2016 (2)
香 江 怒 吼, 船 待 發, 壯 士 齊 召,
紮 紅 巾, 高 舉 鐵 拳, 誓 死 保 釣.
國 仇 家 恨 陳 年 賬, 倭 日 陰 謀 新 釁 挑.
別 妻 兒, 逆 風 也 起 航, 笛 長 嘯.
繞 日 艦, 險 觸 礁; 要 搶 灘, 汪 洋 跳;
戰 洶 濤 義 薄 東 海 雲 霄. 魚 臺 未 上 身 已 絕,
英 魂 有 恨 氣 難 消. 弔 毓 祥, 風 彩 用 血 染,
永 不 朽.
Fury In
Sep 20 1996
The ship was waiting for the order;
The waves were roaring in
Assembling were demonstrators on the deck,
Fists into the air and red ribbons around their heads;
Shouting: “ We will die for our territory!”
Japanese had not apologized for their invasion;
Had not paid the old debt for the devastation,
Now they did it again with willful provocation.
Farewell to their beloved.
The ship started to sail against strong wind,
furiously whistling with steam.
To avoid the Japanese battle ships,
It almost wrecked on the reef.
Trying to land on the “Fishing Platform”,
Some heroes jumped into the sea;
Struggling with roaring waves, even God could hear.
Unfortunately they got drown before landing;
With eternal regret, their souls flew up to sky.
Hero YuXiang with bloody graceful bearing,
His immortal spirit always lives in our minds!