person has such a journey in his life. He spent 27 years in captive for fighting injustice and freedom of his fellow countrymen. He designed a new nation in the prison. He became a president. He forgave his old enemies. He changed his nation, and the world. He is Nelson Mandela,

On 11 June 1988, the world celebrated Nelson Mandela’s 70th Birthday by holding the Free Nelson Mandela Concert at the Wembley Stadium, London. At that time, the recipient was still a prisoner. 72,000 people pleaded the freedom of Nelson Mandela by singing “Free Nelson Mandela” as more than 600 million television viewers from 60 countries watched upon.

20 years later, on 27 June 2008, the world gathered in London again to celebrate Nelson Mandela’s 90th birthday. “Free Nelson Mandela” was sung again for a freed Nelson Mandela, for the victory of freedom.

I did agree with Lewis Hamilton’s speech on the concert, which accurately summarised his life: He fought bravely, suffered patiently and won absolutely…

Toady is your 90 birthday, dear Madiba, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU. I wish that you will share many more birthdays with us. Your legacy will be told and retold and retold by generations.…

FREE NELSON MANDELA (by Jerry Demmers)
Free Nelson Mandela
Free free
Free free free Nelson Mandela
Free Nelson Mandela
21 years in captivity
Shoes too small to fit his feet
His body abused, but his mind is still free
You're so blind that you cannot see
Free Nelson Mandela
Visited the causes at the AMC
Only one man in a large army
You're so blind that you cannot see
You're so deaf that you cannot hear him
Free Nelson Mandela
21 tears in captivity
You're so blind that you cannot see
You're so deaf that you cannot hear him
You're so dumb that you cannot speak
Free Nelson Mandela

Madiba – This is the name of the clan of which Mr Mandela is a member. A clan name is much more important than a surname as it refers to the ancestor from which a person is descended. It is considered very polite to use someone’s clan name.
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