

(2020-05-27 09:25:55) 下一個

太平山上的聯想    一九九六年十二月

纜車聳直地把乘客拉上, 從太平山頂看滿城燈火, 在那不停地擠湧的海水裏閃爍。半島那邊,“黃來紅去" 似有九龍追逐。燈畫掛高樓,霓虹點聖樹, 到處樂奏耶穌辰曲。東方文化, 殖民色彩,揉作一片太平時局                                                                                

話說香港回歸, "馬照跑,舞照跳,五十年不變。” 鄧先生可能多喝了幾杯黃酒,忘了他那把年紀還能活多久草民隻想知到是否泡妞照舊?今夜我也多喝了幾杯, 而且大富豪小姐似也特別溫柔。"擔心甚麼? 看看對桌的表叔, 摟著小姐開會,今夜也不會獨宿。”  “鄧先生……草民...?”  “你幹嗎要管我九七大計?  不許多問, 那要下回再續。”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Hong  Kong  In  1996   

Perpendicularly pulling the cable car up,  To the top of Mountain Peace,   Before we thought about,  The city with restless nights fell beneath.  Neon lights were being reflected by the water Of the fragrant Victoria Harbor.  Yellow head lights kept coming, Red tail lights kept leaving, Nine dragons were chasing each other. Big Santa leaning against the skyscrapers, Christmas songs surrounding over and over, "The East Is Red” penetrating into those melodies.  Western custom and Eastern culture Were melting together in this British Colony.              

"The Reversion in 1997” was counting down, “No change within 50 years!” Mr. Tang announced. "How can we trust your comrades Who have shown us no credits?”“Don’t worry, who’ll be such a fool,  Try to kill this golden goose?”













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