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清人穿越:Yesterday Once More 昨日重現

(2012-08-03 07:37:17) 下一個



Yesterday Once More 昨日重現

        When I was young                            曾經年少懵懂時

  I'd listen to the radio                        酷愛聆聽收音機

  Waiting for my favorite songs          等最愛之歌啟

  When they played I'd sing along      隨之繞縈而唱吟

  It made me smile                             令吾微笑漫麵釋

  Those were such happy times          往昔怡悅時光憶

  And not so long ago                        恍如昨日近咫尺

  How I wondered where they'd gone 吾心惆悵何處逝

  But they're back again                     忽卻日月重歸及

  Just like a long-lost friend              恰似久未晤知己

  All the songs I loved so well         彼歌一如往昔

  Every Sha-la-la-la                         聲聲莎啦啦啦吟

  Every Wo-o-wo-o                         聲聲喔哦喔哦音

  Still shines                                    依然閃懷亮痕跡

  Every shing-a-ling-a-ling              聲聲唱啊鈴啊鈴

  That they're starting to sing           彼人伊始唱詠時

  So fine                                          如此歡暢縈耳音

  When they get to the part              唱至彼節醉心詞

  Where he's breaking her heart      他令伊腸斷心溢

  It can really make me cry            令吾潸然淚如雨

  Just like before                            皆事恰一如往昔

  It's yesterday once more               昨日重現今朝至

Shoobie do lang lang)              無比惆悵無可訴

Shoobie do lang lang)              無比惆悵無可訴

  Looking back on how it was in years gone by 回首歲月如梭逝

  And the good times that I had        吾曾擁歡樂光陰

  Makes today seem rather sad        令如今悲感如斯

  So much has changed                    方知萬事更變異

  How was it changed                     麵目全非在目曆

  It was songs of love that I would sing to then 往昔情歌最愛嗜

  And I memorize each word          字眼拳拳皆銘記

  Those old melodies                     彼昔旋律古浪跡

  Still sound so good to me             悅耳炫目勿可比

  As they melt the years away         融化歲月漫天日

  Every Sha-la-la-la                       聲聲莎啦啦啦吟

Every Wo-o-wo-o                       聲聲喔哦喔哦音

Still shines                                  歡暢朗朗依如斯

  Every shing-a-ling-a-ling            聲聲啊鈴啊鈴音

  That they're starting to sing          彼人伊始吟唱際

  So fine                                         歡暢朗朗依如斯

  All my best memories                  俱之嘉回憶

  Come back clearly to me             栩栩如生浮腦際

Some can even make me cry       令吾潸然淚如雨

Just like before                           一切恰一如往昔

It's yesterday once more              昨日重現今朝至

Every Sha-la-la-la                       聲聲莎啦啦啦吟

  Every Wo-o-wo-o                       聲聲喔哦喔哦音

  Still shines                                  依然閃懷亮痕跡

Every shing-a-ling-a-ling            聲聲啊鈴啊鈴音

That they're starting to sing         彼人伊始吟唱際

  So fine                                        歡暢朗朗依如斯

        Every Sha-la-la-la                      聲聲莎啦啦啦吟

  Every Wo-o-wo-o                      聲聲喔哦喔哦音

  Still shines                                 依然閃懷亮痕跡

  Every shing-a-ling-a-ling           聲聲啊鈴啊鈴音

  That they're starting to sing        彼人伊始吟唱際

        So fine                                       歡暢朗朗依如斯


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