


(2011-12-09 07:13:05) 下一個


別說我是危言聳聽,你知道今年最流行的 "lms" and "tbh"是什麽意思嗎?


"lms"是"like my status," 的縮寫。這是2011年朋友間交流彼此信息時最常用的語言。

而"tbh"則是'to be honest,' 的縮寫。這是你在發表或結束你的高論時最經常用的詞,嘿嘿!

再看看下麵文章裏對這個詞"planking" 的解釋,更會讓你跌破眼鏡。



“Bin Laden's death, Super Bowl top topics of '11 Facebook posts”

Not surprisingly, the death of Osama bin Laden was the No. 1 topic discussed on Facebook around the world this year.

But the No. 2 topic may be a bit of an upset - it was football's Green Bay Packers. Of all the status updates posted by some 800 million people, the Packs' Super Bowl XLV victory in February was discussed more than the death of Steve Jobs and the royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton, according to a memology study by Facebook's team of data scientists.

"Memology takes the pulse of this global community by comparing this year's status updates to last year's, unearthing the most popular topics and cultural trends - or memes - emerging on Facebook," data scientist Eytan Bakshy said in a blog post.

The scientists also found another emerging trend - the use of text messaging shortcuts like "lms" and "tbh" in Facebook status updates.

Short for "like my status," lms became a new way for friends to interact, he said. " 'lms and I'll post your best feature' asks friends to like a status and get a response in the comments. This catapulted 'lms' to become the fastest-growing meme of 2011."

And, he said, "tbh, or 'to be honest,' began as a way to add sincerity at the beginning or end of a statement - like 'tbh, I completely agree with you.' Tbh soon went viral. Now it's often used in conjunction with 'lms' to give honest feedback about friends - the most iconic status update for 2011 was 'lms for a tbh.' "

Perhaps mercifully, "planking" turned out to be a flash-in-the-pan meme.

"Status updates mentioning planking, where people lie face down in unusual locations, exploded in May," Bakshy said.

"That happened after Max Key, the son of New Zealand Prime Minister John Key, posted a Facebook photo of himself planking in the family lounge with his father in the background. The fad quickly lost steam, then rebounded in July when celebrities such as Tom Green, Chris Brown and Katy Perry drew more attention to it. But even they couldn't stem planking's eventual decline."

- Benny Evangelista

“The year in tweets”

It's been a busy year for Twitter, which has started to share its 2011 reflections.

Some 60 billion tweets were sent, up from 25 billion last year, and its number of users reached 100 million. Among those new to the Twitterverse were the U.S. Secret Service (@SecretService), Condoleezza Rice (@CondoleezzaRice) and Charlie Sheen (@CharlieSheen), who has since amassed nearly 5.5 million followers who want to keep up with his latest rants on tiger blood and what he's doing since his ouster from "Two and a Half Men."

Hot topics included "Pretty Little Liars" among television shows and Rebecca Black in music.
In measuring tweets per second and just how much response there was to a single event, Beyoncé's announcement at MTV's Video Music Awards that she was with child was the record breaker at nearly 9,000 tweets per second. That beat out the other top news-making events of the year, including the Japanese earthquake and tsunami (5,530), Troy Davis' execution (7,671) and Steve Jobs' resignation (7,064) and death (6,049).

- Ellen Lee

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2011/12/07/BU851M9M18.DTL#ixzz1g32EhyoN

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